This is The Project of Leader Board build in JavaScript with using the webpack Plugins. In this site a user can Store S/he name and Score S/he achieved.
Additional description: This project is only built with Html and CSS and JavaScript APIs.
- JavaScript
- WebPack
- ES6 Modules
- Babel
- APIs
This is The Project of Leader Board build in JavaScript with using the webpack Plugins. In this site a user can Store S/he name and Score S/he achieved.
- To Clone the Project Locally Please click the following link.
- LeaderBoard
- Then click on Green Code button
- Copy the SSH link and clone it Locally through your Code Editor's terminal.
- To run the project in you browser, Please run the " npm install " command in the code editer terminal.
- Then run the " npm start " to run the project in your brower.
- Remember you must have installed node.js in your system.
👤 Nizamuddin Ahmadzai
- GitHub: @Nizamuddin4493
- Twitter: @Nizamuddin4493
- LinkedIn: Nizamuddin4493
Any type of contribution will be appreciated.
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Any suggestion or contribution well be appreciated.
This project is ISC licensed.