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PabloVD committed Apr 26, 2022
1 parent 88d1f6e commit 206e37a
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Showing 15 changed files with 241 additions and 664 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ See the paper [arXiv:2204.xxxxx]( for more deta
<img src="visualize_graph_10.png" width="500">

## Scripts
## Codes

Here is a brief description of the codes included:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,13 +51,18 @@ The libraries required for training the models and compute some statistics are:
* `scipy`
* `sklearn`
* `optuna` (only for optimization in ``)
* [`Pylians`]( (only for computing power spectra in ``)

## Usage

The codes implemented here are designed to train GNNs for two tasks. The desired task is chosen in `` with the `outmode` flag:
1. Infer cosmological parameters from galaxy catalogues. Set `outmode = "cosmo"`.
2. Predict the power spectrum from galaxy catalogues. Set `outmode = "ps"`.

These are some advices to employ the scripts described above:
1. To perform a search of the optimal hyperparameters, run ``.
2. To train a model with a given set of parameters defined in ``, run ``. The hyperparameters currently present in `` correspond to the best optimal values for each suite when all galactic features are employed (see the paper).
2. To train a model with a given set of parameters defined in ``, run ``. The hyperparameters currently present in `` correspond to the best optimal values for each suite when all galactic features are employed (see the paper). Modify it accordingly to the task.
3. Once a model is trained, run `` to test in the training simulation suite and cross test it in the other one included in CAMELS (IllustrisTNG and SIMBA).

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# List of constants and some common functions
# Author: Pablo Villanueva Domingo
# Last update: 10/11/21
# Last update: 4/22

import numpy as np
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# Batch size
batch_size = 25

# Number of k bins in the power spectrum
ps_size = 79

#--- FUNCTIONS ---#

# Choose color depending on the CAMELS simulation suite
def colorsuite(suite):
if suite=="IllustrisTNG": return "purple"
elif suite=="SIMBA": return "deepskyblue"
elif suite=="SIMBA": return "dodgerblue"
186 changes: 50 additions & 136 deletions Source/
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@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
# Routine for loading the CAMELS galaxy catalogues
# Author: Pablo Villanueva Domingo
# Last update: 4/22

import h5py
from import Data, DataLoader
from Source.constants import *
Expand All @@ -6,20 +12,25 @@

Nstar_th = 20 # Minimum number of stellar particles required to consider a galaxy

# Normalize CAMELS parameters
def normalize_params(params):

minimum = np.array([0.1, 0.6, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5])
maximum = np.array([0.5, 1.0, 4.00, 4.00, 2.0, 2.0])
params = (params - minimum)/(maximum - minimum)
return params

# Normalize power spectrum
def normalize_ps(ps):
mean, std = ps.mean(axis=0), ps.std(axis=0)
normps = (ps - mean)/std
return normps

# Compute KDTree and get edges and edge features
def get_edges(pos, r_link, use_loops):

# 1. Get edges

# Create the KDTree and look for pairs within a distance r_link
# Boxsize normalize to 1
kd_tree = SS.KDTree(pos, leafsize=16, boxsize=1.0001)
Expand All @@ -37,35 +48,36 @@ def get_edges(pos, r_link, use_loops):
edge_index = edge_index.reshape((2,-1))
num_pairs = edge_index.shape[1]

# Edge attributes
# 2. Get edge attributes

row, col = edge_index
diff = pos[row]-pos[col]

# Correct boundaries in distances
# Take into account periodic boundary conditions, correcting the distances
for i, pos_i in enumerate(diff):
for j, coord in enumerate(pos_i):
if coord > r_link:
diff[i,j] -= 1. # Boxsize normalize to 1
elif -coord > r_link:
diff[i,j] += 1. # Boxsize normalize to 1
#if outbound: numbounds+=1

# Get translational and rotational invariant features
# Distance
dist = np.linalg.norm(diff, axis=1)
# Centroid of galaxy catalogue
centroid = np.mean(pos,axis=0)
# Unit vectors of node, neighbor and difference vector
unitrow = (pos[row]-centroid)/np.linalg.norm((pos[row]-centroid), axis=1).reshape(-1,1)
unitcol = (pos[col]-centroid)/np.linalg.norm((pos[col]-centroid), axis=1).reshape(-1,1)
unitdiff = diff/dist.reshape(-1,1)
# Dot products between unit vectors
cos1 = np.array([[i,:].T,unitcol[i,:]) for i in range(num_pairs)])
cos2 = np.array([[i,:].T,unitdiff[i,:]) for i in range(num_pairs)])

#print(edge_index.shape, cos1.shape, cos2.shape, dist.shape)
# Normalize distance by linking radius
dist /= r_link
edge_attr = np.concatenate([dist.reshape(-1,1), cos1.reshape(-1,1), cos2.reshape(-1,1)], axis=1)

