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Scheduled monthly dependency update for November #66

wants to merge 7 commits into from


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@pyup-bot pyup-bot commented Nov 1, 2019

Update psycopg2 from 2.8.2 to 2.8.4.




- Fixed building with Python 3.8 (:ticket:`854`).
- Don't swallow keyboard interrupts on connect when a password is specified
in the connection string (:ticket:`898`).
- Don't advance replication cursor when the message wasn't confirmed
- Fixed inclusion of ``time.h`` on linux (:ticket:`951`).
- Fixed int overflow for large values in `~psycopg2.extensions.Column.table_oid`
and `~psycopg2.extensions.Column.type_code` (:ticket:`961`).
- `~psycopg2.errorcodes` map and `~psycopg2.errors` classes updated to
PostgreSQL 12.
- Wheel package compiled against OpenSSL 1.1.1d and PostgreSQL at least 11.4.



- Added *interval_status* parameter to
`~psycopg2.extras.ReplicationCursor.start_replication()` method and other
facilities to send automatic replication keepalives at periodic intervals
- Fixed namedtuples caching introduced in 2.8 (:ticket:`928`).

Update Sphinx from 1.8.5 to 2.2.1.





Incompatible changes


Features added

Bugs fixed

* 6641: LaTeX: Undefined control sequence ``\sphinxmaketitle``
* 6710: LaTeX not well configured for Greek language as main language




Incompatible changes

* apidoc: template files are renamed to ``.rst_t``
* html: Field lists will be styled by grid layout


* ````
* ````
* The ``info`` and ``warn`` arguments of
* ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate._simple_info()``
* ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate._simple_warn()``
* ``sphinx.ext.todo.merge_info()``
* ``sphinx.ext.todo.process_todo_nodes()``
* ``sphinx.ext.todo.process_todos()``
* ``sphinx.ext.todo.purge_todos()``

Features added

* 5124: graphviz: ``:graphviz_dot:`` option is renamed to ``:layout:``
* 1464: html: emit a warning if :confval:`html_static_path` and
:confval:`html_extra_path` directories are inside output directory
* 6514: html: Add a label to search input for accessability purposes
* 5602: apidoc: Add ``--templatedir`` option
* 6475: Add ``override`` argument to ``app.add_autodocumenter()``
* 6310: imgmath: let :confval:`imgmath_use_preview` work also with the SVG
format for images rendering inline math
* 6533: LaTeX: refactor visit_enumerated_list() to use ``\sphinxsetlistlabels``
* 6628: quickstart: Use ```` for default setting of
* 6419: sphinx-build: give reasons why rebuilded

Bugs fixed

* py domain: duplicated warning does not point the location of source code
* 6499: html: Sphinx never updates a copy of :confval:`html_logo` even if
original file has changed
* 1125: html theme: scrollbar is hard to see on classic theme and macOS
* 5502: linkcheck: Consider HTTP 503 response as not an error
* 6439: Make generated download links reproducible
* 6486: UnboundLocalError is raised if broken extension installed
* 6567: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_inherit_docstrings` does not effect to
``__init__()`` and ``__new__()``
* 6574: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_member_order` does not refer order of
imports when ``'bysource'`` order
* 6574: autodoc: missing type annotation for variadic and keyword parameters
* 6589: autodoc: Formatting issues with autodoc_typehints='none'
* 6605: autodoc: crashed when target code contains custom method-like objects
* 6498: autosummary: crashed with wrong autosummary_generate setting
* 6507: autosummary: crashes without no autosummary_generate setting
* 6511: LaTeX: autonumbered list can not be customized in LaTeX
since Sphinx 1.8.0 (refs: 6533)
* 6531: Failed to load last environment object when extension added
* 736: Invalid sort in pair index
* 6527: :confval:`last_updated` wrongly assumes timezone as UTC
* 5592: std domain: :rst:dir:`option` directive registers an index entry for
each comma separated option
* 6549: sphinx-build: Escaped characters in error messages
* 6545: doctest comments not getting trimmed since Sphinx 1.8.0
* 6561: glossary: Wrong hyperlinks are generated for non alphanumeric terms
* 6620: i18n: classifiers of definition list are not translated with
* 6474: ``DocFieldTransformer`` raises AttributeError when given directive is
not a subclass of ObjectDescription



Bugs fixed

* 6497: custom lexers fails highlighting when syntax error
* 6478, 6488: info field lists are incorrectly recognized



Incompatible changes

* 6447: autodoc: Stop to generate document for undocumented module variables

Bugs fixed

* 6442: LaTeX: admonitions of :rst:dir:`note` type can get separated from
immediately preceding section title by pagebreak
* 6448: autodoc: crashed when autodocumenting classes with ``__slots__ = None``
* 6451: autodoc: generates docs for "optional import"ed modules as variables
* 6452: autosummary: crashed when generating document of properties
* 6455: napoleon: docstrings for properties are not processed
* 6436: napoleon: "Unknown target name" error if variable name ends with
* 6440: apidoc: missing blank lines between modules



