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Re-evaluate naming and management of DLS methods. Move most dls manag…
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…ement into Image class. Document dls methods.

Add handling of bad DLS2 horizontal irradiance tag for some firmware versions.
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Justin McAllister committed Apr 5, 2019
1 parent 90f97c5 commit 779b359
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions data/ALTUM0SET/000/IMG_0000_1.tif
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100 changes: 63 additions & 37 deletions micasense/
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import numpy as np
import cv2
import os
import imageio

class Capture(object):
Expand All @@ -59,16 +60,8 @@ def __init__(self, images, panelCorners=[None]*5):
self.panels = None
self.detected_panel_count = 0
self.panelCorners = panelCorners
self.dls_orientation_vector = np.array([0,0,-1])
self.sun_vector_ned, \
self.sensor_vector_ned, \
self.sun_sensor_angle, \
self.solar_elevation, \
self.angular_correction = dls.fresnel(self.sun_sensor_angle)

self.__aligned_capture = None

def set_panelCorners(self,panelCorners):
self.panelCorners = panelCorners
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,7 +125,7 @@ def __eq__(self, other):

def location(self):
''' (lat, lon, alt) tuple of WGS-84 location units are radians, meters msl'''
return (self.images[0].latitude, self.images[0].longitude, self.images[0].altitude)
return (self.images[0].location)

def utc_time(self):
''' returns a timezone-aware datetime object of the capture time '''
Expand All @@ -146,6 +139,7 @@ def clear_image_data(self):
to call this after capture is processed'''
for img in self.images:
self.__aligned_capture = None

def center_wavelengths(self):
'''Returns a list of the image center wavelenghts in nanometers'''
Expand All @@ -165,22 +159,7 @@ def dls_irradiance_raw(self):

def dls_irradiance(self):
'''Returns a list of the corrected DLS irradiance in W/m^2/nm'''
ground_irradiances = []
if self.images[0].horizontal_irradiance != 0:
for img in self.images:
for img in self.images:
dir_dif_ratio = 6.0
percent_diffuse = 1.0/dir_dif_ratio
#percent_diffuse = 5e4/(img.center_wavelength**2)
sensor_irradiance = img.dls_irradiance / self.angular_correction
# find direct irradiance in the plane normal to the sun
untilted_direct_irr = sensor_irradiance / (percent_diffuse + np.cos(self.sun_sensor_angle))
# compute irradiance on the ground using the solar altitude angle
ground_irr = untilted_direct_irr * (percent_diffuse + np.sin(self.solar_elevation))
return ground_irradiances
return [img.horizontal_irradiance for img in self.images]

def dls_pose(self):
'''Returns (yaw,pitch,roll) tuples in radians of the earth-fixed dls pose'''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -342,45 +321,92 @@ def get_warp_matrices(self, ref_index=None):
warp_matrices =[np.linalg.inv(im.get_homography(ref)) for im in self.images]
return [w/w[2,2] for w in warp_matrices]

def save_capture_as_stack(self, outfilename, irradiance_list=None, warp_matrices=None, normalize = False):
from osgeo.gdal import GetDriverByName, GDT_UInt16
if irradiance_list is None and self.dls_irradiance() is None:
def create_aligned_capture(self, irradiance_list=None, warp_matrices=None, normalize=False, img_type=None):
if img_type is None and irradiance_list is None and self.dls_irradiance() is None:
img_type = 'radiance'
elif img_type is None:
if irradiance_list is None:
irradiance_list = self.dls_irradiance()+[0]
img_type = 'reflectance'
if warp_matrices is None:
warp_matrices = self.get_warp_matrices()
cropped_dimensions,edges = imageutils.find_crop_bounds(self,warp_matrices)
im_aligned = imageutils.aligned_capture(self,
cropped_dimensions,_ = imageutils.find_crop_bounds(self,warp_matrices)
self.__aligned_capture = imageutils.aligned_capture(self,
return self.__aligned_capture

def aligned_shape(self):
if self.__aligned_capture is None:
raise RuntimeError("call Capture.create_aligned_capture prior to saving as stack")
return self.__aligned_capture.shape

rows, cols, bands = im_aligned.shape
def save_capture_as_stack(self, outfilename):
from osgeo.gdal import GetDriverByName, GDT_UInt16
if self.__aligned_capture is None:
raise RuntimeError("call Capture.create_aligned_capture prior to saving as stack")