#print(pos.shape, edge_index.shape, edge_attr.shape)
# Concatenate to get all edge attributes
edge_attr = np.concatenate([dist.reshape(-1,1), cos1.reshape(-1,1), cos2.reshape(-1,1)], axis=1)

# Add loops
if use_loops:
Expand All @@ -78,90 +90,54 @@ def get_edges(pos, r_link, use_loops):
edge_attr = np.append(edge_attr, atrloops, 0)
edge_index = edge_index.astype(int)

#print(pos.shape, edge_index.shape, edge_attr.shape)

#print(edge_index.shape, edge_attr.shape)

diff = (pos[row]-pos[col])/r_link
#print(diff.shape, edge_index.shape, pos.shape)
#numbounds = 0
# Correct boundaries in distances
for i, pos_i in enumerate(diff):
for j, coord in enumerate(pos_i):
if coord > 1.:
diff[i,j] -= 1./r_link # Boxsize normalize to 1
elif -coord > 1.:
diff[i,j] += 1./r_link # Boxsize normalize to 1
#if outbound: numbounds+=1
edge_attr = np.concatenate([diff, np.linalg.norm(diff, axis=1, keepdims=True)], axis=1)
#print(edge_attr[:,3].min(), edge_attr[:,3].max())
#print(diff.shape[0], numbounds)

return edge_index, edge_attr

# This routine reads the galaxies from a simulation and
# root ------> folder containing all simulations with their galaxy catalogues
# sim -------> 'IllustrisTNG' or 'SIMBA'
# suite -----> 'LH' or 'CV'
# number ----> number of the simulation
# snapnum ---> snapshot number (choose depending of the desired redshift)
# BoxSize ---> size of the simulation box in Mpc/h
# Nstar_th -----> galaxies need to contain at least Nstar_th stars
# k ---------> number of neighbors
# param_file -> file with the value of the cosmological + astrophysical parameters
def sim_graph(simnumber,param_file,hparams):

# Routine to create a cosmic graph from a galaxy catalogue
# simnumber: number of simulation
# param_file: file with the value of the cosmological + astrophysical parameters
# hparams: hyperparameters class
def sim_graph(simnumber, param_file, hparams):

# Get some hyperparameters
simsuite,simset,r_link,only_positions,outmode,pred_params = hparams.simsuite,hparams.simset,hparams.r_link,hparams.only_positions,hparams.outmode,hparams.pred_params

# get the name of the galaxy catalogue
# Name of the galaxy catalogue
simpath = simpathroot + simsuite + "/"+simset+"_"
catalogue = simpath + str(simnumber)+"/fof_subhalo_tab_0"+hparams.snap+".hdf5"

# read the catalogue
# Read the catalogue
f = h5py.File(catalogue, 'r')
pos = f['/Subhalo/SubhaloPos'][:]/boxsize
Mstar = f['/Subhalo/SubhaloMassType'][:,4] #Msun/h
SubhaloVel = f["Subhalo/SubhaloVel"][:]
Rstar = f["Subhalo/SubhaloHalfmassRadType"][:,4]
Metal = f["Subhalo/SubhaloStarMetallicity"][:]
Vmax = f["Subhalo/SubhaloVmax"][:]
Nstar = f['/Subhalo/SubhaloLenType'][:,4] #number of stars

# some simulations are slightly outside the box
# Some simulations are slightly outside the box, correct it

# select only galaxies with more than 10 star particles
# Select only galaxies with more than Nstar_th star particles
indexes = np.where(Nstar>Nstar_th)[0]
pos = pos[indexes]
Mstar = Mstar[indexes]
SubhaloVel = SubhaloVel[indexes]
Rstar = Rstar[indexes]
Metal = Metal[indexes]
Vmax = Vmax[indexes]

# Get the output to be predicted by the GNN, either the cosmo parameters or the power spectrum
if outmode=="cosmo":
# read the value of the cosmological & astrophysical parameters
# Read the value of the cosmological & astrophysical parameters
paramsfile = np.loadtxt(param_file, dtype=str)
params = np.array(paramsfile[simnumber,1:-1],dtype=np.float32)
params = normalize_params(params)
params = params[:pred_params]
params = params[:pred_params] # Consider only the first parameters, up to pred_params
y = np.reshape(params, (1,params.shape[0]))

# Read the power spectra
elif outmode=="ps":

ps = np.load(param_file)
Expand All @@ -170,97 +146,39 @@ def sim_graph(simnumber,param_file,hparams):
#ps = normalize_ps(ps)
y = np.reshape(ps, (1,ps_size))

