Hi, mi name is Walter. Nice to meet you 👋
In this repository you can see my portfolio where I'll upload my projects
Some projects, for example:
My portfolio is done whit Html, css, Javascript, Vuejs, very soon I will add SEO to it, also I will improve the design and add more projects.
Feel free to view my github profile and if you are interested in working with me don't forget to contact me.
Ok, then you can follow these steps to run my portfolio in your console:
git clone https://github.com/Onnichan/portfolio-vue.git
yarn install
yarn run dev
Yeah! With the above steps you could already view my portfolio in your browser.
Portfolio in production for here 👈
You can follow me on my Linkedin.
Email : [email protected] copy and paste it but without the first dot.
Thanks for being here 😎