Releases: OneSignal/OneSignal-Android-SDK
Releases · OneSignal/OneSignal-Android-SDK
2.0.5 Release
Registration with location and old GMS fix
- Fixed issue where device may not register if the app has location permission and a very old (older than 7.0.0) or incomplete version of the Google Play services client library is used.
2.0.4 Release
App close fix
- Fixed issue where notification callback would fire instead of showing a notification when init was called from onCreate of the Application class.
2.0.3 Release
Proguard fixes
- Fixed registration, IAP tracking, and Android 2.3.3 issues when proguard is enabled.
2.0.2 Release
Compatibility fix for GMS library 8.1.0 and newer
- Fixed compatibility issues when using GMS (Google Play services library) 8.1.0 or newer in your app.
- Also insured backwards compatibility to 7.0.0.
- Better clean up of internal sdk resources to prevent warnings in StrictMode.
2.0.1 Release
Lowered required support library revision and geo tag fix
- No longer requires revision 23 of the Android Support Library. 22 is need for all features but an older one can be used safely.
- Fixed bug where geo tag permission prompt did not work if used from the Application class on Android 6.0
2.0.0 Release
OneSignal Android Native SDK 2.0!
- Network optimizations and offline support for tags, subscription setting, and getTags.
- Added geo tagging.
- Removed loopj library
- Now uses the HttpURLConnection class which is built into the Android OS.
- Smaller SDK size
- Fixed Activity leak.
- Simpler setup, no longer need to add OneSignal.onResumed() and OneSignal.onPaused() to each activity.
- The SDK now handles this for you automatically.
- New builder init pattern.
- OneSignal app id and Google project number now pulled from the AndroidManifest.xml.
- Android Studio users - Set these in the gradle file. See update notes below.
- Now support Android market:// links.
- Now directly opens all links instead of opening your app first.
Updating from 1.x.x
Add the following to your gradle file:
compile ''
compile ''
`2.` Add `onesignal_app_id` and `onesignal_google_project_number` to your app's gradle file.
manifestPlaceholders = [manifestApplicationId: "${applicationId}",
onesignal_app_id: "b2f7f966-d8cc-11e4-bed1-df8f05be55ba",
onesignal_google_project_number: "703322744261"]
`3.` Move OneSignal initialization to your Application class and use new builder pattern:
.setNotificationOpenedHandler(new ExampleNotificationOpenedHandler())
`4.` Remove all calls to OneSignal.onResumed() and OneSignal.onPaused() `5.` Update any calls to GameThrive with OneSignal.
See the all new setup documentation here:
1.10.7 Release
Fix for custom notification opened activity data
1.10.6 Release
Fixed leak with Google IAP tracking.
1.10.5 Release
Android idsAvailable Bug Fix
- Fixed bug on Android where idsAvailable could fire with a userId of null if the device is having intermittent connection issues.
1.10.4 Release
postNotification UTF-8 fix
- postNotification now works correctly with UTF-8 messages.