If you want to add an army or edit an existing army, please do so! Use the src/army/sample_army/
folder as a reference for how things are added!
Feel free to submit a PR for any incorrect/missing rules! I am only human, and the amount of data entry needed for a single army can sometimes be overwhelming.
For more contribution guidelines, check out CONTRIBUTING.md
- Zirhark
- JohnSchramm
- exonian
- thundergore
- wspencermiller
- grzegorzmiazga
- ctcodie
- CptAsgard
- PixelTom
- LiuSeeker
- NiklassMM
- T-Nightingale
- mattbarkerdev
- mmorrison
- Sobakaa
- lucienLopez
- BenKidd
- stures
- Redmongrel
- bszonye
- Flui
- Lorax
In the project directory, you can run:
If you just downloaded this repository, or if you are getting errors regarding missing packages, run yarn install
to download/update dependencies.
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
Checks your code for formatting or logical errors. Run this before opening a PR, since the CI will fail your branch if you don't pass the linting standards.
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
Run after yarn build
. Analyzes the build bundle and shows which dependencies and files are taking up space.
Runs a script that checks rules to see if they're misplaced. Be sure to run this after adding a new army since it can catch some common errors.
I have set this repository up to automatically take care of some chores when you push a commit.
- Any special punctuation characters such as
, and”
are removed and replaced with'
. - Any leading or trailing whitespace is removed from any
, andtag
entries. - Periods are added to the end of descriptions if they are missing.
- Finally, we use
to format the code according to the repository standards.
This repository is automatically deployed using CodeShip.
Whenever a commit is pushed to the master
branch, the project is built and uploaded to S3.
This happens automatically, so be careful when merging to master
! Your changes will immediately be live.
If you want to test or use subscriber features locally, you can do it :)
First, login through Auth0. You can create a fake account - your email doesn't need to be verified.
Then subscribe and go through checkout as usual. You can use any of Stripes test card numbers to complete the transaction. Just enter a test card number, and any expiration date/CVC/ZIP code, and your account will be subscribed.
I like to use card # 4242 4242 4242 4242
since I can just spam my keyboard.
Obviously, this does not work in production :)
Found a discrepancy between Warscroll Builder/Azyr/Battlescribe and AoS Reminders? You have three options:
- Open an issue on Github and let us know.
- Add to the typo list (
) insrc/utils/import/options.ts
- Just wait. :) Failed imports are fired off to Google Analytics - we will probably fix your issue within a couple days.
Delete all local branches except master
git branch | grep -v "master" | xargs git branch -D
git branch | %{ $_.Trim() } | ?{ $_ -ne 'master' } | %{ git branch -D $_ }
Note: These are both private repositories.
This is something I will never add to AoS Reminders (unless we get a blessing from GW). It gets too close to entirely replacing the need for a battletome, and I don't want GW to think I'm trying to do that. It's a great idea but not one that I will do :)