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Ikky edited this page Aug 5, 2022 · 6 revisions


  • Species Type: Sapient Avian Omnivore
  • Population: ~5 Billion
  • Population Demographic Majority: Sergal/Neverean
  • Common Language: Nevari
  • Government Type: Solgov Protectorate Democracy

One of Tal's two sapient species, Nevreans are an avian species that stand nearly a third shorter than most sapient species, known as extremely bright and social creatures, they have taken to rapid advancement into the space age better than their neighbors. Nevreans themselves are omnivores with lithe bodies and flightless, winged arms that work well in groups and have found themselves better in people-facing careers rather than physical due to their colorful and 'pretty' nature. However this has given them a promiscuous stereotype.


Typically Neverean standing from 4' to 5.5' feet tall with bright plumage that makes poor natural camouflage, yet seems to be more for mating attraction than to avoid predators or confuse prey. Much like other avian species Neverean are both intelligent and very socially gifted. Yet not as pack-minded as the Teshari.

Neverean follow the typical male/female dichotomy with mammalian intercourse for reproduction. However unlike mammals females will lay between one to three eggs a clutch that gestate anywhere between four to six months.

Xeno-anthropologists have suggested the slim chance of the garden world Tal developing not one, but two sapient species is related to it's statistical anomaly of being a high-oxygen arboreal world with a large amount of predators. Forcing species to adapt to tool use, hunting and social survival mentality.

Pre-contact History

Before contact with the Solgov Federation, the Neverean were a roughly per-industrial species mildly more advanced than their Sergal neighbors. While ignorant of each other's existence, the Neverean had made more advances in gunpowder firearms, mathematics and even crude telegraph. Much like the Sergals however, the Neverean were not a unified species. Instead a mix of territories and governments that ranged from crude monarchies to republics. While uncommon, armed conflict between these states had a historic precedence.

Post-contact History

Unfortunately for Solgov, pre-nuclear contact with the Neverean was impossible. With one species spoiled on the secret of alien life already it was only a matter of time before the Neverean got wise. With one incident under control however, the follow-up contact was easier for the Solarian diplomatic team. Much like before the Neverean species underwent a quiet observation period for translation AI to get a head start before official contact with the species' military assets of their most presumably stable government was made. Just like the Sergals the Solarian Diplomatic team had to quickly squash preconceived notions of their divinity or other superstition, and gently ease Neverean leaders and populace into the scope of the galaxy. While generally the Neverean people have taken the culture shock easier, Tal has still been a controversy for Solgov's Diplomatic branch.

Current Day

While Sergals are much more commonly(and incorrectly) seen as a 'savage' people to the ignorant Solarian citizen, Neverean are stereotyped as more promiscuous eye-candy for media outlets, their social and more sexually liberal nature doing them no favors. Neverean outside of Tal are heavily biased in industries as journalism, customer service, art and adult entertainment.

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