This repo is used to create a docker image of the nsfcareer environment for the nsfcareer-api-service.
Basically, after creating an instance we install docker on the instance and then run the dockerfile.
The dockerfile calls the docker_scripts/ script that has all the steps to make our environment.
Login into AWS and make a Ubuntu instance
- Step 1 Login to AWS, go to EC2, then to Launch Templates
- Step 2 Choose ApiServiceDockerBuild template. It has a bash script assigned to it for start up that will install this repo and run it.
- Step 3 Wait until building is done (about 1 hr), login into the instance and check if all tests passed.
sudo docker ps -a OR sudo docker image ls
sudo docker run -it IMAGE_ID
- You can see the to check all the codes that were compiled.
sudo docker login -u USERNAME_ON_DOCKERHUB (be sure to have an account at
- (This assumes your user name is in the dockerhub nsfcareer organization group) sudo docker tag DOCKER_IMAGE_ID nsfcareer/api-service:production
sudo docker push nsfcareer/api-service:production
This is what was used at first before using it for the api-service docker. Since this docker has much of the code stack we need, it is great to start with. However, it is big (~11 GB) since it has so many dependencies.
sudo docker login -u USERNAME_ON_DOCKERHUB (be sure to have an account at
sudo docker tag DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME USERNAME_ON_DOCKERHUB/nsfcareer:latest
sudo docker push USERNAME_ON_DOCKERHUB/nsfcareer:latest