A simple "tank" model for gas flow from a well controlled by pressure is
$$ \frac{V_p T_s}{P_s T}\frac{d}{dt}\left(\frac{P(t)}{z\left(P(t), T)\right)}\right) + J \left(P(t)^2
- P_{wf}^2\right)^n = 0 $$
Use DifferentialEquations.jl to solve this
differential equation. Implement your solution inside the function
in the assignment10.jl file. The
argument list for gas_solver
should be obvious from the equation above aside
from Pₒ
which is the initial tank pressure and tmax
which is the maximum time
you want the solver to run.
The function should return the full solution composite type (the thing that the
function from DifferentialEquations.jl returns). A set of arguments to
that should return a decent solution is available in the
Just use the default solver, do not specify any additional parameters to
. The
To see if you answers are correct, run the following command at the Terminal command line from the repository's root directory
julia --project=. -e "using Pkg; Pkg.test()"
the tests will run and report if passing or failing.