Current scope of Juliet is identification of codon-wise variants in coding regions. Juliet performs a reference-guided, de-novo variant discovery and annotates known drug-resistance mutations. There is no technical limitation with respect to the target organism or gene. A first version of variant phasing is available. Insertion and deletion variants are currently being ignored; support will be added in a future version.
Both, theoretical and empirical, performance estimates agree with the following statement:
At a coverage of 6000 CCS reads with a predicted accuracy (RQ) of >=0.99, the false positive and false negative rates are below 1% and 0.001% (10-5), respectively.
The underlying model is a statistical test, comparing the number of observed mutated codons to the number of expected mutations at a given position. The particular test is a Bonferroni-corrected Fisher's Exact test.
Install the minorseq suite using bioconda, more info here.
One of those binary executables is called juliet
Juliet operates on CCS records in the BAM format.
Reads should be created with CCS2
using the --richQVs
BAM files have to PacBio-compliant, meaning, cigar M
is forbidden.
Juliet currently does not demultiplex barcoded data;
provide one BAM per barcode.
Input CCS reads should have a minimal predicted accuracy of 0.99,
filtering instruction available here.
Reads that are not primary or supplementary alignments, get ignored.
Juliet provides a JSON and/or HTML file:
$ juliet data.align.bam patientZero.html
$ juliet data.align.bam patientZero.json
$ juliet data.align.bam patientZero.html patientZero.json
The HTML page is a 1:1 conversion of the JSON file and contains the identical information, but more human-readable.
The HTML file contains four sections:
This section of the HTML output summarizes the data provided, the exact call for juliet, and version of juliet for traceability purposes
Details of the provided target config are summarized for traceability. The config version, reference name and length, and annotated genes. Each gene with its name in bold, followed by the reference start, end positions, and possibly known drug resistance mutations.
For each gene open reading frame, there is one overview table. Each row represents a variant position. Each variant position consists of the reference codon, reference amino acid, relative amino acid position in the gene, the mutated codon, the mutated amino acid, the coverage, and possible annotated drug resistance mutations. Clicking the row will show counts of the multiple-sequence alignment counts of the -3 to +3 context positions.
This view summarizes the variants grouped by annotated drug mutations:
Juliet is a multi-purpose minor variant caller that uses simple target configuration files to define different genes of interest such as HIV open reading frames to BCR-ABL kinase regions. There are preinstalled configurations to ease batch applications and allow immediate reproducibility. A target configuration may contain multiple coding regions within a gene sequence and optional drug resistance mutation positions.
Running on predefined genome such as HIV:
$ juliet --config "HIV" data.align.bam patientZero.html
Currently available configs are: HIV
, ABL1
To define your own target configuration, create a JSON file. The root child
genes contains a list of coding regions, with
begin and end, the name of the gene, and a list of drug resistent mutations
drms. Each DRM consists of its name and the positions it targets. The "drms"
field is optional. If provided, the referenceSequence is being used to call
mutations, otherwise it will be tested against the major codon. All indices are
with respect to the provided alignment space, 1-based, begin-inclusive and
end-exclusive [)
Here is a "hiv.json" target configuration file:
"genes": [
"begin": 2550,
"drms": [
"name": "fancy drug",
"positions": [ "M41L" ]
"end": 2700,
"name": "Reverse Transcriptase"
"referenceName": "my seq",
"referenceSequence": "TGGAAGGGCT...",
"version": "Free text to version your config files",
"databaseVersion": "DrugDB version x.y.z (last updated YYYY-MM-DD)"
Run with customized target config using the --config
$ juliet --config hiv.json data.align.bam patientZero.html
Valid formats for drms/positions
"103" <- only the reference position
"M130" <- reference amino acid and ref pos
"M103L" <- ref aa, ref pos, mutated aa
"M103LKA" <- ref aa, ref pos, list of possible mutated aas
"103L" <- ref pos and mut aa
"103LG" <- ref pos and list mut aas
Missing amino acids are processed as wildcard *
{ "name": "ATV/r", "positions": [ "V32I", "L33", "46IL", "I54VTALM", "V82ATFS", "84" ] }
If no target config has been specific, it is recommended to at least specify the
region of interest to mark the correct reading frame so amino acids are
correctly translated. The output will be labeled with unknown
as gene name:
$ juliet data.align.bam patientZero.html
Juliet's default mode is to call amino-acid / codon variants independently.
Using --mode-phasing
, variant calls from distinct haplotypes are clustered
and visualized in the HTML output.
The row-wise variant calls are "transposed" onto per column haplotypes.
Each haplotype has an ID: [A-Z]{1}[a-z]?
For each variant, colored boxes in this row mark haplotypes that contain this
Colored boxes per haplotype / column indicate variants that co-occur.