Incompatible changes

* Ignore filenames without file extension given to ``Builder.build_specific()``
API directly
* 6230: The anchor of term in glossary directive is changed if it is consisted
by non-ASCII characters
* 4550: html: Centering tables by default using CSS
* 6239: latex: xelatex and xeCJK are used for Chinese documents by default
* ``Sphinx.add_lexer()`` now takes a Lexer class instead of instance.  An
instance of lexers are still supported until Sphinx-3.x.


* ````
* ````
* ``sphinx.directives.Acks``
* ``sphinx.directives.Author``
* ``sphinx.directives.Centered``
* ``sphinx.directives.Class``
* ``sphinx.directives.CodeBlock``
* ``sphinx.directives.Figure``
* ``sphinx.directives.HList``
* ``sphinx.directives.Highlight``
* ``sphinx.directives.Include``
* ``sphinx.directives.Index``
* ``sphinx.directives.LiteralInclude``
* ``sphinx.directives.Meta``
* ``sphinx.directives.Only``
* ``sphinx.directives.SeeAlso``
* ``sphinx.directives.TabularColumns``
* ``sphinx.directives.TocTree``
* ``sphinx.directives.VersionChange``
* ````
* ````
* ````
* ````
* ````
* ````
* ``sphinx.environment.NoUri``
* ``sphinx.ext.apidoc.format_directive()``
* ``sphinx.ext.apidoc.format_heading()``
* ``sphinx.ext.apidoc.makename()``
* ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer.MockFinder``
* ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer.MockLoader``
* ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer.mock()``
* ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.autolink_role()``
* ``sphinx.ext.imgmath.DOC_BODY``
* ``sphinx.ext.imgmath.DOC_BODY_PREVIEW``
* ``sphinx.ext.imgmath.DOC_HEAD``
* ``sphinx.transforms.CitationReferences``
* ``sphinx.transforms.SmartQuotesSkipper``
* ``sphinx.util.docfields.DocFieldTransformer.preprocess_fieldtypes()``
* ``sphinx.util.node.find_source_node()``
* ``sphinx.util.i18n.find_catalog()``
* ``sphinx.util.i18n.find_catalog_files()``
* ``sphinx.util.i18n.find_catalog_source_files()``

For more details, see :ref:`deprecation APIs list <dev-deprecated-apis>`.

Features added

* Add a helper class ``sphinx.transforms.post_transforms.SphinxPostTransform``
* Add helper methods

- ``PythonDomain.note_module()``
- ``PythonDomain.note_object()``
- ``SphinxDirective.set_source_info()``

* 6180: Support ``--keep-going`` with BuildDoc setup command
* ``math`` directive now supports ``:class:`` option
* todo: ``todo`` directive now supports ``:name:`` option
* Enable override via environment of ``SPHINXOPTS`` and ``SPHINXBUILD`` Makefile
variables (refs: 6232, 6303)
* 6287: autodoc: Unable to document bound instance methods exported as module
* 6289: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_default_options` now supports
``imported-members`` option
* 4777: autodoc: Support coroutine
* 744: autodoc: Support abstractmethod
* 6325: autodoc: Support attributes in __slots__.  For dict-style __slots__,
autodoc considers values as a docstring of the attribute
* 6361: autodoc: Add :confval:`autodoc_typehints` to suppress typehints from
* 1063: autodoc: ``automodule`` directive now handles undocumented module level
* 6212 autosummary: Add :confval:`autosummary_imported_members` to display
imported members on autosummary
* 6271: ``make clean`` is catastrophically broken if building into '.'
* 6363: Support ``%O%`` environment variable in make.bat
* 4777: py domain: Add ``:async:`` option to :rst:dir:`py:function` directive
* py domain: Add new options to :rst:dir:`py:method` directive

- ``:abstractmethod:``
- ``:async:``
- ``:classmethod:``
- ``:property:``
- ``:staticmethod:``

* rst domain: Add :rst:dir:`directive:option` directive to describe the option
for directive
* 6306: html: Add a label to search form for accessability purposes
* 4390: html: Consistent and semantic CSS for signatures
* 6358: The ``rawsource`` property of ``production`` nodes now contains the
full production rule
* 6373: autosectionlabel: Allow suppression of warnings
* coverage: Support a new ``coverage_ignore_pyobjects`` option
* 6239: latex: Support to build Chinese documents

Bugs fixed

* 6230: Inappropriate node_id has been generated by glossary directive if term
is consisted by non-ASCII characters
* 6213: ifconfig: contents after headings are not shown
* commented term in glossary directive is wrongly recognized
* 6299: rst domain: rst:directive directive generates waste space
* 6379: py domain: Module index (py-modindex.html) has duplicate titles
* 6331: man: invalid output when doctest follows rubric
* 6351: "Hyperlink target is not referenced" message is shown even if
* 6165: autodoc: ``tab_width`` setting of docutils has been ignored
* 6347: autodoc: crashes with a plain Tuple on Python 3.6 and 3.5
* 6311: autosummary: autosummary table gets confused by complex type hints
* 6350: autosummary: confused by an argument having some kind of default value
* Generated Makefiles lack a final EOL (refs: 6232)
* 6375: extlinks: Cannot escape angle brackets in link caption
* 6378: linkcheck: Send commonly used User-Agent
* 6387: html search: failed to search document with haiku and scrolls themes
* 6408: html search: Fix the ranking of search results
* 6406: Wrong year is returned for ``SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH``
* 6402: image directive crashes by unknown image format
* 6286: C++, allow 8 and 9 in hexadecimal integer literals.
* 6305: Fix the string in quickstart for 'path' argument of parser
* LaTeX: Figures in admonitions produced errors (refs: 6364)



Bugs fixed

* LaTeX: some system labels are not translated
* RemovedInSphinx30Warning is marked as pending
* deprecation warnings are not emitted

- sphinx.application.CONFIG_FILENAME
- :confval:`viewcode_import`

* 6208: C++, properly parse full xrefs that happen to have a short xref as
* 6220, 6225: napoleon: AttributeError is raised for raised section having
* 6245: circular import error on importing SerializingHTMLBuilder
* 6243: LaTeX: 'releasename' setting for latex_elements is ignored
* 6244: html: Search function is broken with 3rd party themes
* 6263: html: HTML5Translator crashed with invalid field node
* 6262: html theme: The style of field lists has changed in bizstyle theme


* 6196: py domain: unexpected prefix is generated



* Add a helper function: ``sphinx.testing.restructuredtext.parse()``


* Stop to use ``SPHINX_TEST_TEMPDIR`` envvar

Update pytest from 4.4.1 to 5.2.2.




