Based on an Intel Realsense D455 is the realsense camera used for this project. It is required to be plugged in to run the main reconstruction service.
This package depends on Open3D for processing and visualization. If not installed, follow the steps here.
Note: If you do not change the default install path, you should run sudo make install
when installing Open3D. By default, it will require sudo
permissions to create the files.
If you encounter the following error when running cmake ..
for Open3D:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required):
CMake 3.24 or higher is required
You will need to update your CMake version. However, if you sudo apt remove
and sudo apt install
to update it, this will break your ROS distro.
To prevent breaks in the ROS distro, do the following:
- Download a new version of
, recommended to use the latest release here - Unzip the
download - Build and install
cd ~/Downloads/cmake-<maj>-<min>-<patch>/ # or wherever you downloaded cmake
./bootstrap --prefix=$HOME/cmake-install # or wherever you'd like to install cmake
make install
export PATH=$HOME/cmake-install/bin:$PATH # should match install path in line 2
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$HOME/cmake-install:$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH # should match install path in line 2
The last 2 lines can be placed in .bashrc
if desired.
In addition, add the installation path to your CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
environment variable to properly build the package.
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path/to/open3d/install>/Open3D:$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
# By default the path should be /usr/local/lib/cmake
You can add the install path to your .bashrc
file if desired.
If the above error occurs, rebuild OPEN3D from source.
This package depends on ROS 2 Humble or greater to build.
Specifically, the rosidl_get_typesupport_target
function is not introduced until Humble.
Pull down the dependent repos using vcstools
vcs import < dependencies.repos
Install rosdep dependencies:
cd <forgescan_ws_dir> # ROS workspace directory where this package is located
sudo rosdep init # if first time using rosdep
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src -y --ignore-src
Support for Foxy is possible following solution here. Foxy is not recommended because it is EOL.
If you choose to use Foxy, include the --include-eol-distros
argument when using rosdep install
Given that this is a realsense wrapper for an existing package, it is dependent on realsense-ros
. Note that the version of realsense-ros
is tied to the ROS distro. Therefore, if you are using a distro other than Humble, you should git clone
the matching branch.
The RViz visualization depends on motoman support packages, please configure the scene.urdf.xacro with a desired robot.
The current setup works with the motorman_ms210_support package found in Eric Marcil's repo.
Please note that this requires motoman_resources which is found internally in aims-robots-all
Pull both of these files down into the main directory alongside the other ROS packages in order to run.
Both can be cloned from aims-robots-all
OpenCV2 needs to be built from source according to the following instructions
For development and use with a robot, within the 'scan_methods.cpp' file, add the controls to move the robot to the 'camera_pose' position here
camera_pose.orientation.w = quat.w();
pose_request->pose = camera_pose;
pose_request->picture_number = picture_num;
//Add movement to move robot to position
auto result_future = image_client->async_send_request(pose_request);
For basic example of functions, please see the ForgeScan/src/Examples to use ForgeScan
The scene file will set up the scene of ForgeScan, putting a part into a virtual environment in order to be scaned by a virtual camera The Reconstruction file will run a full reconstruction with 10 images. Both can be run after building ForgeScan, but only the hpp files (not the cpp/executables) are used for the ROS wrapper
The ROS Wrapper can be ran with the command
ros2 launch forgescan_realsense forgescan_realsense.launch.xml
This will launch all nodes required to run the reconstruction service, alongside a visualization tool for an MS210, the robot will not move in RVIZ as this software has yet to be tested on hardware, but will in the future.
The main ros service to call is '/forgescan_realsense/reconstruction' within cpp or python code. The service requires an empty service message to run. To call directly from the command line, please use
ros2 service call /forgescan_realsense/reconstruction std_srvs/srv/Empty