Welcome to my personal portfolio! This project is built with Next.js and showcases my skills, projects, and experiences as a frontend developer.
- 🚀 Next.js + TypeScript – Optimized for performance and scalability
- 🎨 Tailwind CSS – Custom styling for a modern UI
- 📂 MDX Support – Easily write blog posts in Markdown with React components
- ⚡ Static Generation (SSG) + Server-Side Rendering (SSR) – SEO optimized
- 🌍 Multi-language Support – Internationalization (i18n)
- 📧 Contact Form – Integrated with FormSubmit or Email API
- 📸 Optimized Image Loading – Next.js image optimization
- Framework: Next.js (App Router)
- Styling: Tailwind CSS
- Animations: Framer Motion
- Forms: React Hook Form
- Content Management: MDX (for blog integration)
- Deployment: Vercel
- Linting & Formatting: ESLint, Prettier
git clone https://github.com/OHHANNN/portfolio.git
cd your-portfolio
# using npm
$ npm install
# using yarn
$ yarn install
# using pnpm
$ pnpm install
# using npm
$ npm run dev
# using yarn
$ yarn dev
# using pnpm
$ pnpm dev