Wild type, no variant, is represented by plain dark gray.
A color palette helps to distinguish between columns.
The JSON variant positions has an additional haplotype_hit
bool array
with the length equal to the number of haplotypes. Each entry indicates if that
variant is present in the haplotype. A haplotype
block under the root of the
JSON file contains counts and read names. The order of those haplotypes matches
the order of all haplotype_hit
PacBio systems have shown to have no systematic errors and allow for generation of high-quality CCS reads. Juliet can reliably call minor variants and phase co-occurring mutation patterns without employing complex and unreliable computational models.
Official support is for Sequel chemistries. If you use Sequel and your chemistry is not supported, your juliet installation might be outdated. If your chemistry is not officially supported, e.g. RSII, permissive mode is active. In this case, higher type I and II errors might be observed.
There is a trade-off between coverage and FP/FN rates. The following table shows the minimal and advised coverages for different expected minor frequencies. For the minimal coverage, FP/FN rates may increase; for reliable coverages, the above mentioned estimates hold:
Percentage | Minimal | Reliable |
1% | 2500X | 6000X |
5% | 500X | 1200X |
10% | 250X | 600X |
Yes, but we haven't tested this yet. In theory, at a coverage of ~25000X, a 0.1% minor should be identified. Be aware at that coverage, RT and PCR errors will be highly abundant. Make sure to run as few PCR rounds as necessary.
Maybe you ran a control/titration experiment to test juliet's performance and see many false positive calls. All of those are likely to be artifacts of your sample preparation, due to RT and PCR errors. Try to limit the number of PCR rounds and use high-fidelity enzymes. If that does not help, sample your coverage down to the advised reliable coverage. We tested clean samples, amplified in plasmids, and at 25000x there is not a single false positive call.
Yes, we need to see at least 10 reads from the same haplotype to report it.
We filter bases based on the individual QV tracks to remove possible heteroduplexes. A filtered base shows up as N and does not count towards the coverage.
Yes! Each gene is treated separately. Overlapping region, even with different reading frames are possible. This is important for densely encoded genomes like HIV.
Yes, but any codon that does not translate to an amino acid is being ignored. If you want explicit support, please contact us.
Use --region
to specify the begin-end window to subset the target config.
Without the --richQVs
information, the number of false positive calls might
be higher, as juliet is missing information to filter actual heteroduplexes in
the sample provided.
Scenarios as in the following figure may happen. In this case, all reads associated to that variant contain a frame-shift deletion and thus won't be reported.
In this case, each and every read has at least one deletion in one of the identified variant codon positions; thus reads cannot be assigned naïvely. An upcoming version might fix this.
We currently do not support hyper-variable regions and the above mentioned performance characterics do not hold. Feel free to test it on your own.
We copied the major variants from
No. Juliet is a general purpose minor variant caller. The integrated target configs are meant for a quick start. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the used target configs are correct and up-to-date.
Please read Customized Target Configuration.
For BCR-ABL, using the ABL1 gene with the following reference NM_005157.5, a typical target config could look like this:
"genes": [
"name": "ABL1",
"begin": 193,
"end": 3585,
"drms": [
"name": "imatinib",
"positions": [ "T315AI","Y253H","E255KV","V299L","F317AICLV","F359CIV" ]
"name": "dasatinib",
"positions": [ "T315AI","V299L","F317AICLV" ]
"name": "nilotinib",
"positions": [ "T315AI","Y253H","E255KV","F359CIV" ]
"name": "bosutinib",
"positions": [ "T315AI" ]
"referenceName": "NM_005157.5",
"referenceSequence": "TTAACAGGCGCGTCCC..."
Yes, with --min-perc
. For example, --min-perc 1
will only show variant calls
with an observed abundance of more than 1%.
Maybe your output looks like a rainbow with most of the calls being the major call above 90%:
The option --max-perc
skips variants above a given threshold.
For example, --max-perc 90
will only show variant calls with an observed
abundance of less than 90%. This might also help to phase minor variants.
Another example, where major calls dilute phased minor variant haplotypes below the threshold.
BEFORE (partial screenshot):
Yes, with --drm-only
only known variants from the target config are being called.
There are two types of tooltips in the haplotype part of the table. The first tooltip is for the "Haplotypes %" and shows the number of reads that count towards (a) actually reported haplotypes, (b) haplotypes that have less than 10 reads and are not being reported, and (c) haplotypes that are not suitable for phasing. Those first three categories are mutually exclusive and their sum is the total number of reads going into juliet. For the (c), the three different marginals provide insights into the sample quality; as they are marginals, they are not exclusive and can overlap. The following screenshot shows a sample with bad PCR conditions:
The second type of tooltip is for each haplotype percentage and shows the number of reads contributing to this haplotype: