This repo is a guide to start developing projects with STM32F4 Discovery board and EmBitz IDE. Using the standart libraries, there ares examples how to configure and use the peripherals in a easy way. Probably this examples could be applied to others ARM microcontrolers. Enjoy it :)
- StartProject - Start project for STM32F429ZI
- TimerCounter - Timer configuration
- TimerNVIC - Timer configuration and interrupt
- Install EmBitz from the official page
- STM32F4 Discovery board (or other stm32F4xx microcontroller)
If you want, you can just use the StartProject and skip this step
File-> New Project -> choose STM32F429ZI (the microcontroller used on discovery board).
Make sure you select the Standart Peripherals Library!
In the project tree Sources -> src you will find the main.c
When everything is done, you can click on debug button (top bar) to compile the code and programing the microncontroller.
If is everything ok EmBitz will open a new file (in assembely), ignore it for now.
Click on Continue and you will see your code working on.
Feel free to pull request
- Daniel Oliveira - OhMeuMenino