A small Reactive API with RxJava for Minecraft Paper Plugins.
When you want to return something back in the Minecraft Thread
public void test(Plugin plugin) {
When you want to listen an Event
public void test(Plugin plugin) {
RxPaper.event(plugin, PlayerJoinEvent.class).map(PlayerEvent::getPlayer).subscribe(player -> player.sendMessage("Hello"));
RxPaper.event(plugin, PlayerJoinEvent.class, new EventSettings(EventPriority.MONITOR, false)).map(PlayerEvent::getPlayer).subscribe(player -> player.sendMessage("Hello later"));
When you want to listen a Command
public void test(Plugin plugin) {
RxPaper.command(plugin, "test").subscribe(command -> command.commandSender().sendMessage("This is a command"));
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/newspicel/rxjava")
dependencies {
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://maven.pkg.github.com/newspicel/rxjava'
dependencies {
implementation 'dev.newspicel.rxpaper:rxpaper:1.0'