Converting tool located at GitHub allows to convert existing Smarty template files to Twig syntax. The tool besides standard Smarty syntax is adjusted to handle custom OXID modifications and extensions.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
cd smarty-to-twig-converter
composer install
The convert command tries to fix as much coding standards problems as possible on a given file, directory or database.
Converter can work with files and directories:
php toTwig convert --path=/path/to/dir
php toTwig convert --path=/path/to/file
By default files with .html.twig
extension will be created. To specify
different extensions use --ext
php toTwig convert --path=/path/to/dir --ext=.js.twig
It also can work with databases:
php toTwig convert --database="mysql://user:password@localhost/db"
The --database
parameter gets database doctrine-like
Converter by default converts following tables columns:
- oxactions.OXLONGDESC
- oxactions.OXLONGDESC_1
- oxactions.OXLONGDESC_2
- oxactions.OXLONGDESC_3
- oxcontents.OXCONTENT
- oxcontents.OXCONTENT_1
- oxcontents.OXCONTENT_2
- oxcontents.OXCONTENT_3
- oxartextends.OXLONGDESC
- oxartextends.OXLONGDESC_1
- oxartextends.OXLONGDESC_2
- oxartextends.OXLONGDESC_3
- oxcategories.OXLONGDESC
- oxcategories.OXLONGDESC
- oxcategories.OXLONGDESC_2
- oxcategories.OXLONGDESC_3
The --database-columns
option lets you choose tables columns to be
converted (the table column names has to be specified in
table_a.column_b format and separated by comma):
php toTwig convert --database="..." --database-columns=oxactions.OXLONGDESC,oxcontents.OXCONTENT
You can also blacklist the table columns you don't want using -table_a.column_b:
php toTwig convert --database="..." --database-columns=-oxactions.OXLONGDESC_1,-oxcontents.OXCONTENT_1
The --converters
option lets you choose the exact converters to apply
(the converter names must be separated by a comma):
php toTwig convert --path=/path/to/dir --ext=.html.twig --converters=for,if,misc
You can also blacklist the converters you don't want if this is more convenient, using -name:
php toTwig convert --path=/path/to/dir --ext=.html.twig --converters=-for,-if
A combination of --dry-run
, --verbose
and --diff
will display
summary of proposed changes, leaving your files unchanged.
All converters apply by default.
The --dry-run
option displays the files that need to be fixed but
without actually modifying them:
php toTwig convert --path=/path/to/code --ext=.html.twig --dry-run
Instead of building long line commands it is possible to inject PHP
configuration code. Two example files are included in main directory:
and config_database.php
. To include config file use
--config-path parameter:
php toTwig convert --config-path=config_file.php
Config script should return instance of toTwig\Config\ConfigInterface
It can be created using toTwig\Config\Config::create()
static method.
In Twig by default all variables are escaped. Some of variables should be filtered with
filter to avoid this. This means all templates, html code and strings containing unsafe characters like< > $ &
should be filtered with|raw
before echoing. You can check if all necessary variables are escaped using web browser's inspector tool. Instead of usingraw
filter to echo variable holding a template, you can usetemplate_from_string
function. More on it in the documentation.Smarty:
Twig after converting:
{{ product.oxarticles__oxtitle.value }}
Twig after fixing:
{{ product.oxarticles__oxtitle.value|raw }}
Variable scope. In Twig variables declared in templates have scopes limited by block (
{% block %}
,{% for %}
and so on). Some variables should be declared outside these blocks if they are used outside.Smarty:
[{foreach $myColors as $color}] <li>[{$color}]</li> [{/foreach}] [{$color}]
Twig after converting:
{% for color in myColors %} <li>{{ color }}</li> {% endfor %} {{ color }}
Twig after fixing:
{% for color in myColors %} <li>{{ color }}</li> {% endfor %} {{ myColors|last }}
Redeclaring blocks - it’s forbidden in Twig. You must use a unique name for each block in given template.
