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events: factor out all event handling into a separate module
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Noiredd committed Aug 25, 2022
1 parent bfa5834 commit 153d42f
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Showing 3 changed files with 326 additions and 251 deletions.
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions kOS/pegas.ks
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Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ IF cserVersion = "new" {
} ELSE {
RUN pegas_cser.
RUN pegas_events.
RUN pegas_upfg.
RUN pegas_util.
RUN pegas_misc.
Expand All @@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ SET CONFIG:IPU TO kOS_IPU.
// Initialize global flags and constants
GLOBAL upfgStage IS -1. // System initializes at passive guidance
GLOBAL stageEndTime IS TIME. // For Tgo calculation during active guidance (global time)
GLOBAL userEventPointer IS -1. // Index of the last executed userEvent (-1 means none yet)
GLOBAL eventPointer IS -1. // Index of the last executed event (-1 means none yet)
GLOBAL commsEventFlag IS FALSE.
GLOBAL throttleSetting IS 1. // This is what actually controls the throttle,
GLOBAL throttleDisplay IS 1. // and this is what to display on the GUI - see throttleControl() for details.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ UNTIL ABORT {
// User hooks
// Sequence handling
IF commsEventFlag = TRUE { commsEventHandler(). }
// Control handling
IF ascentFlag = 0 {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,8 +141,8 @@ callHooks("activeInit").
// User hooks
// Sequence handling
// Event handling
IF commsEventFlag = TRUE { commsEventHandler(). }
// Update UPFG target and vehicle state
SET upfgTarget["normal"] TO targetNormal(mission["inclination"], mission["LAN"]).
Expand Down
299 changes: 299 additions & 0 deletions kOS/pegas_events.ks
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
// Event handling library.

// Utility to insert an event into the sequence by time order
FUNCTION insertEvent {
// Expects a global variable "sequence" as list of lexicons.
DECLARE PARAMETER event. // Expects a lexicon

LOCAL eventTime IS event["time"].
// Go over the list to find the index of insertion...
LOCAL index IS 0.
FOR this IN sequence {
IF eventTime < this["time"] {
// This will cause insertion of the new item AFTER any other item with exact same timing
SET index TO index + 1.
// ...and insert there.
sequence:INSERT(index, event).

// Create sequence entries for staging events
FUNCTION spawnStagingEvents {
// For each active stage we have to schedule the preStage event and the staging event - except the FIRST ONE which is already
// preStaged by now and we just need to stage it (which will possibly be a no-op if it's a sustainer). We'll iterate over the
// vehicle, computing (cumulatively) burnout times for each stage and spawning events. We know exactly when everything starts:
// `controls["upfgActivation"]`.
// Expects global variables:
// "controls" as lexicon
// "vehicle" as list
// "stagingKillRotTime" as scalar
LOCAL stageActivationTime IS controls["upfgActivation"].
LOCAL vehicleIterator IS vehicle:ITERATOR.
// The first active stage is already pre-staged so we only need to create the staging event
LOCAL stagingEvent IS LEXICON(
"time", stageActivationTime,
"type", "_upfgstage",
"isVirtual", vehicleIterator:VALUE["isVirtualStage"],
"message", "active guidance on" // todo: clarify all messages related to staging and virtual stages
// Insert it into sequence
// Compute burnout time for this stage and add to sAT (this involves activation time and burn time)
SET stageActivationTime TO stageActivationTime + getStageDelays(vehicleIterator:VALUE) + vehicleIterator:VALUE["maxT"].
// Loop over remaining stages
UNTIL NOT vehicleIterator:NEXT {
// Construct & insert pre-stage event
LOCAL stagingTransitionTime IS stagingKillRotTime.
IF vehicleIterator:VALUE["isVirtualStage"] { SET stagingTransitionTime TO 2. }
LOCAL stagingEvent IS LEXICON(
"time", stageActivationTime - stagingTransitionTime,
"type", "_prestage",
"isVirtual", vehicleIterator:VALUE["isVirtualStage"],
"message", vehicleIterator:VALUE["name"]
// Construct & insert staging event
LOCAL stagingEvent IS LEXICON(
"time", stageActivationTime,
"type", "_upfgstage",
"isVirtual", vehicleIterator:VALUE["isVirtualStage"],
"message", vehicleIterator:VALUE["name"]
// Compute next stage time
SET stageActivationTime TO stageActivationTime + getStageDelays(vehicleIterator:VALUE) + vehicleIterator:VALUE["maxT"].