Bug Fixes

- `5206 <>`_: Fix ``--nf`` to not forget about known nodeids with partial test selection.

- `5906 <>`_: Fix crash with ``KeyboardInterrupt`` during ``--setup-show``.

- `5946 <>`_: Fixed issue when parametrizing fixtures with numpy arrays (and possibly other sequence-like types).

- `6044 <>`_: Properly ignore ``FileNotFoundError`` exceptions when trying to remove old temporary directories,
for instance when multiple processes try to remove the same directory (common with ``pytest-xdist``
for example).



Bug Fixes

- `5902 <>`_: Fix warnings about deprecated ``cmp`` attribute in ``attrs>=19.2``.




- `1682 <>`_: Passing arguments to pytest.fixture() as positional arguments is deprecated - pass them
as a keyword argument instead.


- `1682 <>`_: The ``scope`` parameter of ``pytest.fixture`` can now be a callable that receives
the fixture name and the ``config`` object as keyword-only parameters.
See `the docs <>`__ for more information.

- `5764 <>`_: New behavior of the ``--pastebin`` option: failures to connect to the pastebin server are reported, without failing the pytest run

Bug Fixes

- `5806 <>`_: Fix "lexer" being used when uploading to from ``--pastebin`` to "text".

- `5884 <>`_: Fix ``--setup-only`` and ``--setup-show`` for custom pytest items.

Trivial/Internal Changes

- `5056 <>`_: The HelpFormatter uses ```` for better width detection.



Bug Fixes

- `5807 <>`_: Fix pypy3.6 (nightly) on windows.

- `5811 <>`_: Handle ``--fulltrace`` correctly with ``pytest.raises``.

- `5819 <>`_: Windows: Fix regression with conftest whose qualified name contains uppercase
characters (introduced by 5792).



Bug Fixes

- `2270 <>`_: Fixed ``self`` reference in function-scoped fixtures defined plugin classes: previously ``self``
would be a reference to a *test* class, not the *plugin* class.

- `570 <>`_: Fixed long standing issue where fixture scope was not respected when indirect fixtures were used during

- `5782 <>`_: Fix decoding error when printing an error response from ``--pastebin``.

- `5786 <>`_: Chained exceptions in test and collection reports are now correctly serialized, allowing plugins like
``pytest-xdist`` to display them properly.

