Releases: OpenEnergyPlatform/oeplatform
Hotfix v0.15.3 - Fix scenario bundle app config
🐞 Fix react app config for frontend requests.
See the full changelog.
Hotfix v0.15.2 - Fix bugs in the scenario bundle app
🐞 Scenario comparison now allows for additional criteria: “Study name”, “Study abstract”).
🐞 Scenario Bundle Publication: Field for citation is now disabled until it is implemented in the backend.
🐞 Scenario Bundle Scenario: None Regions are now displayed as expected (you have to readd them)
🐞 Scenario Bundle Publication: date field does store date as "day -1"
🐞 Same scenarios in different studies can now be compared (scenarios are unique to the study)
See the full changelog.
Hotfix v0.15.1 - Fix the scenario bundle app
🐞 Update the React app build source files and fix a URL that caused a CORS header error.
See the full changelog.
v0.15.0 - Scenario Bundle & Scenario Comparison
🌟 The new scenario bundles feature can be used to create and provide a comprehensive overview about all resources related to a study or project that was conducted.
🌟 The new scenario comparison feature is part of the scenario bundles page and can be used to perform a qualitative scenario comparison of specific criteria that is part of a scenario bundle.
See the full changelog.
v0.14.2 - Patch Release
🌟New documentation page using mkdocs.
🌟Further improve OpenPeerReview usability: Update review process indicatro (red/green dot) & automatically switch metadata categorie tab if current field is not part of the current tab.
🐞Fixed a bug in the OpenPeerReview that disables review controls for fields that have not yet been peer reviewed.
🐞Fixed a bug in OpenPeerReview that prevented saving a new value that was first proposed and then accepted in the review process and should be saved in the review data model.
🐞Fixed a bug in the new django-compressor integration that prevented the update of compressed / chached resources.
See the full changelog.
v0.14.1 - Patch Release
This release updates the UI of the Profile page, improves the Open Peer Review (2nd phase of the feature rollout), increases general stability and improves cache usage of the platform.
🌟 Update of the general user interface of the profile page
🌟 Add a captcha to password reset form.
🌟 Show sandbox tables in interface but not in schema view
🌟 Adding a cache-busting mechanism to deliver changes to the user interface more easily.
🌟 Open Peer Review: Enable submit button if all fields are reviewed.
🐞 Open Peer Review: active reviews list in the profile page will now always show the latest open review and the all reviews list provides a link to the review if it is ongoing.
🐞 Open Peer Review: Fixed a bug that prevents a review from being completed (awarding a badge) and the contributor getting stuck on the review page because the "Submit" button remains disabled.
🐞 Open Peer review: Remove duplicated entries in summary table.
🐞 Fix access to profile review page.
🐞 Open Peer review: Fix error on contributor page when reviewing a field in the spatial category.
🐞 Open Peer review: Fix review layout on profile page and update design to mockups.
🌪️ Deactivate the edit metadata button if a review is ongoing.
🌪️ Open Peer Review: Add input field validation for value suggestion field.
🌪️ Visually indicate the progress of a review for each category of the metadata.
See the full changelog.
v0.14.0 Open Peer Review
🌟The Open Peer Review feature is here! We are releasing this feature in several steps, this is the first step of the feature rollout phase. Errors are to be expected! Review table metadata and collect feedback on each field of the metadata to improve data quality.
See full Changelog
Hotfix - Restrict visibility of the profile page to the profile owner only
Hide the profile page if the current user is not the profile owner. Show blank page when the user tries to access the profile page using the numeric ID in the profile URL.
See the full Changelog.
Hotfix - Limit visibility of the user profile
Hotfix - Improve mirror managent command
What is the hofix about
When deplyoing the version, it was found that the command needs to be improved. This hotfix provides the code for that.
Also, a one-time script to fix oemeatadata was removed from the codebase.
See full Changelog