[{block name="foo"}] ... [{/block}] [{block name="foo"}] ... [{/block}]
Twig after converting:
{% block foo %} ... {% endblock %} {% block foo %} ... {% endblock %}
Twig after fixing:
{% block foo_A %} ... {% endblock %} {% block foo_B %} ... {% endblock %}
Access to array item
should be manually translated tomyArray[itemIndex]
Twig after converting:
{{ myArray.$itemIndex }}
Twig after fixing:
{{ myArray[itemIndex] }}
Uses of regex string in templates - the tool can break or work incorrectly on so complex cases - it’s safer to manually copy&paste regular expression.
Twig after converting:
{{ birthDate|regex_replace("/^([0-9]{4)})[-]/":""|regex_replace("/[-]([0-9]{1,) 2})$/":"" }}
Twig after fixing:
{{ birthDate|regex_replace("/^([0-9]{4})[-]/","")|regex_replace("/[-]([0-9]{1,2})$/","") }}
is array or integer which triggers different behaviours. The tool is not able to detect variable type, so you need to check what is used in eachloop
[{section name="month" start=1 loop=13}] [{$smarty.section.month.index}] [{/section}] [{section name=customer loop=$custid}] id: [{$custid[customer]}]<br /> [{/section}]
Twig after converting:
{% for month in 1..13 %} {{ loop.index0 }} {% endfor %} {% for customer in 0..$custid %} id: {{ custid[customer] }}<br /> {% endfor %}
Twig after fixing:
{% for month in 1..12 %} {{ loop.index0 }} {% endfor %} {% for customer in custid %} id: {{ customer }}<br /> {% endfor %}
String concatenation - the tool has issues with opening and closing strings. Usage of Smarty variables inside the string might cause the converter to fail. Twig does not support this kind of concatenation. You should check places where you concat strings held inside variables and use Twig
instead of variables inside the string. In converted template you should look for patterns like `$var_name`Smarty:
[{assign var="sUrl" value="`$sAccountId`&wid=`$sWidgetId`&csize=20&start=0"}] [{assign var="divId" value=oxStateDiv_$stateSelectName}]
Twig after converting:
{% set sUrl = "`$sAccountId`&wid=`$sWidgetId`&csize=20&start=0" %} {% set divId = oxStateDiv_$stateSelectName %}
Twig after fixing:
{% set sUrl = "" ~ sAccountId ~ "&wid=" ~ sWidgetId ~ "&csize=20&start=0" %} {% set divId = "oxStateDiv_" ~ stateSelectName %}
signs are not always removed from variables. Sometimes when expression is too complex, the converter will not remove$
sign from variable name. After conversion you should check your templates for$
[{$oViewConf->getImageUrl($sEmailLogo, false)}]
Twig after converting:
{{ oViewConf.getImageUrl($sEmailLogo, false) }}
Twig after fixing:
{{ oViewConf.getImageUrl(sEmailLogo, false) }}
Twig offers easy access to fist element of loop. Instead of using indexed element of variable you can use
or for current iterationloop.index
. Converter does not handle constructions like$smarty.section.arg
. More can be read in the Twig 'for' documentation.Smarty:
[{if $review->getRating() >= $smarty.section.starRatings.iteration}]
Twig after converting:
{% if review.getRating() >= smarty.section.starRatings.iteration %}
Twig after fixing:
{% if review.getRating() >= loop.index %}
In some places access to global variables has to be adjusted. In converted code look for word
and replace it withtwig
Twig after converting:
{{ smarty.capture.loginErrors }}
Twig after fixing:
{{ twig.capture.loginErrors }}
Properties accessing differs in Smarty and Twig and sometimes it has to be fixed manually. You have to explicitly call magic getter if there is no magic isset defined. Also if you want to access class property without calling a getter you have to use array-like syntax.