- `5792 <>`_: Windows: Fix error that occurs in certain circumstances when loading
```` from a working directory that has casing other than the one stored
in the filesystem (e.g., ``c:\test`` instead of ``C:\test``).



Bug Fixes

- `5751 <>`_: Fixed ``TypeError`` when importing pytest on Python 3.5.0 and 3.5.1.




- `5180 <>`_: As per our policy, the following features have been deprecated in the 4.X series and are now

* ``Request.getfuncargvalue``: use ``Request.getfixturevalue`` instead.

* ``pytest.raises`` and ``pytest.warns`` no longer support strings as the second argument.

* ``message`` parameter of ``pytest.raises``.

* ``pytest.raises``, ``pytest.warns`` and ``ParameterSet.param`` now use native keyword-only
 syntax. This might change the exception message from previous versions, but they still raise
 ``TypeError`` on unknown keyword arguments as before.

* ``pytest.config`` global variable.

* ``tmpdir_factory.ensuretemp`` method.

* ``pytest_logwarning`` hook.

* ``RemovedInPytest4Warning`` warning type.

* ``request`` is now a reserved name for fixtures.

For more information consult
`Deprecations and Removals <>`__ in the docs.

- `5565 <>`_: Removed unused support code for `unittest2 <>`__.

The ``unittest2`` backport module is no longer
necessary since Python 3.3+, and the small amount of code in pytest to support it also doesn't seem
to be used: after removed, all tests still pass unchanged.

Although our policy is to introduce a deprecation period before removing any features or support
for third party libraries, because this code is apparently not used
at all (even if ``unittest2`` is used by a test suite executed by pytest), it was decided to
remove it in this release.

If you experience a regression because of this, please
`file an issue <>`__.

- `5615 <>`_: ````, ``pytest.xfail`` and ``pytest.skip`` no longer support bytes for the message argument.

This was supported for Python 2 where it was tempting to use ``"message"``
instead of ``u"message"``.

Python 3 code is unlikely to pass ``bytes`` to these functions. If you do,
please decode it to an ``str`` beforehand.


- `5564 <>`_: New ``Config.invocation_args`` attribute containing the unchanged arguments passed to ``pytest.main()``.

- `5576 <>`_: New `NUMBER <>`__
option for doctests to ignore irrelevant differences in floating-point numbers.
Inspired by Sébastien Boisgérault's `numtest <>`__
extension for doctest.


- `5471 <>`_: JUnit XML now includes a timestamp and hostname in the testsuite tag.

- `5707 <>`_: Time taken to run the test suite now includes a human-readable representation when it takes over
60 seconds, for example::

   ===== 2 failed in 102.70s (0:01:42) =====

Bug Fixes

- `4344 <>`_: Fix RuntimeError/StopIteration when trying to collect package with "" only.

- `5115 <>`_: Warnings issued during ``pytest_configure`` are explicitly not treated as errors, even if configured as such, because it otherwise completely breaks pytest.

- `5477 <>`_: The XML file produced by ``--junitxml`` now correctly contain a ``<testsuites>`` root element.

- `5524 <>`_: Fix issue where ``tmp_path`` and ``tmpdir`` would not remove directories containing files marked as read-only,
which could lead to pytest crashing when executed a second time with the ``--basetemp`` option.

- `5537 <>`_: Replace ``importlib_metadata`` backport with ``importlib.metadata`` from the
standard library on Python 3.8+.

- `5578 <>`_: Improve type checking for some exception-raising functions (``pytest.xfail``, ``pytest.skip``, etc)
so they provide better error messages when users meant to use marks (for example ``pytest.xfail``
instead of ``pytest.mark.xfail``).

- `5606 <>`_: Fixed internal error when test functions were patched with objects that cannot be compared
for truth values against others, like ``numpy`` arrays.

- `5634 <>`_: ``pytest.exit`` is now correctly handled in ``unittest`` cases.
This makes ``unittest`` cases handle ``quit`` from pytest's pdb correctly.

- `5650 <>`_: Improved output when parsing an ini configuration file fails.

- `5701 <>`_: Fix collection of ``staticmethod`` objects defined with ``functools.partial``.

- `5734 <>`_: Skip async generator test functions, and update the warning message to refer to ``async def`` functions.

Improved Documentation

- `5669 <>`_: Add docstring for ``Testdir.copy_example``.

Trivial/Internal Changes

- `5095 <>`_: XML files of the ``xunit2`` family are now validated against the schema by pytest's own test suite
to avoid future regressions.

- `5516 <>`_: Cache node splitting function which can improve collection performance in very large test suites.

- `5603 <>`_: Simplified internal ``SafeRepr`` class and removed some dead code.

- `5664 <>`_: When invoking pytest's own testsuite with ``PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1``,
the ``test_xfail_handling`` test no longer fails.

- `5684 <>`_: Replace manual handling of ``OSError.errno`` in the codebase by new ``OSError`` subclasses (``PermissionError``, ``FileNotFoundError``, etc.).



Bug Fixes

- `5479 <>`_: Improve quoting in ``raises`` match failure message.

- `5523 <>`_: Fixed using multiple short options together in the command-line (for example ``-vs``) in Python 3.8+.

- `5547 <>`_: ``--step-wise`` now handles ``xfail(strict=True)`` markers properly.

Improved Documentation

- `5517 <>`_: Improve "Declaring new hooks" section in chapter "Writing Plugins"




This release is a Python3.5+ only release.

For more details, see our `Python 2.7 and 3.4 support plan <>`__.


- `1149 <>`_: Pytest no longer accepts prefixes of command-line arguments, for example
typing ``pytest --doctest-mod`` inplace of ``--doctest-modules``.
This was previously allowed where the ``ArgumentParser`` thought it was unambiguous,
but this could be incorrect due to delayed parsing of options for plugins.
See for example issues `1149 <>`__,
`3413 <>`__, and
`4009 <>`__.

- `5402 <>`_: **PytestDeprecationWarning are now errors by default.**

Following our plan to remove deprecated features with as little disruption as
possible, all warnings of type ``PytestDeprecationWarning`` now generate errors
instead of warning messages.

**The affected features will be effectively removed in pytest 5.1**, so please consult the
`Deprecations and Removals <>`__
section in the docs for directions on how to update existing code.

In the pytest ``5.0.X`` series, it is possible to change the errors back into warnings as a stop
gap measure by adding this to your ``pytest.ini`` file:

.. code-block:: ini

