Udtaleordbog.dk's features a JSON API.
Please note, you need a personal API key to use the API. API keys are available for patrons at https://www.patreon.com/NewDanishPhonetics/ upon request.
Without an API key, you can still access words starting with 's' in order to test applications.
The API is currently intended for personal use. There is a personal monthly limit of 1,000 requests. Contact me is you need to change the limit.
The API can be accessed at:
It currently has the following structure (more data will be added in the future):
{"ortho": "eksempel","pron": "/ɛk.ˈsɛm̰p.l/"}
You need to POST the following variables:
'q' (Your query)
'api_key' (Your personal API key)
The following variables are optional:
'std' (Your preferred phonetic notation standard, default=ipa)
Supported standards: ipa, narrow, bdg, udt, ddo, ng, dania, kiel
'norm' (The desired pronunciation norm, default=1)
Supported norms: 1 = Standard, 2 = Conservative, 3 = Ultra conservative, 4 = Younger
Please note that 2-4 are null unless they are different from 1.
Refer to the python script example.