// Executes a scheduled sequence/staging event.
FUNCTION eventHandler {
// Clock-based mechanics that is uniform across calls (first call is just like any other) and fully deterministic.
// First we check if we have any events left to execute, and if so - what time should we execute it at.
// Finally, we check whether it's time to handle it, and if so - dispatch to specific handling subroutine.
// Expects global variables:
// "sequence" as list
// "vehicle" as list
// "liftoffTime" as timespan
// "stagingInProgress" as bool
// "steeringRoll" as scalar
// "throttleSetting" as scalar
// "throttleDisplay" as scalar
// "upfgStage" as scalar
// "eventPointer" as scalar
LOCAL nextEventPointer IS eventPointer + 1.
IF nextEventPointer >= sequence:LENGTH {
RETURN. // No more events in the sequence
LOCAL nextEventTime IS liftoffTime:SECONDS + sequence[nextEventPointer]["time"].
IF TIME:SECONDS < nextEventTime {
RETURN. // Not yet time to handle this one.

// If we got this far, means it's time to handle the event
LOCAL event IS sequence[nextEventPointer].
LOCAL eType IS event["type"].
IF eType = "print" OR eType = "p" { }
ELSE IF eType = "stage" OR eType = "s" {
ELSE IF eType = "jettison" OR eType = "j" {
ELSE IF eType = "throttle" OR eType = "t" {
ELSE IF eType = "shutdown" OR eType = "u" {
ELSE IF eType = "roll" OR eType = "r" {
ELSE IF eType = "delegate" OR eType = "d" {
ELSE IF eType = "_prestage" {
ELSE IF eType = "_upfgstage" {
pushUIMessage( "Unknown event type (" + eType + ", message='" + event["message"] + "')!", 5, PRIORITY_HIGH ).

// Print event message, if requested
IF event:HASKEY("message") {
pushUIMessage( event["message"] ).

// Mark the event as handled by incrementing the pointer
SET eventPointer TO eventPointer + 1.

// Run again to handle "overlapping" events
// This is not infinite recursion, because if there is no overlapping event to handle, the next call will RETURN early.


// Handle the pre-staging event
FUNCTION internalEvent_preStage {
// Switch to staging mode, increment the stage counter and force UPFG reconvergence.
// Rationale is not changed: we want to maintain constant attitude while the current stage is still burning,
// but at the same time start converging guidance for the subsequent stage.
SET stagingInProgress TO TRUE.
SET upfgStage TO upfgStage + 1.
SET upfgConverged TO FALSE.

