nvm use 18.4.0
npm i
npm run dev
Send Taner your github username to be added to the repo, you'll receive an invite through email.
First, get the latest code by pulling while on the main
branch, git pull origin main
Make your commits on a new branch. Checkout your branch with a name related to what changes you are making, like:
git checkout -b add-vr-panel-item
git checkout -b fix-font-size
Check your branch / branches with git branch
Switch between existing branches with git checkout branch-name
Add and commit all changes recursively from current directory:
git add .
git commit -m "i made these changes"
When ready for code review, push to github and make a merge request. Then message Leo for a review
git push origin my-branch-name
Make sure to pull to merge the latest code before pushing to avoid merge conflicts
git pull origin main
while on your branch