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Measuring Systematic Generalization in Neural Proof Generation with Transformers

This repository shows how to reproduce results from the paper "Measuring Systematic Generalization in Neural Proof Generation with Transformers" Measuring Systematic Generalization in Neural Proof Generation with Transformers


Tested on this environment:

  • Python 3.6.8
  • CUDA Version: 10.2
pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone 

NOTE: apex must be cloned in the current directory or manually added to the $PYTHONPATH.

Download data

Download manually from this link: and unzip into the ./data/ folder


Run the following commands:

cd ./data
chmod +x

The file structure of the data is the following:

|  relations_store.yaml  # copied from
|  rules_store.yaml      # copied from
|  backward/  # proof sentences are reversed, from answer to facts (~backward chaining)
|  |  test/
|  |  |  {2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}/
|  |  |  |  {long|short}_proof_1.{2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}_test_facts_ANON.txt  # target used to evaluate
|  |  |  |  queries_1.{2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}_test_{amt|facts}_ANON.txt       # prefix used to generate
|  |  train/
|  |  |  {long|short}_proof_1.{2|4|6}_train_{amt|facts}_anon.txt.4000
|  |  valid/
|  |  |  {long|short}_proof_1.{2|4|6}_valid_{amt|facts}_anon.txt.4000
|  forward/  # proof sentences are in order, from facts to answer (~forward chaining)
|  |  test/
|  |  |  {2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}/
|  |  |  |  {long|short|no}_proof_1.{2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}_test_facts_ANON.txt  # target used to evaluate
|  |  |  |  queries_1.{2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}_test_{amt|facts}_ANON.txt          # prefix used to generate
|  |  train/
|  |  |  {long|no|short}_proof_1.{2|4|6}_train_{amt|facts}_anon.txt.4000
|  |  valid/
|  |  |  {long|no|short}_proof_1.{2|4|6}_valid_{amt|facts}_anon.txt.4000
#               ^                   ^              ^
#          long, short, or no       ^              ^
#           proof strategies        ^              ^
#                                   ^              ^
#               lvl 2, 4, 6 family stories         ^
#                                                  ^
#          family graph expressed with the 'facts' or 'amt' template

Run experiments

(1) Training

Tested with this hardware:

  • gpu: 6 * 32 Gb Tesla V100
  • cpu: 6 * 16 Gb

# --no proof sentences
python --config configs/gpt_tiny.json --dataset clutrr1_no_proof_facts_2+clutrr1_no_proof_facts_4+clutrr1_no_proof_facts_6 --experiment_name gpt_tiny_anon

# --forward proof sentences
python --config configs/gpt_tiny.json --dataset clutrr1_long_proof_facts_2+clutrr1_long_proof_facts_4+clutrr1_long_proof_facts_6 --experiment_name gpt_tiny_anon
python --config configs/gpt_tiny.json --dataset clutrr1_short_proof_facts_2+clutrr1_short_proof_facts_4+clutrr1_short_proof_facts_6 --experiment_name gpt_tiny_anon

# --reversed proof sentences
python --config configs/gpt_tiny.json --dataset clutrr1_long-proof-rev_facts_2+clutrr1_long-proof-rev_facts_4+clutrr1_long-proof-rev_facts_6 --experiment_name gpt_tiny_anon
python --config configs/gpt_tiny.json --dataset clutrr1_short-proof-rev_facts_2+clutrr1_short-proof-rev_facts_4+clutrr1_short-proof-rev_facts_6 --experiment_name gpt_tiny_anon


# --no proof sentences
python --config configs/gpt_tiny.json --dataset clutrr1_no_proof_amt_2+clutrr1_no_proof_amt_4+clutrr1_no_proof_amt_6 --experiment_name gpt_tiny_anon

# --forward proof sentences
python --config configs/gpt_tiny.json --dataset clutrr1_long_proof_amt_2+clutrr1_long_proof_amt_4+clutrr1_long_proof_amt_6 --experiment_name gpt_tiny_anon
python --config configs/gpt_tiny.json --dataset clutrr1_short_proof_amt_2+clutrr1_short_proof_amt_4+clutrr1_short_proof_amt_6 --experiment_name gpt_tiny_anon

# --reversed proof sentences
python --config configs/gpt_tiny.json --dataset clutrr1_long-proof-rev_amt_2+clutrr1_long-proof-rev_amt_4+clutrr1_long-proof-rev_amt_6 --experiment_name gpt_tiny_anon
python --config configs/gpt_tiny.json --dataset clutrr1_short-proof-rev_amt_2+clutrr1_short-proof-rev_amt_4+clutrr1_short-proof-rev_amt_6 --experiment_name gpt_tiny_anon

After training, you should see the following new files:

|  log_[experiment_name]_[dataset].log
|  1_{no|short|long}-proof{-rev|}_{facts|amt}_2_4_6/
|  |  vocab.pkl
|  |  [experiment_name]/
|  |  |  args.pkl
|  |  |
|  |  |
|  |  |  meta.pkl
|  |  |  meta2.json
|  |  |
|  |  |
|  |  |  train.log

(2) Generation

Tested with this hardware:

  • gpu: 1 * 12 Gb
  • cpu: 2 * 4 Gb

Make the scripts executable:

chmod +x
chmod +x

NOTE: if you want to choose which file to generate to, modify the --out_file argument in and Otherwise your predictions will be stored by default in data/{forward|backward}/test/{2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}/gpt_tiny_anon_{no|short|long}-proof_1.{2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}_test_{facts|amt}_ANON.txt when generating both the proofs and answers; and in data/{forward|backward}/test/{2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}/gpt_tiny_anon_{no|short|long}-proof_1.{2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}_test_{facts|amt}_ANON_ans-only.txt when generating only the answers.