// Handle the physical staging event
FUNCTION internalEvent_staging {
// Staging event is a potentially complex procedure consisting of several steps.
// Instead of breaking it down into multiple individual events (understood as sequence items), we use the
// trigger mechanism to handle them. When staging occurs, several triggers are scheduled to handle every
// single step of the procedure in a timely manner.
LOCAL event IS vehicle[upfgStage]["staging"].
LOCAL stageName IS vehicle[upfgStage]["name"].
LOCAL eventDelay IS 0. // Keep track of time between subsequent events.
IF upfgStage > 0 AND vehicle[upfgStage-1]["shutdownRequired"] {
SET throttleSetting TO 0.
SET throttleDisplay TO 0.
IF event["jettison"] {
GLOBAL stageJettisonTime IS currentTime + event["waitBeforeJettison"].
WHEN TIME:SECONDS >= stageJettisonTime THEN {
pushUIMessage(stageName + " - separation").
SET eventDelay TO eventDelay + event["waitBeforeJettison"].
IF event["ignition"] {
IF event["ullage"] = "rcs" {
GLOBAL ullageIgnitionTime IS currentTime + eventDelay + event["waitBeforeIgnition"].
WHEN TIME:SECONDS >= ullageIgnitionTime THEN {
pushUIMessage(stageName + " - RCS ullage on").
SET eventDelay TO eventDelay + event["waitBeforeIgnition"].
GLOBAL engineIgnitionTime IS currentTime + eventDelay + event["ullageBurnDuration"].
WHEN TIME:SECONDS >= engineIgnitionTime THEN {
SET stagingInProgress TO FALSE.
pushUIMessage(stageName + " - ignition").
SET eventDelay TO eventDelay + event["ullageBurnDuration"].
GLOBAL ullageShutdownTime IS currentTime + eventDelay + event["postUllageBurn"].
WHEN TIME:SECONDS >= ullageShutdownTime THEN {
pushUIMessage(stageName + " - RCS ullage off").
} ELSE IF event["ullage"] = "srb" {
GLOBAL ullageIgnitionTime IS currentTime + eventDelay + event["waitBeforeIgnition"].
WHEN TIME:SECONDS >= ullageIgnitionTime THEN {
pushUIMessage(stageName + " - SRB ullage ignited").
SET eventDelay TO eventDelay + event["waitBeforeIgnition"].
GLOBAL engineIgnitionTime IS currentTime + eventDelay + event["ullageBurnDuration"].
WHEN TIME:SECONDS >= engineIgnitionTime THEN {
SET stagingInProgress TO FALSE.
pushUIMessage(stageName + " - ignition").
SET eventDelay TO eventDelay + event["ullageBurnDuration"].
} ELSE IF event["ullage"] = "none" {
GLOBAL engineIgnitionTime IS currentTime + eventDelay + event["waitBeforeIgnition"].
WHEN TIME:SECONDS >= engineIgnitionTime THEN {
SET stagingInProgress TO FALSE.
pushUIMessage(stageName + " - ignition").
SET eventDelay TO eventDelay + event["waitBeforeIgnition"].
} ELSE {
pushUIMessage( "Unknown event type (" + event["ullage"] + ")!", 5, PRIORITY_HIGH ).
} ELSE {
// If this event does not need ignition, staging is over at this moment
SET stagingInProgress TO FALSE.
// If this was the sustainer stage activation event, we also have to:

// Print messages for regular stages and constant-acceleration mode activation.
IF NOT vehicle[upfgStage]["isVirtualStage"] {
pushUIMessage(stageName + " - activation").
} ELSE IF vehicle[upfgStage]["mode"] = 2 {
pushUIMessage("Constant acceleration mode activated.").

// Handle the throttle event
FUNCTION userEvent_throttle {
// Throttling is only allowed during the passive guidance phase, as it would ruin burn time predictions used
// for guidance and stage timing.
DECLARE PARAMETER event. // Expects a lexicon

IF upfgStage < 0 {
IF NOT event:HASKEY("message") {
IF event["throttle"] < throttleSetting {
event:ADD("message", "Throttling down to " + 100*event["throttle"] + "%").
} ELSE {
event:ADD("message", "Throttling up to " + 100*event["throttle"] + "%").
SET throttleSetting TO event["throttle"].
SET throttleDisplay TO throttleSetting.
} ELSE {
pushUIMessage( "Throttle ignored in active guidance!", 5, PRIORITY_HIGH ).

// Handle the engine shutdown event
FUNCTION userEvent_shutdown {
DECLARE PARAMETER event. // Expects a lexicon

// Find the tagged engines
LOCAL taggedEngines IS SHIP:PARTSTAGGED(event["engineTag"]).
IF taggedEngines:LENGTH = 0 {
pushUIMessage("NO ENGINES TAGGED '" + event["engineTag"] + "' FOUND!", 10, PRIORITY_CRITICAL).
// Shut them down
FOR engine IN taggedEngines {
IF NOT event:HASKEY("message") {
event:ADD("message", "Shutting down engine(s) tagged '" + event["engineTag"] + "'.").

// Handle the roll event
FUNCTION userEvent_roll {
DECLARE PARAMETER event. // Expects a lexicon

SET steeringRoll TO event["angle"].
IF NOT event:HASKEY("message") {
event:ADD("message", "Rolling to " + steeringRoll + " degrees").

// Handle the delegate event
FUNCTION userEvent_delegate {
DECLARE PARAMETER event. // Expects a lexicon

LOCAL fun IS event["function"].
IF fun:ISDEAD() {
} ELSE {

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