   filterwarnings =

But this will stop working when pytest ``5.1`` is released.

**If you have concerns** about the removal of a specific feature, please add a
comment to `5402 <>`__.

- `5412 <>`_: ``ExceptionInfo`` objects (returned by ``pytest.raises``) now have the same ``str`` representation as ``repr``, which
avoids some confusion when users use ``print(e)`` to inspect the object.

This means code like:

.. code-block:: python

     with pytest.raises(SomeException) as e:
     assert "some message" in str(e)

Needs to be changed to:

.. code-block:: python

     with pytest.raises(SomeException) as e:
     assert "some message" in str(e.value)


- `4488 <>`_: The removal of the ``--result-log`` option and module has been postponed to (tentatively) pytest 6.0 as
the team has not yet got around to implement a good alternative for it.

- `466 <>`_: The ``funcargnames`` attribute has been an alias for ``fixturenames`` since
pytest 2.3, and is now deprecated in code too.


- `3457 <>`_: New `pytest_assertion_pass <>`__
hook, called with context information when an assertion *passes*.

This hook is still **experimental** so use it with caution.

- `5440 <>`_: The `faulthandler <>`__ standard library
module is now enabled by default to help users diagnose crashes in C modules.

This functionality was provided by integrating the external
`pytest-faulthandler <>`__ plugin into the core,
so users should remove that plugin from their requirements if used.

For more information see the docs:

- `5452 <>`_: When warnings are configured as errors, pytest warnings now appear as originating from ``pytest.`` instead of the internal ``_pytest.warning_types.`` module.

- `5125 <>`_: ``Session.exitcode`` values are now coded in ``pytest.ExitCode``, an ``IntEnum``. This makes the exit code available for consumer code and are more explicit other than just documentation. User defined exit codes are still valid, but should be used with caution.

The team doesn't expect this change to break test suites or plugins in general, except in esoteric/specific scenarios.

**pytest-xdist** users should upgrade to ``1.29.0`` or later, as ``pytest-xdist`` required a compatibility fix because of this change.

Bug Fixes

- `1403 <>`_: Switch from ``imp`` to ``importlib``.

- `1671 <>`_: The name of the ``.pyc`` files cached by the assertion writer now includes the pytest version
to avoid stale caches.

- `2761 <>`_: Honor PEP 235 on case-insensitive file systems.

- `5078 <>`_: Test module is no longer double-imported when using ``--pyargs``.

- `5260 <>`_: Improved comparison of byte strings.

When comparing bytes, the assertion message used to show the byte numeric value when showing the differences::

       def test():
   >       assert b'spam' == b'eggs'
   E       AssertionError: assert b'spam' == b'eggs'
   E         At index 0 diff: 115 != 101
   E         Use -v to get the full diff

It now shows the actual ascii representation instead, which is often more useful::

       def test():
   >       assert b'spam' == b'eggs'
   E       AssertionError: assert b'spam' == b'eggs'
   E         At index 0 diff: b's' != b'e'
   E         Use -v to get the full diff

- `5335 <>`_: Colorize level names when the level in the logging format is formatted using
'%(levelname).Xs' (truncated fixed width alignment), where X is an integer.

- `5354 <>`_: Fix ``pytest.mark.parametrize`` when the argvalues is an iterator.

- `5370 <>`_: Revert unrolling of ``all()`` to fix ``NameError`` on nested comprehensions.

- `5371 <>`_: Revert unrolling of ``all()`` to fix incorrect handling of generators with ``if``.

- `5372 <>`_: Revert unrolling of ``all()`` to fix incorrect assertion when using ``all()`` in an expression.

- `5383 <>`_: ``-q`` has again an impact on the style of the collected items
(``--collect-only``) when ``--log-cli-level`` is used.

- `5389 <>`_: Fix regressions of `5063 <>`__ for ``importlib_metadata.PathDistribution`` which have their ``files`` attribute being ``None``.

- `5390 <>`_: Fix regression where the ``obj`` attribute of ``TestCase`` items was no longer bound to methods.

- `5404 <>`_: Emit a warning when attempting to unwrap a broken object raises an exception,
for easier debugging (`5080 <>`__).

- `5432 <>`_: Prevent "already imported" warnings from assertion rewriter when invoking pytest in-process multiple times.

- `5433 <>`_: Fix assertion rewriting in packages (````).

- `5444 <>`_: Fix ``--stepwise`` mode when the first file passed on the command-line fails to collect.

- `5482 <>`_: Fix bug introduced in 4.6.0 causing collection errors when passing
more than 2 positional arguments to ``pytest.mark.parametrize``.

- `5505 <>`_: Fix crash when discovery fails while using ``-p no:terminal``.

Improved Documentation

- `5315 <>`_: Expand docs on mocking classes and dictionaries with ``monkeypatch``.

- `5416 <>`_: Fix PytestUnknownMarkWarning in run/skip example.



Bug Fixes

- `5523 <>`_: Fixed using multiple short options together in the command-line (for example ``-vs``) in Python 3.8+.

- `5537 <>`_: Replace ``importlib_metadata`` backport with ``importlib.metadata`` from the
standard library on Python 3.8+.

- `5806 <>`_: Fix "lexer" being used when uploading to from ``--pastebin`` to "text".

- `5902 <>`_: Fix warnings about deprecated ``cmp`` attribute in ``attrs>=19.2``.

Trivial/Internal Changes

- `5801 <>`_: Fixes python version checks (detected by ``flake8-2020``) in case python4 becomes a thing.



Bug Fixes

- `4344 <>`_: Fix RuntimeError/StopIteration when trying to collect package with "" only.

- `5478 <>`_: Fix encode error when using unicode strings in exceptions with ``pytest.raises``.

- `5524 <>`_: Fix issue where ``tmp_path`` and ``tmpdir`` would not remove directories containing files marked as read-only,
which could lead to pytest crashing when executed a second time with the ``--basetemp`` option.

- `5547 <>`_: ``--step-wise`` now handles ``xfail(strict=True)`` markers properly.

- `5650 <>`_: Improved output when parsing an ini configuration file fails.



Bug Fixes

- `5404 <>`_: Emit a warning when attempting to unwrap a broken object raises an exception,
for easier debugging (`5080 <>`__).

- `5444 <>`_: Fix ``--stepwise`` mode when the first file passed on the command-line fails to collect.

- `5482 <>`_: Fix bug introduced in 4.6.0 causing collection errors when passing
more than 2 positional arguments to ``pytest.mark.parametrize``.

- `5505 <>`_: Fix crash when discovery fails while using ``-p no:terminal``.



Bug Fixes