[{foreach from=$cattree->aList item=pcat}] [{pcat.val}]
Twig after converting:
{% for pcat in cattree.aList %} {{ pcat.val }}
Twig after fixing:
{% for pcat in cattree.__get('aList') %} {{ pcat['val'] }}
The converter does not always convert logic operators like
if they are not separated by space.||
has to be manually changed toor
[{if $product->isNotBuyable()||($aVariantSelections&&$aVariantSelections.selections)||$product->hasMdVariants()}]
Twig after converting:
{% if product.isNotBuyable()||(aVariantSelections&&$aVariantSelections.selections) or product.hasMdVariants() %}
Twig after fixing:
{% if product.isNotBuyable() or (aVariantSelections and aVariantSelections.selections) or product.hasMdVariants() %}
If you access request variables from template, please consider refactoring any templates that do this. If it is not possible, please use functions
provided with Twig engine. In case you need access to other request variables, you will have to extend one of these functions on your own.Smarty:
[{if $smarty.get.plain == '1'}] popup[{/if}]
Twig after converting:
{% if smarty.get.plain == '1' %} popup{% endif %}
Twig after fixing:
{% if get_global_get('plain') == '1' %} popup{% endif %}
You might need to manually check logic in template files. Some places will require usage of
is same as
comparison, which uses PHP's===
instead of==
. This might be necessary when checking if variable was set, contains information, if it is a0
or if it is anull
. There is a problem with checking non existing (null) properties. E.g. we want to check the value of non-existing propertyoxarticles__oxunitname
. Twig checks withisset
if this property exists and it’s not, so Twig assumes that property name is function name and tries to call it.Smarty:
[{if $_sSelectionHashCollection}] [{assign var="_sSelectionHashCollection" value=$_sSelectionHashCollection|cat:","}] [{/if}]
Twig after converting:
{% if _sSelectionHashCollection %} {% set _sSelectionHashCollection = _sSelectionHashCollection|cat(",") %} {% endif %}
Twig after fixing:
{% if _sSelectionHashCollection is not same as("") %} {% set _sSelectionHashCollection = _sSelectionHashCollection|cat(",") %} {% endif %}
Here is list of plugins and syntax pieces with basic examples how it is converted. Note that these examples are only to show how it is converted and doesn't cover all possible cases as additional parameters, block nesting, repetitive calls (as for counter and cycle functions) etc.
Converter name: assign
[{assign var="name" value="Bob"}]
{% set name = "Bob" %}
Converter name: block
[{block name="title"}]Default Title[{/block}]
{% block title %}Default Title{% endblock %}
Converter name: CaptureConverter
[{capture name="foo" append="var"}] bar [{/capture}]
{% set foo %}{{ var }} bar {% endset %}
Converter name: comment
[{* foo *}]
{# foo #}
Converter name: counter
{% set defaultCounter = ( defaultCounter|default(0) ) + 1 %}
Converter name: cycle
[{cycle values="val1,val2,val3"}]
{{ smarty_cycle(["val1", "val2", "val3"]) }}
Converter name: for
[{foreach $myColors as $color}]foo[{/foreach}]
{% for color in myColors %}foo{% endfor %}
Converter name: if
[{if !$foo or $foo->bar or $foo|bar:foo["hello"]}]foo[{/if}]
{% if not foo or or foo|bar(foo["hello"]) %}foo{% endif %}
Converter name: include
[{include file='page_header.tpl'}]
{% include 'page_header.tpl' %}
Converter name: insert
[{insert name="oxid_tracker" title="PRODUCT_DETAILS"|oxmultilangassign product=$oDetailsProduct cpath=$oView->getCatTreePath()}]
