This Application is a browser based Football Manager Game Application. Each user has one or more teams he can manage. He can buy and sell players from the transfermarket to strengthen his lineup. Also players can be trained from young age and later be integrated in the first teams lineup.
The users teams compete in a leauges against each other with the goal to win the championship. The leauge games will be simulated each day from 18:00 to 20:00. To make the gamesimulation more interesting users can change the team lineup, swap players and change various other settings during the game simulation.
Due to missing time this Project is currently not finished and put on hold.
- Download the zip or clone the Git repository.
- Unzip the zip file (if you downloaded one)
- Open Command Prompt and Change directory (cd) to folder containing pom.xml
- Open Eclipse File -> Import -> Existing Maven Project -> Navigate to the folder where you unzipped the zip
- Select the right project. Choose the Spring Boot Application file (search for @FussballmanagerApplication) Right Click on the file and Run as Java Application
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Backend: Java
- Frameworks: Spring-Boot with JPA and Hibernate
- Dashboard with all teams the user currently own and can manage:
- Current team lineup where the user can swap out players with drag and drop:
- League table with current standings:
- Patrick Rogg