It computes a polynomial equation that a user can input.
This project has the following features:
Plus +: Add two polynomials and return the resultant polynomial
Plus-equal +=: Add the second polynomial in the first and store the resultant n the first polynomial
Minus -: Subtract the two polynomials and return the resultant polynomial
Minus-equal -=: Subtract the second polynomial from the first and store the resultant n the first polynomial
Multiply *: Multiply two polynomials and return the resultant
Multiply-equal *=: Multiply the second polynomial with the first and store the resultant n the first polynomial
Assignment =: Assign the value of right hand side polynomial to the left hand side polynomial. (allow cascaded assignment operation)
Value (): Overload this operator which takes an integer a and compute the value of the polynomial where the variable x is replaced by the value of a. For example consider the polynomial P: 2x^2+9x-3, the value of P when x = 2 is P(2) = 23
Stream insertion <<: Output the polynomial on the screen and it should also allow the cascaded outputs of multiple polynomials.
Stream extraction >>: Input the polynomial from the user. The user will input the polynomial in the following format