Tidy 5e Sheets v0.1.0 marks the beginning of Alpha Testing.
If you would like to test out the new Tidy 5e Sheets, you can find Installation instructions here: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets#installation
Quick Start: use this URL in your "Install Modules" window: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/latest/download/module.json
These sheets are designed so they can work alongside the current live version of Tidy 5e Sheets. The Alpha module is called: Tidy 5e Sheets Kgar Alpha
Note: Alpha testing is focused on core Tidy 5e Sheet functionality and not on module compatibility. This will come later. The goal of Alpha Testing is to be able to declare the sheets working as expected as a standalone module.
During this time, I will be working out any Alpha-specific issues that are found while also continuing my own checklist of tasks. You can submit issues here: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues - There are no templates yet, so no worries on the formatting.
If you'd like to discuss alpha testing in more freeform format, we can talk here in the discord server in alpha-testing
Github repo: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets
An alternative Character Sheet for Foundry VTT dnd5e aimed at creating a cleaner UI, and many many many other features
At the conclusion of the testing phase of the alpha version , the module will be registered with the same id to allow a less "cumbersome" transition.
It's always better and easier to install modules through in in app browser.
To install this module manually:
- Inside the Foundry "Configuration and Setup" screen, click "Add-on Modules"
- Click "Install Module"
- In the "Manifest URL" field, paste the following url:
- Click 'Install' and wait for installation to complete
- Don't forget to enable the module in game using the "Manage Module" button
This module uses the colorsettings. It is a optional dependency but it is recommended for the best experience and compatibility with other modules.
- The current template for favorite items is to complicated ... we should be apply the same template of the module, Character Sheet Favorites, and divide as a option for the player the inventory between Weapons/Equipment/Consumables
// Ty to @zhell for the macro
const updates = game.actors.reduce((acc, a) => {
const flags = foundry.utils.getProperty(a, "flags.tidy5e-sheet") ?? {};
const asd = a.system.details ?? {};
const upd = {};
const props = {
"character": ["gender", "age", "height", "weight", "eyes", "skin", "hair", "maxPreparedSpells"],
"npc": ["trait", "ideal", "bond", "flaw"]
} [a.type];
if (!props) {
return acc;
for (const prop of props) {
upd[prop] = asd[prop] || flags[prop] || "";
const notes = ["notes", "notes1", "notes2", "notes3", "notes4"];
for (const n of notes) {
upd[`${n}.value`] = asd[n]?.value || flags[n]?.value || "";
_id: a.id,
"flags.tidy5e-sheet": upd
return acc;
}, []);
await Actor.updateDocuments(updates);
All item controls are hidden by default - you can use right mouse click to show a context menu for all available item interaction: equip/unequip, attuned/attunement required, prepared/unprepared, add/remove favorite, delete. If you don't want the context menu - that was created to conserve space and was the only way to make the option avalable in the grid view - you can bring back the classic item controls as a user setting. The inline controls will only show for PC sheets and the item/spell inventory in list layout. For every other view or sheet it is either impracticable or too spacious.
To be able to add or delete items you'll have to "unlock" the sheet with the lock icon in the navigation bar. The lock button in the "locked" position also hides any section that has no content to clean up the sheet a little.
You can toggle item and spell inventorys into grid or list layout. List is the default view. Grid offers a more condensed overview of your icons and spell with focus on icon art. Youll still able to see the main infos like quantity, charges, equipment/preparation/attunement and if an item is magical. Every other info will show in the info box to the left when you hover over an item.
This is an embedded version of the module Spell Level Buttons for DnD 5e, replaces the spell level select dropdown menu with buttons.
This is an embedded version of the module Multiclass Spellbook filter for 5e (fork), it adds options for players to organize their spellbook by which class the spell is for. Useful for multiclass characters or characters with the magic initiate feat.
To get the filter to work, you will need to populate the data in each spell.
All settings for this module are found in Foundry's settings menu under the module settings tab.
Currently all of the settings that are available are client-side settings. This means that what you change here will not have an effect on any other computer or player.
This module relies on populating data that doesn't seem to exist by default: "Is this spell a {class} spell for you?" So the first step is going to be going through each spell on your sheet and selecting the spell's class in the itemsheet's details tab.
Note: Your selection does not change which ability modifier your spell uses. That is configured elsewhere in the sheet.
Afterwards, if the proper setting is enabled, you will see a dropdown menu at the top of the spellbook with the rest of the filters. Selecting an one of the classes will hide all of the spells that don't match your selection.
Some players find it helpful to differentiate spells by class even when the list is not filtered. To help with that this module provides the option to 'cover' the spell's icon in the spellbook with the icon of their source class.
To enable this behavior enable it in the module's settings. This setting is disabled by default.
Note: This feature does not change any data or other behaviors. The spell's icon will still be what is displayed in chat and in other sections of the sheet.
The favorite system is syncronized with the module Character Sheet Favorites and Favorite tab
This is an embedded version of the module Lazy Money, Easily add or remove currency, Hp and Experience with automatic conversion and no overdraft.
In the PC inventory you'll find the new attunement tracker at the bottom left. By default you can attune to 3 items. DMs can change the attunement limit for each character by entering a max value in the tracker.
An 'integration more from flavor than from system functionality, a very "crude" integration of Exhaustion, Death Save and Rest (both Short and Long) is been applied on the NPC sheet
there are plenty of settings from dark mode to round/square portraits, health visualization and user specific options. I tried to make each settings description as clear as possible so you should be able to carefully read an pick what you want.
Additional Translations generously provided by: Japanese: @BrotherSharp, @Asami Italian: @Simone [UTC +2] Korean: @KLO Brazilian Portuguese: @rinnocenti French: @temvaryen
Thank you very much!
npm install
will let you develop you own code with hot reloading on the browser
npm run dev
will build and set up a symlink between dist
and your dataPath
npm run build
will build and watch for changes, rebuilding automatically.
npm run build-watch
launch the prettier plugin based on the configuration here
npm run-script prettier-format
Any issues, bugs, or feature requests are always welcome to be reported directly to the Issue Tracker, or using the Bug Reporter Module.
- Lazy Money : MIT
- Multiclass Spellbook filter for 5e : MIT
- Multiclass Spellbook filter for 5e (fork) : MIT
- Spell Level Buttons for DnD 5e : MIT
- Character Sheet Favorites: MIT
- Character Actions 5e: MIT
- Character Actions 5e (fork) : MIT
This package, written by sdenec, is under an Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License and the Foundry Virtual Tabletop Limited License Agreement for module development.
- p4535992 for the module Lazy Money
- MrEnigmamgine for the module Multiclass Spellbook filter for 5e
- thatlonelybugbear for the module Multiclass Spellbook filter for 5e (fork)
- Rayuaz for the module Spell Level Buttons for DnD 5e
- mxzf for the module Character Sheet Favorites
- ElfFriend-DnD for the module Character Actions 5e
- p4535992 for the module Character Actions 5e (fork)