# compute the number of pairs
nodes = pos.shape[0]
u = np.zeros((1,2), dtype=np.float32)
u[0,0] = np.log10(np.sum(Mstar))
u[0,1] = np.log10(nodes)
# Number of galaxies as global feature
u = np.log10(pos.shape[0]).reshape(1,1)

Mstar = np.log10(1.+ Mstar)
#SubhaloVel = np.log10(1.+SubhaloVel)
Rstar = np.log10(1.+ Rstar)
Metal = np.log10(1.+ Metal)
Vmax = np.log10(1. + Vmax)

# Node features
tab = np.column_stack((Mstar, Rstar, Metal, Vmax))
#tab = Vmax.reshape(-1,1)
#tab = Vmax.reshape(-1,1) # For using only Vmax
x = torch.tensor(tab, dtype=torch.float32)

# Use loops if node features are considered only
if only_positions:
#u = np.zeros((1,2), dtype=np.float32) # not used
tab = np.zeros_like(pos[:,:1]) # not really used
tab = np.zeros_like(pos[:,:1]) # Node features not really used
use_loops = False
use_loops = True#"""
use_loops = True

#use_loops = False

x = torch.tensor(tab, dtype=torch.float32)

#use_loops = False
# Get edges and edge features
edge_index, edge_attr = get_edges(pos, r_link, use_loops)
#edge_index = get_edges(pos, r_link)
#edge_index = None

# get the graph
# Construct the graph
graph = Data(x=x,
y=torch.tensor(y, dtype=torch.float32),
u=torch.tensor(u, dtype=torch.float32),
edge_index=torch.tensor(edge_index, dtype=torch.long),
edge_attr=torch.tensor(edge_attr, dtype=torch.float32))

return graph
# This routine creates the dataset for the considered mode
# mode -------------> 'train', 'valid', 'test' or 'all'
# seed -------------> random seed to split simulations among train/valid/test
# sims -------------> total number of simulations
# root -------------> folder containing all simulations with their galaxy catalogues
# sim --------------> 'IllustrisTNG' or 'SIMBA'
# suite ------------> 'LH' or 'CV'
# number -----------> number of the simulation
# snapnum ----------> snapshot number (choose depending of the desired redshift)
# BoxSize ----------> size of the simulation box in Mpc/h
# Nstar_th --> galaxies need to contain at least Nstar_th stars
# k ----------------> number of neighbors
# param_file -------> file with the value of the cosmo & astro parameters
# batch_size -------> batch size
# num_workers ------> number of workers to load the data
# shuffle ----------> whether randomly shuffle the data in the data loader
def create_dataset(mode, seed, sims, root, sim, suite, snapnum, BoxSize,
Nstar_th, k, param_file, batch_size, num_workers=1,
# get the offset and size of the considered mode
if mode=='train': offset, size = int(0.0*sims), int(0.8*sims)
elif mode=='valid': offset, size = int(0.8*sims), int(0.1*sims)
elif mode=='test': offset, size = int(0.9*sims), int(0.1*sims)
elif mode=='all': offset, size = int(0.0*sims), int(1.0*sims)
else: raise Exception('wrong mode!')
# randomly shuffle the simulations. Instead of 0 1 2 3...999 have a
# random permutation. E.g. 5 9 0 29...342
numbers = np.arange(sims) #shuffle sims not maps
numbers = numbers[offset:offset+size] #select indexes of mode
# get the dataset
dataset = []
for i in numbers:

return DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle,

# Split training and validation sets
def split_datasets(dataset):

Expand All @@ -283,13 +201,9 @@ def split_datasets(dataset):

# Main routine to load data and create the dataset
# simsuite: simulation suite, either "IllustrisTNG" or "SIMBA"
# simset: set of simulations:
# CV: Use simulations with fiducial cosmological and astrophysical parameters, but different random seeds (27 simulations total)
# LH: Use simulations over latin-hypercube, varying over cosmological and astrophysical parameters, and different random seeds (1000 simulations total)
# n_sims: number of simulations, maximum 27 for CV and 1000 for LH
def create_dataset(hparams):

# Target file depending on the task: inferring cosmo parameters or predicting power spectrum
if hparams.outmode == "cosmo":
param_file = "/projects/QUIJOTE/CAMELS/Sims/CosmoAstroSeed_params_"+hparams.simsuite+".txt"
elif hparams.outmode == "ps":
Expand All @@ -311,8 +225,8 @@ def create_dataset(hparams):
# Add other snapshots from other redshifts
# Snapshot redshift
# 004: z=3, 010: z=2, 014: z=1.5, 018: z=1, 024: z=0.5, 033: z=0
for snap in [24,18,14,10]:
#for snap in [18,10]:
#for snap in [24,18,14,10]:
for snap in [18,10]:

hparams.snap = str(snap)

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