rows, cols, bands = self.__aligned_capture.shape
driver = GetDriverByName('GTiff')
outRaster = driver.Create(outfilename, cols, rows, bands, GDT_UInt16, options = [ 'INTERLEAVE=BAND','COMPRESS=DEFLATE' ])
if outRaster is None:
raise IOError("could not load gdal GeoTiff driver")
for i in range(0,5):
outband = outRaster.GetRasterBand(i+1)
outdata = im_aligned[:,:,i]
outdata = self.__aligned_capture[:,:,i]
outdata[outdata<0] = 0
outdata[outdata>2] = 2 #limit reflectance data to 200% to allow some specular reflections
outband.WriteArray(outdata*32768) # scale reflectance images so 100% = 32768

if bands == 6:
outband = outRaster.GetRasterBand(6)
outdata = (im_aligned[:,:,5]+273.15) * 100 # scale data from float degC to back to centi-Kelvin to fit into uint16
outdata = (self.__aligned_capture[:,:,5]+273.15) * 100 # scale data from float degC to back to centi-Kelvin to fit into uint16
outdata[outdata<0] = 0
outdata[outdata>65535] = 65535
outRaster = None

def save_capture_as_rgb(self, outfilename, gamma=1.4, downsample=1, white_balance='norm', hist_min_percent=0.5, hist_max_percent=99.5, sharpen=True):
rgb_band_indices = [2,1,0]

if self.__aligned_capture is None:
raise RuntimeError("call Capture.create_aligned_capture prior to saving as RGB")
im_display = np.zeros((self.__aligned_capture.shape[0],self.__aligned_capture.shape[1],self.__aligned_capture.shape[2]), dtype=np.float32 )

im_min = np.percentile(self.__aligned_capture[:,:,rgb_band_indices].flatten(), hist_min_percent) # modify these percentiles to adjust contrast
im_max = np.percentile(self.__aligned_capture[:,:,rgb_band_indices].flatten(), hist_max_percent) # for many images, 0.5 and 99.5 are good values

for i in rgb_band_indices:
# for rgb true color, we usually want to use the same min and max scaling across the 3 bands to
# maintain the "white balance" of the calibrated image
if white_balance == 'norm':
im_display[:,:,i] = imageutils.normalize(self.__aligned_capture[:,:,i], im_min, im_max)
im_display[:,:,i] = imageutils.normalize(self.__aligned_capture[:,:,i])

rgb = im_display[:,:,rgb_band_indices]
rgb = cv2.resize(rgb, None, fx=1/downsample, fy=1/downsample, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)

if sharpen:
gaussian_rgb = cv2.GaussianBlur(rgb, (9,9), 10.0)
gaussian_rgb[gaussian_rgb<0] = 0
gaussian_rgb[gaussian_rgb>1] = 1
unsharp_rgb = cv2.addWeighted(rgb, 1.5, gaussian_rgb, -0.5, 0)
unsharp_rgb[unsharp_rgb<0] = 0
unsharp_rgb[unsharp_rgb>1] = 1
unsharp_rgb = rgb

# Apply a gamma correction to make the render appear closer to what our eyes would see
if gamma != 0:
gamma_corr_rgb = unsharp_rgb**(1.0/gamma)
imageio.imwrite(outfilename, (255*gamma_corr_rgb).astype('uint8'))
imageio.imwrite(outfilename, (255*unsharp_rgb).astype('uint8'))
87 changes: 77 additions & 10 deletions micasense/
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Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import micasense.plotutils as plotutils
import micasense.metadata as metadata
import micasense.dls as dls

#helper function to convert euler angles to a rotation matrix
def rotations_degrees_to_rotation_matrix(rotation_degrees):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,9 +76,9 @@ def __init__(self, image_path, exiftool_obj=None):

self.utc_time = self.meta.utc_time()
self.latitude, self.longitude, self.altitude = self.meta.position()
self.location = (self.latitude, self.longitude, self.altitude)
self.dls_present = self.meta.dls_present()
self.dls_yaw, self.dls_pitch, self.dls_roll = self.meta.dls_pose()
self.dls_irradiance = self.meta.dls_irradiance()
self.capture_id = self.meta.capture_id()
self.flight_id = self.meta.flight_id()
self.band_name = self.meta.band_name()
Expand All @@ -88,6 +89,10 @@ def __init__(self, image_path, exiftool_obj=None):
self.exposure_time = self.meta.exposure()
self.gain = self.meta.gain()
self.bits_per_pixel = self.meta.bits_per_pixel()

if self.bits_per_pixel != 16:
NotImplemented("Unsupported pixel bit depth: {} bits".format(self.bits_per_pixel))

