Testing data to support RAVEN WPS services
In order to add a new dataset to the Raven
testing data, please ensure you perform the following:
- Create a new branch:
git checkout -b my_new_testdata_branch
- Place your dataset within an appropriate subdirectory (or create a new one:
mkdir testdata_contribution
). - Run the md5 checksum generation script:
python make_check_sums.py
- Commit your changes:
git add testdata_contribution && git commit -m "added my_new_testdata"
- Open a Pull Request.
To modify an existing dataset, be sure to remove the existing checksum file before running the make_check_sums.py
If you wish to perform preliminary tests against the dataset using RavenWPS
or RavenPy
, this can be done with the following procedure:
- If your testing data is
from ravenpy.utilities.testdata import open_dataset
ds = open_dataset(
- Otherwise:
import os
from ravenpy.utilities.testdata import get_file
test_data: os.PathLike = get_file(