{% include "oxid_tracker" with {title: "PRODUCT_DETAILS"|oxmultilangassign, product: oDetailsProduct, cpath: oView.getCatTreePath()} %}
Converter name: mailto
[{mailto address='[email protected]'}]
{{ mailto('[email protected]') }}
Converter name: math
[{math equation="x + y" x=1 y=2}]
{{ 1 + 2 }}
Converter name: variable
Smarty | Twig |
[{$var}] | {{ var }} |
[{$contacts.fax}] | {{ contacts.fax }} |
[{$contacts[0]}] | {{ contacts[0] }} |
[{$contacts[2][0]}] | {{ contacts[2][0] }} |
[{$person->name}] | {{ }} |
[{$oViewConf->getUrl($sUrl)}] | {{ oViewConf.getUrl(sUrl) }} |
[{($a && $b) || $c}] | {{ (a and b) or c }} |
Converter name: misc
Smarty | Twig |
[{ldelim}]foo[{ldelim}] | foo |
[{literal}]foo[{/literal}] | {# literal #}foo{# /literal #} |
[{strip}]foo[{/strip}] | {% spaceless %}foo{% endspaceless %} |
Converter name: oxcontent
[{oxcontent ident='oxregisteremail'}]
{% include_content 'oxregisteremail' %}
Converter name: OxevalConverter
[{oxeval var=$variable}]
{{ include(template_from_string(variable)) }}
Converter name: oxgetseourl
[{oxgetseourl ident=$oViewConf->getSelfLink()|cat:"cl=basket"}]
{{ seo_url({ ident: oViewConf.getSelfLink()|cat("cl=basket") }) }}
Converter name: oxhasrights
[{oxhasrights object=$edit readonly=$readonly}]foo[{/oxhasrights}]
{% hasrights { "object": "edit", "readonly": "readonly", } %}foo{% endhasrights %}
Converter name: oxid_include_dynamic
[{oxid_include_dynamic file="form/formparams.tpl"}]
{% include_dynamic "form/formparams.tpl" %}
Converter name: oxid_include_widget
[{oxid_include_widget cl="oxwCategoryTree" cnid=$oView->getCategoryId() deepLevel=0 noscript=1 nocookie=1}]
{{ include_widget({ cl: "oxwCategoryTree", cnid: oView.getCategoryId(), deepLevel: 0, noscript: 1, nocookie: 1 }) }}
Converter name: oxifcontent
[{oxifcontent ident="TOBASKET" object="aObject"}]foo[{/oxifcontent}]
{% ifcontent ident "TOBASKET" set aObject %}foo{% endifcontent %}
Converter name: oxinputhelp
[{oxinputhelp ident="foo"}]
{% include "inputhelp.tpl" with {'sHelpId': getSHelpId(foo), 'sHelpText': getSHelpText(foo)} %}
Converter name: oxmailto
[{oxmailto address='[email protected]'}]
{{ mailto('[email protected]') }}
Converter name: oxmultilang
[{oxmultilang ident="ERROR_404"}]
{{ translate({ ident: "ERROR_404" }) }}
Converter name: oxprice
[{oxprice price=$basketitem->getUnitPrice() currency=$currency}]
{{ format_price(basketitem.getUnitPrice(), { currency: currency }) }}
Converter name: oxscript
[{oxscript include="js/pages/details.min.js" priority=10}]
{{ script({ include: "js/pages/details.min.js", priority: 10, dynamic: __oxid_include_dynamic }) }}
Converter name: oxstyle
[{oxstyle include="css/libs/chosen/chosen.min.css"}]
{{ style({ include: "css/libs/chosen/chosen.min.css" }) }}
Converter name: section
[{section name=picRow start=1 loop=10}]foo[{/section}]
{% for picRow in 1..10 %}foo{% endfor %}
Smarty | Twig |
smartwordwrap | smart_wordwrap |
date_format | date_format |
oxaddparams | add_url_parameters |
oxaddslashes | addslashes |
oxenclose | enclose |
oxfilesize | file_size |
oxformattime | format_time |
oxformdate | format_date |
oxmultilangassign | translate |
oxmultilangsal | translate_salutation |
oxnubmerformat | format_currency |
oxtruncate | truncate |
oxwordwrap | wordwrap |
Note for CI: To run database conversion PHPUnit tests, sqlite is required. You can install it by running following commands:
$ sudo apt-get install sqlite3
$ sudo apt-get install php7.2-sqlite
If you experience any bugs or issues, please report them in the section OXID eShop (all versions) under category Twig engine of