self.vignette_center = self.meta.vignette_center()
self.vignette_polynomial = self.meta.vignette_polynomial()
self.distortion_parameters = self.meta.distortion_parameters()
Expand All @@ -98,20 +103,58 @@ def __init__(self, image_path, exiftool_obj=None):
self.bandwidth = self.meta.bandwidth()
self.rig_relatives = self.meta.rig_relatives()
self.spectral_irradiance = self.meta.spectral_irradiance()
self.horizontal_irradiance = self.meta.horizontal_irradiance()
self.scattered_irradiance = self.meta.scattered_irradiance()
self.direct_irradiance = self.meta.direct_irradiance()
self.solar_azimuth = self.meta.solar_azimuth()
self.solar_elevation = self.meta.solar_elevation()
self.estimated_direct_vector = self.meta.estimated_direct_vector()

self.auto_calibration_image = self.meta.auto_calibration_image()
self.panel_albedo = self.meta.panel_albedo()
self.panel_region = self.meta.panel_region()
self.panel_serial = self.meta.panel_serial()

if self.bits_per_pixel != 16:
NotImplemented("Unsupported pixel bit depth: {} bits".format(self.bits_per_pixel))

if self.dls_present:
self.dls_orientation_vector = np.array([0,0,-1])
self.sun_vector_ned, \
self.sensor_vector_ned, \
self.sun_sensor_angle, \
self.solar_elevation, \
self.angular_correction = dls.fresnel(self.sun_sensor_angle)

# when we have good horizontal irradiance the camera provides the solar az and el also
if self.meta.scattered_irradiance() != 0 and self.meta.direct_irradiance() != 0:
self.solar_azimuth = self.meta.solar_azimuth()
self.solar_elevation = self.meta.solar_elevation()
self.scattered_irradiance = self.meta.scattered_irradiance()
self.direct_irradiance = self.meta.direct_irradiance()
self.direct_to_diffuse_ratio = self.meta.direct_irradiance() / self.meta.scattered_irradiance()
self.estimated_direct_vector = self.meta.estimated_direct_vector()
if self.meta.horizontal_irradiance_valid():
self.horizontal_irradiance = self.meta.horizontal_irradiance()
self.horizontal_irradiance = self.compute_horizontal_irradiance_dls2()
self.direct_to_diffuse_ratio = 6.0 # assumption
self.horizontal_irradiance = self.compute_horizontal_irradiance_dls1()

self.spectral_irradiance = self.meta.spectral_irradiance()
else: # no dls present or LWIR band: compute what we can, set the rest to 0
self.dls_orientation_vector = np.array([0,0,-1])
self.sun_vector_ned, \
self.sensor_vector_ned, \
self.sun_sensor_angle, \
self.solar_elevation, \
self.angular_correction = dls.fresnel(self.sun_sensor_angle)
self.horizontal_irradiance = 0
self.scattered_irradiance = 0
self.direct_irradiance = 0
self.direct_to_diffuse_ratio = 0

# Internal image containers; these can use a lot of memory, clear with Image.clear_images
self.__raw_image = None # pure raw pixels
self.__intensity_image = None # black level and gain-exposure/radiometric compensated
self.__radiance_image = None # calibrated to radiance
Expand All @@ -120,6 +163,30 @@ def __init__(self, image_path, exiftool_obj=None):
self.__undistorted_source = None # can be any of raw, intensity, radiance
self.__undistorted_image = None # current undistorted image, depdining on source

def compute_horizontal_irradiance_dls1(self):
percent_diffuse = 1.0/self.direct_to_diffuse_ratio
#percent_diffuse = 5e4/(img.center_wavelength**2)
sensor_irradiance = self.spectral_irradiance / self.angular_correction
# find direct irradiance in the plane normal to the sun
untilted_direct_irr = sensor_irradiance / (percent_diffuse + np.cos(self.sun_sensor_angle))
self.direct_irradiance = untilted_direct_irr
self.scattered_irradiance = untilted_direct_irr*percent_diffuse
# compute irradiance on the ground using the solar altitude angle
ground_irr = untilted_direct_irr * (percent_diffuse + np.sin(self.solar_elevation))

return ground_irr

def compute_horizontal_irradiance_dls2(self):
''' Compute the proper solar elevation, solar azimuth, and horizontal irradiance
for cases where the camera system did not do it correctly '''
_,_,_, \
self.solar_elevation, \
return self.direct_irradiance*np.cos(self.solar_elevation) + self.scattered_irradiance

def __lt__(self, other):
return self.band_index < other.band_index

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