Parchemin is a small, dependancy-free JS snippet that adds dynamic select pickers with a search bar and AJAX interactions for Boosted. It is designed to be seamlessly integrated within a Boosted-based website.
This plugin requires Boosted (5.2 or above).
To install Parchemin, simply add the CSS file and the script file to an HTML file.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('/css/parchemin.css') }}">
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('js/parchemin.js') }}"></script>
Any select element marked with a parchemin
class will automatically be converted into a Parchemin select.
To add a live search feature to any select, you can call the following command :
const select = document.querySelector('#myselect');
To add an ajax live search feature to any select, you need to make sure it has a search bar included ; then you can call the following command.
const select = document.querySelector('#myselect');
parchemin.addAjax(select, params);
If you need to add a search bar first, you can do a chain call, like this :
const select = document.querySelector('#myselect');
parchemin.addSearch(select).addAjax(select, params);
The params variable is an object that must contain at least two properties.
- request is an object that, itself, contains two properties. The first one, url, is a string that contains the URL from which the data should be fetched (this URL will be appended to the current one in the page). The second one, type, is a string that contains the type of request ('POST' or 'GET').
- processData is a function that handles the received data. It must return an array of objects with the following properties : text (the option's title), value (the option's value) and, optionally, class if you'd like to add a custom CSS class. All of these values are strings.
Here is an example of an AJAX config below.
request: {
url: '/users/search',
type: 'POST',
processData: function(data) {
let results = [];
data.forEach(it => {
return results;
Additionally, you can add the following properties to your parameters :
- minLength: sets the minimum amount of characters that need to be typed for a search to be started. Default value : 4.
- maxResults: sets the maximum size of the data array that is sent to the processData function (if there is more, a special message will be displayed). Default value : 300. It is recommended to leave this value untouched as it may heavily impact your website's performance.
To change the default messages of Parchemin, you can use the following command:
const select = document.querySelector('#myselect');
parchemin.setLang(select, {
empty: 'Empty select message',
startSearch: 'Start typing message',
minLengthAlert: 'Minimum length requirement message',
searching: 'Searching message',
noResults: 'No result found message',
error: 'Error message',
result: 'Single result found',
results: 'Multiple results found',
searchPlaceholder: 'Search placeholder message',
moreResults: 'More precise search needed message'
This object has no required values. You can replace what you want, the others that are not included will be automatically handled by Parchemin.