Spoilers ahead on how (not) to do it.
I don't claim that these solutions are the most elegant ones, or that they work for all possible inputs, but they do work for mine.
There's no point in delaying the inevitable even further: I need to set up a library for parsing the most common AoC input formats.
Nothing really interesting, but always nice to see problems that can be solved in constant memory.
I guess technically this implementation is not constant memory if you don't consider the window size to be a constant, but if the window size ever gets really big you could just open the input file twice.
Again a job for try_fold(). Like on day 1 we can run both subtasks in the same run, we're thus only iterating through the data once.
Lol nested binary search, don't think I've seen that one before :D
The runtime for the second subtask is O(b * n * log n) where n is the number of lines in the input and b is the number of bits per line.
be the amount of bingo numbers drawn,b
the amount of boards, ands
the side length of a board. Then:- Runtime: O(b * n)
- Storage: O(b * s * s + n)
By far the slowest code in this repo so far, will have to revisit this one later. Right now I'm just following all lines and entering the visited positions in a
, this takes about 10ms in release mode.Update: lol just going from
to a dense array ofu8
s improves the speed by a factor of 10. I guess a dense 1MB array sometimes really is the best option. -
DP. If you squint hard enough then it kinda looks like Fibonacci so I might also try the log solution at some later point.
Ugh the rounding issues on the second subtask are so annoying.
Knowing the properties revealed in the second subtask makes the first subtask simpler. We don't have to check for local minima anymore, instead we just look for the minimum within a basin.
Both subtasks can now be solved with some kind of union-find where we keep the size and minimum of each set.
Nice, just pass in the remaining stack to the scoring function.
Weird, simply iterating over the whole field multiple times until no more changes occur is not that much slower than having a queue system of changes.
Noooooo this task is demolishing the performance of my test suite, it's taking almost half a second in debug and 13ms in release :(:(
Nope I'm not actually recognizing the characters here, instead there's a switch in the code to print out the resulting pattern after folding the paper. This means that only the first subtask is tested, I hope there's not gonna be any more tasks of this type.
You'll notice that I have completely given up on using parser libraries, it's just not worth it in these simple cases.
A* improves the speed by almost a factor 2 over plain Dijkstra.
I also tried both filling in the full 25x map as well as computing the value of a cell whenever I visit it and only storing the original map. Using more memory is faster.
deku is such a good library!
The version where I only iterate over the timesteps instead of over the x velocities times the amount of hits for this x velocity is slightly faster but the code there is hideous and I'm not completely sure if my solution there properly generalizes to other inputs.
Rust's macro_rules! is lovely :) We can construct snail numbers like this:
As for the algorithm, I can't think of anything smarter to do in the second subtask than to just iterate over all pairs, but it's just 100 entries so who cares.
Look out for the boundary when zero maps to on and 511 maps to off, because in that case the entire empty space beyond the frame should be toggling on and off (this is why only even numbers of iterations are used in the task, otherwise the count of active cells would be infinite).
When clipping the grid to a finite region, this toggling might lead to artifacts at the boundary.
Another A* task. I first missed the constraint where no amphipod can move into someone else's room, which had the effect of blowing up the release runtime from 0.08s up to "exceeding my patience".
For the first subtask using a hashset shouldn't be much faster than just sorting the array because the input is so small, but using the hashmap for the second subtask seems like a much more natural representation.
Some more nom practice. The most difficult thing about this at the moment is getting type deduction to work without a ton of boilerplate.
Another constant-ish memory solution (at least with respect to the height of the input).
Huh am I missing something? For this to be a task here I'd expect there to be a quicker way to get this logarithm than just looping, otherwise the task is not even interessting??
Just crunch the numbers, duh
Note that only in the first instruction we read from / write to an address that depends on the noun and verb. The result of this operation is overwritten in the second instruction. The end result thus doesn't depend on a memory access where the address is a function of the noun and verb.
Thanks to this insight we can consider the output to be a series of additions and multiplications of only constants and the noun and verb, which we'll call x and y respectively. Running the program is thus equivalent to evaluating a bivariate polynomial.
I further noticed that the resulting expression is linear in both x and y, without any cross terms. Subtask 2 can therefore be restated as finding the solution to a linear diophantine equation in two variables: ax + by = c. In non-degenerate cases, this equation has infinitely many solutions for x and y, but the problem statement was nice enough to further constrain the two variables. Both x and y are used as memory addresses in the first instruction, which requires them both to be non-negative and less than the length of the given Intcode program. This narrows it down to a single solution.
You could of course also just brute force the solution, there are only n^2 possible inputs where n is the length of your Intcode program, so this should take less than a second.
Here are the asymptotic runtimes, assuming that the Intcode program has the property that it evaluates to a diophantine equation.
- Bruteforce: O(n^3)
- Evaluate polynomial, then bruteforce: O(n^2)
- Diophantine equation: O(n)
Reading the first subtask I first thought I'd have to find some cool trick to iterate over numbers with nondecreasing digits with pairs in them, but taking the second subtask into account as well it seems easier to just iterate over numbers with nondecreasing digits and then filter out the rest.
In the case of my inputs, going from iterating over all passwords between the lower and upper bounds down to iterating just over the nondecreasing ones reduces the required checks by a factor of over 200.