- `5383 <>`_: ``-q`` has again an impact on the style of the collected items
(``--collect-only``) when ``--log-cli-level`` is used.

- `5389 <>`_: Fix regressions of `5063 <>`__ for ``importlib_metadata.PathDistribution`` which have their ``files`` attribute being ``None``.

- `5390 <>`_: Fix regression where the ``obj`` attribute of ``TestCase`` items was no longer bound to methods.



Bug Fixes

- `5370 <>`_: Revert unrolling of ``all()`` to fix ``NameError`` on nested comprehensions.

- `5371 <>`_: Revert unrolling of ``all()`` to fix incorrect handling of generators with ``if``.

- `5372 <>`_: Revert unrolling of ``all()`` to fix incorrect assertion when using ``all()`` in an expression.



Bug Fixes

- `5354 <>`_: Fix ``pytest.mark.parametrize`` when the argvalues is an iterator.

- `5358 <>`_: Fix assertion rewriting of ``all()`` calls to deal with non-generators.




The ``4.6.X`` series will be the last series to support **Python 2 and Python 3.4**.

For more details, see our `Python 2.7 and 3.4 support plan <>`__.


- `4559 <>`_: Added the ``junit_log_passing_tests`` ini value which can be used to enable or disable logging of passing test output in the Junit XML file.

- `4956 <>`_: pytester's ``testdir.spawn`` uses ``tmpdir`` as HOME/USERPROFILE directory.

- `5062 <>`_: Unroll calls to ``all`` to full for-loops with assertion rewriting for better failure messages, especially when using Generator Expressions.

- `5063 <>`_: Switch from ``pkg_resources`` to ``importlib-metadata`` for entrypoint detection for improved performance and import time.

- `5091 <>`_: The output for ini options in ``--help`` has been improved.

- `5269 <>`_: ``pytest.importorskip`` includes the ``ImportError`` now in the default ``reason``.

- `5311 <>`_: Captured logs that are output for each failing test are formatted using the

- `5312 <>`_: Improved formatting of multiline log messages in Python 3.

Bug Fixes

- `2064 <>`_: The debugging plugin imports the wrapped ``Pdb`` class (``--pdbcls``) on-demand now.

- `4908 <>`_: The ``pytest_enter_pdb`` hook gets called with post-mortem (``--pdb``).

- `5036 <>`_: Fix issue where fixtures dependent on other parametrized fixtures would be erroneously parametrized.

- `5256 <>`_: Handle internal error due to a lone surrogate unicode character not being representable in Jython.

- `5257 <>`_: Ensure that ``sys.stdout.mode`` does not include ``'b'`` as it is a text stream.

- `5278 <>`_: Pytest's internal python plugin can be disabled using ``-p no:python`` again.

- `5286 <>`_: Fix issue with ``disable_test_id_escaping_and_forfeit_all_rights_to_community_support`` option not working when using a list of test IDs in parametrized tests.

- `5330 <>`_: Show the test module being collected when emitting ``PytestCollectionWarning`` messages for
test classes with ``__init__`` and ``__new__`` methods to make it easier to pin down the problem.

- `5333 <>`_: Fix regression in 4.5.0 with ``--lf`` not re-running all tests with known failures from non-selected tests.

Improved Documentation

- `5250 <>`_: Expand docs on use of ``setenv`` and ``delenv`` with ``monkeypatch``.




- `4826 <>`_: A warning is now emitted when unknown marks are used as a decorator.
This is often due to a typo, which can lead to silently broken tests.

- `4907 <>`_: Show XFail reason as part of JUnitXML message field.

- `5013 <>`_: Messages from crash reports are displayed within test summaries now, truncated to the terminal width.

- `5023 <>`_: New flag ``--strict-markers`` that triggers an error when unknown markers (e.g. those not registered using the `markers option`_ in the configuration file) are used in the test suite.

The existing ``--strict`` option has the same behavior currently, but can be augmented in the future for additional checks.

.. _`markers option`:

- `5026 <>`_: Assertion failure messages for sequences and dicts contain the number of different items now.

- `5034 <>`_: Improve reporting with ``--lf`` and ``--ff`` (run-last-failure).

- `5035 <>`_: The ``--cache-show`` option/action accepts an optional glob to show only matching cache entries.

- `5059 <>`_: Standard input (stdin) can be given to pytester's ```` and ``Testdir.popen()``.

- `5068 <>`_: The ``-r`` option learnt about ``A`` to display all reports (including passed ones) in the short test summary.

- `5108 <>`_: The short test summary is displayed after passes with output (``-rP``).

- `5172 <>`_: The ``--last-failed`` (``--lf``) option got smarter and will now skip entire files if all tests
of that test file have passed in previous runs, greatly speeding up collection.

- `5177 <>`_: Introduce new specific warning ``PytestWarning`` subclasses to make it easier to filter warnings based on the class, rather than on the message. The new subclasses are:

* ``PytestAssertRewriteWarning``

* ``PytestCacheWarning``

* ``PytestCollectionWarning``

* ``PytestConfigWarning``

* ``PytestUnhandledCoroutineWarning``

* ``PytestUnknownMarkWarning``

- `5202 <>`_: New ``record_testsuite_property`` session-scoped fixture allows users to log ``<property>`` tags at the ``testsuite``
level with the ``junitxml`` plugin.

The generated XML is compatible with the latest xunit standard, contrary to
the properties recorded by ``record_property`` and ``record_xml_attribute``.

- `5214 <>`_: The default logging format has been changed to improve readability. Here is an
example of a previous logging message::    3 CRITICAL critical message logged by test

This has now become::

   CRITICAL critical message logged by test

The formatting can be changed through the `log_format <>`__ configuration option.

- `5220 <>`_: ``--fixtures`` now also shows fixture scope for scopes other than ``"function"``.

Bug Fixes

- `5113 <>`_: Deselected items from plugins using ``pytest_collect_modifyitems`` as a hookwrapper are correctly reported now.

- `5144 <>`_: With usage errors ``exitstatus`` is set to ``EXIT_USAGEERROR`` in the ``pytest_sessionfinish`` hook now as expected.

- `5235 <>`_: ``outcome.exit`` is not used with ``EOF`` in the pdb wrapper anymore, but only with ``quit``.

Improved Documentation

- `4935 <>`_: Expand docs on registering marks and the effect of ``--strict``.

Trivial/Internal Changes

- `4942 <>`_: ``logging.raiseExceptions`` is not set to ``False`` anymore.

- `5013 <>`_: pytest now depends on `wcwidth <>`__ to properly track unicode character sizes for more precise terminal output.

- `5059 <>`_: pytester's ``Testdir.popen()`` uses ``stdout`` and ``stderr`` via keyword arguments with defaults now (``subprocess.PIPE``).