Run one of the following command to generate predictions on all test levels from 2 to 10:


# --no proof sentences
./ np facts  # given facts story + query generate 'none' + answer
./ np facts         # given facts story + query + 'none' generate answer

# --forward proof sentences
./ lp facts  # given facts story + query generate long-proof + answer
./ sp facts  # given facst story + query generate short-proof + answer
./ lp facts  # given facst story + query + long-proof generate answer
./ sp facts  # given facts story + query + short-proof generate answer

# --reversed proof sentences
./ lpr facts  # given facts story + query generate long-proof-rev + answer
./ spr facts  # given facts story + query generate short-proof-rev + answer
./ lpr facts  # given facts story + query + long-proof-rev generate answer
./ spr facts  # given facts story + query + short-proof-rev generate answer


# --no proof sentences
./ np amt  # given amt story + query generate 'none' + answer
./ np amt         # given amt story + query + 'none' generate answer

# --forward proof sentences
./ lp amt  # given amt story + query generate long-proof + answer
./ sp amt  # given amt story + query generate short-proof + answer
./ lp amt  # given amt story + query + long-proof generate answer
./ sp amt  # given amt story + query + short-proof generate answer

# --reversed proof sentences
./ lpr amt  # given amt story + query generate long-proof-rev + answer
./ spr amt  # given amt story + query generate short-proof-rev + answer
./ lpr amt  # given amt story + query + long-proof-rev generate answer
./ spr amt  # given amt story + query + short-proof-rev generate answer

(3) Evaluation

Tested with this hardware requirements:

  • cpu: 1 * 4 Gb
cd src
python --truth <PATH_TO_GROUND_TRUTH_FILE> \
                              --pred  <PATH_TO_PREDICTIONS_FILE> \
                              --proof_type <"normal" -or- "reversed">

NOTE: The evaluation script will save the answer accuracy and proof validity into a .yaml file at the same location as your --pred file. For instance, if you passed --pred ../data/test.txt, the script will create the following file: ../data/test.yaml with the following structure:

  correct: {
    idx: [...]   # list of line numbers for which the answer is correct.
    score: 0.\#\#  # proportion (0<#<1) of accurate answers.
  correct_but_invalid: {
    idx: [...]   # list of line numbers for which the answer is correct but the proof is inconsistent.
    score: 0.\#\#  # proportion (0<#<1) of accurate answers with an inconsistent proof.
  wrong: {
    idx: [...]   # list of line numbers for which the answer is incorrect.
    score: 0.\#\#  # proportion (0<#<1) of inaccurate answers.
  wrong_but_valid: {
    idx: [...]   # list of line numbers for which the answer is incorrect but the proof is consistent.
    score: 0.\#\#  # proportion (0<#<1) of inaccurate answers with an consistent proof.

You can also look at for an example following the same naming scheme as in the and scripts. This will automatically evaluate the generated files on all test levels for both proof+answer predictions and answer-only predictions if you previously ran and The evaluation files will then be stored by default in data/{forward|backward}/test/{2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}/gpt_tiny_anon_{no|short|long}-proof_1.{2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}_test_{facts|amt}_ANON.yaml when evaluating both the proofs and answers; and in data/{forward|backward}/test/{2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}/gpt_tiny_anon_{no|short|long}-proof_1.{2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}_test_{facts|amt}_ANON_ans-only.yaml when evaluating only the answers.

To do this, start by making the script executable:

chmod +x

And run one of the following command to evaluate your predictions:


# --no proof sentences
./ np facts

# --forward proof sentences
./ lp facts
./ sp facts

# --reversed proof sentences
./ lpr facts
./ spr facts


# --no proof sentences
./ np amt

# --forward proof sentences
./ lp amt
./ sp amt

# --reversed proof sentences
./ lpr amt
./ spr amt


We greatly thank Sandeep Subramanian ( for allowing us to use and share some of his experimental code, from which this repository was constructed.


To cite our paper, please use the following bibtex:

  title = {Measuring Systematic Generalization in Neural Proof Generation with Transformers},
  author = {Gontier, Nicolas and Sinha, Koustuv and Reddy, Siva and Pal, Christopher},
  booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33},
  year = {2020},
  publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
  url = {}


If you have any questions, feel free to contact Nicolas Gontier at [email protected]