Releases: OpenEnergyPlatform/oeplatform
Hotfix - fix django table name list
What is the hofix about
More table names that should not exist as identified during production release. The mirror management command is enhanced to handle table objects that are in the oep_django database that do not exist in the oedb.
See full Changelog
v0.13.0 Updates on Login Page, Topics Page, metaBuilder and Database improvement
🌟 updated metadata editor (metaBuilder) UI (bootstrap 5)
🌟 Implement new topic overview page ui
🌟 Update the profile page
🌪️ Make table names unique across schemas
See full Changelog
v0.12.2 oemetdata migration
🌟 migrate all available metadata to latest version v1.5.2 with one time migration script
v0.12.1 Hotfix
v0.12.0 - Migrate Tutorials, UI Updates, management command
🌟 Remove the tutorials form django and migrate them to mkdocs, they are linked in the open energy platform - tutorials are now deployed on a gh-pages website
🌟 Add citation.cff to the repository
🌟 Add management command to clear the sandbox schema of the OEDB
🌪️ Rework user interface : Database pages got a new look.
See full Changelog
v0.11.1 - OEMetaBuilder: Annotate subject with OAT
🌟 Enable OEO annotation on subject fields when using the OEMetaBuilder
🐞 Fix check for id to strict
🐞 Fix OEMetaBuilder
🐞 Fix OEMetadata migration
🐞 Minor bug fixes
See the full changelog for v0.11.1
v0.11.0 - Ontology Annotation Tool (OAT)
🌟 Introduce our mascot the OEPlatypus to the errors pages
🌟 Added management command to handle integrated react apps better (like the oeo-viewer)
🌟 Improve data structure checks in the REST-API
🌟 Rework the OEMetadata storage system
🌟 Introduce the Ontology Annotation Tool (OAT) to enables text based search for ontology terms
🌟 Rename the MetaEdit to OEMetaBuilder to create and edit OEMetadata
🐞 Fix bugs in the OEMetaBuilder like renamed field names and read-only fields
See the full changelog for v0.11.0
Rework Tag-Filters and update content pages
🌟 Update tag filter UI
🌟 Update Overview pages content
🌟 Add new partner project pages
🌟 General enhancements
🌪️ Drop support for Python 3.6.0 (if jupyter notebooks have to be used, nbconvert package does not support python 3.6 anymore)
🌪️ Remove link to Studie Factsheets Alpha (stage for later release)
Full Changelog:
Update tags and studie factsheets app.