- `5069 <>`_: The code for the short test summary in the terminal was moved to the terminal plugin.

- `5082 <>`_: Improved validation of kwargs for various methods in the pytester plugin.

- `5202 <>`_: ``record_property`` now emits a ``PytestWarning`` when used with ``junit_family=xunit2``: the fixture generates
``property`` tags as children of ``testcase``, which is not permitted according to the most
`recent schema <

- `5239 <>`_: Pin ``pluggy`` to ``< 1.0`` so we don't update to ``1.0`` automatically when
it gets released: there are planned breaking changes, and we want to ensure
pytest properly supports ``pluggy 1.0``.



Bug Fixes

- `5089 <>`_: Fix crash caused by error in ``__repr__`` function with both ``showlocals`` and verbose output enabled.

- `5139 <>`_: Eliminate core dependency on 'terminal' plugin.

- `5229 <>`_: Require ``pluggy>=0.11.0`` which reverts a dependency to ``importlib-metadata`` added in ``0.10.0``.
The ``importlib-metadata`` package cannot be imported when installed as an egg and causes issues when relying on ```` to install test dependencies.

Improved Documentation

- `5171 <>`_: Doc: ``pytest_ignore_collect``, ``pytest_collect_directory``, ``pytest_collect_file`` and ``pytest_pycollect_makemodule`` hooks's 'path' parameter documented type is now ``py.path.local``

- `5188 <>`_: Improve help for ``--runxfail`` flag.

Trivial/Internal Changes

- `5182 <>`_: Removed internal and unused ``_pytest.deprecated.MARK_INFO_ATTRIBUTE``.

Update pytest-cov from 2.6.1 to 2.8.1.




* Fixed `348 <>`_ -
regression when only certain reports (html or xml) are used then ``--cov-fail-under`` always fails.



* Fixed ``RecursionError`` that can occur when using
`cleanup_on_signal <>`__ or
`cleanup_on_sigterm <>`__.
See: `294 <>`_.
The 2.7.x releases of pytest-cov should be considered broken regarding aforementioned cleanup API.
* Added compatibility with future xdist release that deprecates some internals
(match pytest-xdist master/worker terminology).
Contributed by Thomas Grainger in `321 <>`_
* Fixed breakage that occurs when multiple reporting options are used.
Contributed by Thomas Grainger in `338 <>`_.
* Changed internals to use a stub instead of ``os.devnull``.
Contributed by Thomas Grainger in `332 <>`_.
* Added support for Coverage 5.0.
Contributed by Ned Batchelder in `319 <>`_.
* Added support for float values in ``--cov-fail-under``.
Contributed by Martín Gaitán in `311 <>`_.
* Various documentation fixes. Contributed by
Juanjo Bazán,
Andrew Murray and
Albert Tugushev in
`298 <>`_,
`299 <>`_ and
`307 <>`_.
* Various testing improvements. Contributed by
Ned Batchelder,
Daniel Hahler,
Ionel Cristian Mărieș and
Hugo van Kemenade in
`313 <>`_,
`314 <>`_,
`315 <>`_,
`316 <>`_,
`325 <>`_,
`326 <>`_,
`334 <>`_ and
`335 <>`_.
* Added the ``--cov-context`` CLI options that enables coverage contexts. Only works with coverage 5.0+.
Contributed by Ned Batchelder in `345 <>`_.



* Fixed source distribution manifest so that garbage ain't included in the tarball.



* Fixed ``AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'configure_node'`` error when ``--no-cov`` is used.
Contributed by Alexander Shadchin in `263 <>`_.
* Various testing and CI improvements. Contributed by Daniel Hahler in
`255 <>`_,
`266 <>`_,
`272 <>`_,
`271 <>`_ and
`269 <>`_.
* Improved documentation regarding subprocess and multiprocessing.
Contributed in `265 <>`_.
* Improved ``pytest_cov.embed.cleanup_on_sigterm`` to be reentrant (signal deliveries while signal handling is
running won't break stuff).
* Added ``pytest_cov.embed.cleanup_on_signal`` for customized cleanup.
* Improved cleanup code and fixed various issues with leftover data files. All contributed in
`265 <>`_ or
`262 <>`_.
* Improved examples. Now there are two examples for the common project layouts, complete with working coverage
configuration. The examples have CI testing. Contributed in
`267 <>`_.
* Improved help text for CLI options.

Update coveralls from 1.7.0 to 1.8.2.




* **dependencies**: update pass urllib3<1.25 pin, now that that's fixed.

<a name="1.8.1"></a>


Bug Fixes

* **dependencies:**  pin `coverage` to `< 5.0`, since the current `5.0` alphas are
                  introducing breaking changes. Once `5.0` is stable, we'll
                  remove the pin.

<a name="1.8.0"></a>



* **flag:**  allow disabling SSL verification ([2e3b5c61](2e3b5c61))

Bug Fixes

* **git:**  fix support for case where git binary is missing ([5bbceaae](5bbceaae))

<a name="1.7.0"></a>

Update flake8 from 3.7.7 to 3.7.9.




You can view the `3.7.8 milestone`_ on GitLab for more details.

Bugs Fixed

- Fix handling of ``Application.parse_preliminary_options_and_args`` when
argv is an empty list (See also `GitLab!310`_, `GitLab518`_)

- Fix crash when a file parses but fails to tokenize (See also `GitLab!314`_,

- Log the full traceback on plugin exceptions (See also `GitLab!317`_)

- Fix `` noqa: ...`` comments with multi-letter codes (See also `GitLab!326`_,

.. all links
.. _3.7.8 milestone:

.. issue links
.. _GitLab518:
.. _GitLab532:
.. _GitLab549:

.. merge request links
.. _GitLab!310:
.. _GitLab!314:
.. _GitLab!317:
.. _GitLab!326:

Update SQLAlchemy from 1.3.3 to 1.3.10.



:include_notes_from: unreleased_13

.. changelog::


:released: October 4, 2019

 .. change::
     :tags: usecase, engine
     :tickets: 4857

     Added new :func:`.create_engine` parameter
     :paramref:`.create_engine.max_identifier_length`. This overrides the
     dialect-coded "max identifier length" in order to accommodate for databases
     that have recently changed this length and the SQLAlchemy dialect has
     not yet been adjusted to detect for that version.  This parameter interacts
     with the existing :paramref:`.create_engine.label_length` parameter in that
     it establishes the maximum (and default) value for anonymously generated
     labels.   Additionally, post-connection detection of max identifier lengths
     has been added to the dialect system.  This feature is first being used
     by the Oracle dialect.

     .. seealso::

         :ref:`oracle_max_identifier_lengths` - in the Oracle dialect documentation

 .. change::
     :tags: usecase, oracle
     :tickets: 4857

     The Oracle dialect now emits a warning if Oracle version 12.2 or greater is
     used, and the :paramref:`.create_engine.max_identifier_length` parameter is
     not set.   The version in this specific case defaults to that of the
     "compatibility" version set in the Oracle server configuration, not the
