- Have a Look at the project structure below to understand where to store/upload your contribution
- If you're creating a task, Go to the task folder and create a new folder with the below naming convention and add a README.md with task details and goals to help other contributors understand
- Task Folder Naming Convention : task-n-taskname.(n is the task number) ex: task-1-data-analysis, task-2-model-deployment etc.
- Create a README.md with a table containing information table about all contributions for the task.
- If you're contributing for a task, please make sure to store in relavant location and update the README.md information table with your contribution details.
- Make sure your File names(jupyter notebooks, python files, data sheet file names etc) has proper naming to help others in easily identifing them.
- Please restrict yourself from creating unnessesary folders other than in 'tasks' folder (as above mentioned naming convention) to avoid confusion.
├── README.md <- The top-level README for developers/collaborators using this project.
├── original <- Original Source Code of the challenge hosted by omdena. Can be used as a reference code for the current project goal.
├── README.md <- Details about final reports and analysis
└── tasks <- Master folder for all individual task folders
├── task-2-data-collection-and-processing <- folder for all tasks concerning dataset creation
└── task-3-model-building-and-deployment <- folder for all tasks concerning training and deploying the model