I'm happy to announce the third release of OpenC3!
Key Enhancements
- New SPARKLINE telemetry screen widget
- Telemetry Screen Value Aging
- Updated Ruby / NPM dependency versions
- Added POSITION keyword for TOOLs to enforce position in Nav Bar
- Improved operator log messages
Key Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the UNKNOWN packet not showing
- Fixed an issue where the system didn't wait for a file to be fully available in S3
- Fixed Cmd/Tlm Packet counts in CmdTlmServer
- Fixed an issue where the Current Value Table would sometimes say packets don't exist
Pull Request Links
- Create UNKNOWN target in scope_model by @jmthomas in #54
- Fix linegraph widget and add sparkline by @jmthomas in #52
- Fix permission names by @ryanmelt in #53
- ValueWidget telemetry aging by @jmthomas in #58
- Add put_object_and_check for S3 by @jmthomas in #61
- Display correct CMD/TLM counts when sorting by @jmthomas in #62
- Bump pysch, rdoc, dead_end by @jmthomas in #64
- Add POSITION keyword for tools by @jmthomas in #65
- Scope updates by @ryanmelt in #63
- Print operator cmd in log by @jmthomas in #66
- Update NPM dependencies by @jmthomas in #67
- Move CvtModel back to Persistent Redis Store by @ryanmelt in #68
Upgrade Notes
This release requires reinstalling any plugins that include targets, because the Current Value Table moved between containers.
Docker - Running OpenC3 requires a working Docker or Podman installation. Typically Docker Desktop on Windows / Mac. Plain Docker or Podman also works on linux. We actively develop and run with Docker Desktop on Mac/Windows, and Linux on Raspberry Pi, so if you have any issues on another platform, please let us know by submitting a ticket!
Minimum Resources allocated to Docker: 4GB RAM, 1 CPU, 80GB Disk
Recommended Resources allocated to Docker: 16GB RAM, 2+ CPUs, 100GB Disk
To Run:
Download one of the archives (.zip or .tar.gz from the Github release page) Download Release Here
Extract the archive somewhere on your host computer
Edit the .env file and change OPENC3_TAG to 5.0.8
Run Linux/Mac: ./openc3.sh run
Run Windows: openc3.bat run
Connect a web browser to http://localhost:2900/
Have fun running OpenC3!
Please see our documentation at https://openc3.com
Try it out and let us know what you think! Please submit any issues as Github tickets, or any generic feedback to [email protected].
Full Changelog: Changelog