     actual server version.   In version 1.4, the default max_identifier_length
     for 12.2 or greater will move to 128 characters.  In order to maintain
     forwards compatibility, applications should set
     :paramref:`.create_engine.max_identifier_length` to 30 in order to maintain
     the same length behavior, or to 128 in order to test the upcoming behavior.
     This length determines among other things how generated constraint names
     are truncated for statements like ``CREATE CONSTRAINT`` and ``DROP
     CONSTRAINT``, which means a the new length may produce a name-mismatch
     against a name that was generated with the old length, impacting database

     .. seealso::

         :ref:`oracle_max_identifier_lengths` - in the Oracle dialect documentation

 .. change::
     :tags: usecase, sqlite
     :tickets: 4863

     Added support for sqlite "URI" connections, which allow for sqlite-specific
     flags to be passed in the query string such as "read only" for Python
     sqlite3 drivers that support this.

     .. seealso::


 .. change::
     :tags: bug, tests
     :tickets: 4285

     Fixed unit test regression released in 1.3.8 that would cause failure for
     Oracle, SQL Server and other non-native ENUM platforms due to new
     enumeration tests added as part of :ticket:`4285` enum sortability in the
     unit of work; the enumerations created constraints that were duplicated on

 .. change::
     :tags: bug, oracle
     :tickets: 4886

     Restored adding cx_Oracle.DATETIME to the setinputsizes() call when a
     SQLAlchemy :class:`.Date`, :class:`.DateTime` or :class:`.Time` datatype is
     used, as some complex queries require this to be present.  This was removed
     in the 1.2 series for arbitrary reasons.

 .. change::
     :tags: bug, mssql
     :tickets: 4883

     Added identifier quoting to the schema name applied to the "use" statement
     which is invoked when a SQL Server multipart schema name is used within  a
     :class:`.Table` that is being reflected, as well as for :class:`.Inspector`
     methods such as :meth:`.Inspector.get_table_names`; this accommodates for
     special characters or spaces in the database name.  Additionally, the "use"
     statement is not emitted if the current database matches the target owner
     database name being passed.

 .. change::
     :tags: bug, orm
     :tickets: 4872

     Fixed regression in selectinload loader strategy caused by :ticket:`4775`
     (released in version 1.3.6) where a many-to-one attribute of None would no
     longer be populated by the loader.  While this was usually not noticeable
     due to the lazyloader populating None upon get, it would lead to a detached
     instance error if the object were detached.

 .. change::
     :tags: bug, orm
     :tickets: 4873

     Passing a plain string expression to :meth:`.Session.query` is deprecated,
     as all string coercions were removed in :ticket:`4481` and this one should
     have been included.   The :func:`.literal_column` function may be used to
     produce a textual column expression.

 .. change::
     :tags: usecase, sql
     :tickets: 4847

     Added an explicit error message for the case when objects passed to
     :class:`.Table` are not :class:`.SchemaItem` objects, rather than resolving
     to an attribute error.

 .. change::
     :tags: bug, orm
     :tickets: 4890

     A warning is emitted for a condition in which the :class:`.Session` may
     implicitly swap an object out of the identity map for another one with the
     same primary key, detaching the old one, which can be an observed result of
     load operations which occur within the :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_flush`
     hook.  The warning is intended to notify the user that some special
     condition has caused this to happen and that the previous object may not be
     in the expected state.

 .. change::
     :tags: bug, sql
     :tickets: 4837

     Characters that interfere with "pyformat" or "named" formats in bound
     parameters, namely ``%, (, )`` and the space character, as well as a few
     other typically undesirable characters, are stripped early for a
     :func:`.bindparam` that is using an anonymized name, which is typically
     generated automatically from a named column which itself includes these
     characters in its name and does not use a ``.key``, so that they do not
     interfere either with the SQLAlchemy compiler's use of string formatting or
     with the driver-level parsing of the parameter, both of which could be
     demonstrated before the fix.  The change only applies to anonymized
     parameter names that are generated and consumed internally, not end-user
     defined names, so the change should have no impact on any existing code.
     Applies in particular to the psycopg2 driver which does not otherwise quote
     special parameter names, but also strips leading underscores to suit Oracle
     (but not yet leading numbers, as some anon parameters are currently
     entirely numeric/underscore based); Oracle in any case continues to quote
     parameter names that include special characters.

.. changelog::


:released: August 27, 2019

 .. change::
     :tags: bug, orm
     :tickets: 4823

     Fixed bug where :class:`.Load` objects were not pickleable due to
     mapper/relationship state in the internal context dictionary.  These
     objects are now converted to picklable using similar techniques as that of
     other elements within the loader option system that have long been

 .. change::
     :tags: bug, postgresql
     :tickets: 4623

     Revised the approach for the just added support for the psycopg2
     "execute_values()" feature added in 1.3.7 for :ticket:`4623`.  The approach
     relied upon a regular expression that would fail to match for a more
     complex INSERT statement such as one which had subqueries involved.   The
     new approach matches exactly th

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Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 98.785% when pulling 6d6586a on pyup-scheduled-update-2019-11-01 into f92d5ba on master.

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Contributor Author

pyup-bot commented Feb 1, 2020

Closing this in favor of #67

@pyup-bot pyup-bot closed this Feb 1, 2020
@koenedaele koenedaele deleted the pyup-scheduled-update-2019-11-01 branch February 1, 2020 16:43
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Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues.

2 participants