A social media hybrid app for crowd-sourced local tours ("stringbeans") that users are able to follow using Google Maps. If you want to create your own stringbean, you can search for businesses/attractions ("beans") near your location, and link them into a stringbean to share with the entire Bean community.
All users can:
- sign up and sign in with an email address and password.
- sign in using Google OAuth.
- view all tours published by users, with rendered maps of walking directions.
- select and navigate through a tour.
- view nearby businesses/attractions and perform searches.
- 'favorite' businesses/attractions from other tours or from search results.
- assemble (add businesses/attractions from search or 'favorites'), edit, and publish tours.
- view all personally-created tours.
Bean was built using:
- Firebase with Firestore
- Ionic React with Capacitor
- TypeScript
- Google API
- Yelp API
- Timothy Chu
- Lester Dominguez
- Erin Fung
- Ashton Schneider
This hybrid app was deployed using Firebase: https://capstone-96611.firebaseapp.com/