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oruebel authored Feb 24, 2025
2 parents 40da73d + ae989a3 commit 3233fde
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Showing 9 changed files with 211 additions and 12 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ PROJECT_NUMBER = "@PROJECT_VERSION@"
PREDEFINED += "DEFINE_FIELD(name, storageObjectType, default_type, fieldPath, description)=/** description */ template<typename VTYPE = default_type> inline std::unique_ptr<IO::ReadDataWrapper<storageObjectType, VTYPE>> name() const;"
PREDEFINED += "DEFINE_REGISTERED_FIELD(name, registeredType, fieldPath, description)=/** description */ template<typename RTYPE = registeredType> inline std::shared_ptr<RTYPE> name() const;"
PREDEFINED += "DEFINE_REFERENCED_REGISTERED_FIELD(name, registeredType, fieldPath, description)=/** description */ template<typename RTYPE = registeredType> inline std::shared_ptr<RTYPE> name() const;"

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12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion docs/pages/devdocs/registered_types.dox
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
* @section use_the_define_registered_field_macro How to use the DEFINE_REGISTERED_FIELD macro
* The \ref DEFINE_REGISTERED_FIELD works much like the \ref DEFINE_FIELD macro macro but
* The \ref DEFINE_REGISTERED_FIELD macro works much like the \ref DEFINE_FIELD macro macro but
* returns instances of specific subtypes of \ref AQNWB::NWB::RegisteredType "RegisteredType",
* rather than \ref AQNWB::IO::ReadDataWrapper "ReadDataWrapper". As such the main inputs for
* \ref DEFINE_REGISTERED_FIELD are as follows:
Expand All @@ -230,6 +230,16 @@
* DEFINE_REGISTERED_FIELD(getData, DynamicTable, "my_table", My data table)
* @endcode
* @section use_the_define_referenced_registered_field_macro How to use the DEFINE_REFERENCED_REGISTERED_FIELD macro
* The \ref DEFINE_REFERENCED_REGISTERED_FIELD macro works exactly like the
* \ref DEFINE_REGISTERED_FIELD macro, but the underlying data is an attribute that
* stores a reference to an instances of a specific subtype of \ref AQNWB::NWB::RegisteredType "RegisteredType"
* rather than the instance of the object directly. I.e., ``fieldPath`` here is the
* relative path to the attribute that stores the reference, rather than the relative path
* of the object itself. The generated read method then resolves the reference first and
* then returns the instance of the object that is being referenced.
* @section using_registered_subclass_with_typename Using REGISTER_SUBCLASS_WITH_TYPENAME
* The main use case for \ref REGISTER_SUBCLASS_WITH_TYPENAME is when we need to implement
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/io/BaseIO.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -298,6 +298,15 @@ class BaseIO
virtual DataBlockGeneric readAttribute(const std::string& dataPath) const = 0;

* @brief Reads a reference attribute and returns the path to the referenced
* object.
* @param dataPath The path to the reference attribute within the file.
* @return The path to the referenced object.
virtual std::string readReferenceAttribute(
const std::string& dataPath) const = 0;

* @brief Creates an attribute at a given location in the file.
* @param type The base data type of the attribute.
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63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions src/io/hdf5/HDF5IO.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -301,6 +301,69 @@ std::vector<std::string> HDF5IO::readStringDataHelper(
dataSource, numElements, H5::DataSpace(), H5::DataSpace());

std::string HDF5IO::readReferenceAttribute(const std::string& dataPath) const
// Read the attribute
auto attributePtr = this->getAttribute(dataPath);
if (attributePtr == nullptr) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"HDF5IO::readReferenceAttribute, attribute does not exist.");

H5::Attribute& attribute = *attributePtr;
H5::DataType dataType = attribute.getDataType();

// Check if the attribute is a reference
if (dataType != H5::PredType::STD_REF_OBJ) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"HDF5IO::readReferenceAttribute, attribute is not a reference.");

// Read the reference
hobj_ref_t ref;, &ref);

// Dereference the reference to get the HDF5 object ID
// TODO: Note as of HDF5-1.12, H5Rdereference2() has been deprecated in
// favor of H5Ropen_attr(), H5Ropen_object() and H5Ropen_region().
hid_t obj_id =
H5Rdereference2(attribute.getId(), H5P_DEFAULT, H5R_OBJECT, &ref);
if (obj_id < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"HDF5IO::readReferenceAttribute, failed to dereference object.");

// Get the name (path) of the dereferenced object
ssize_t buf_size = H5Iget_name(obj_id, nullptr, 0) + 1;
// This is a safety check to safeguard against possible runtime issues,
// but this should never happen.
if (buf_size <= 0) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"HDF5IO::readReferenceAttribute, failed to get object name size.");

std::vector<char> obj_name(static_cast<size_t>(buf_size));
// This is a safety check to safeguard against possible runtime issues,
// but this should never happen.
if (H5Iget_name(obj_id,, static_cast<size_t>(buf_size)) < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"HDF5IO::readReferenceAttribute, failed to get object name.");

std::string referencedPath(;

// Close the dereferenced object

return referencedPath;

AQNWB::IO::DataBlockGeneric HDF5IO::readAttribute(
const std::string& dataPath) const
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/io/hdf5/HDF5IO.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -125,6 +125,15 @@ class HDF5IO : public BaseIO
AQNWB::IO::DataBlockGeneric readAttribute(
const std::string& dataPath) const override;

* @brief Reads a reference attribute and returns the path to the referenced
* object.
* @param dataPath The path to the reference attribute within the file.
* @return The path to the referenced object.
std::string readReferenceAttribute(
const std::string& dataPath) const override;

* @brief Creates an attribute at a given location in the file.
* @param type The base data type of the attribute.
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50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions src/nwb/RegisteredType.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -444,5 +444,55 @@ class RegisteredType
return nullptr; \

* @brief Defines a lazy-loaded accessor function for reading fields that are
* RegisteredTypes that are linked to by a reference attribute
* This macro generates a function that returns the appropriate subtype of
* RegisteredType, e.g., to read VectorData from a DynamicTable or a
* TimeSeries from an NWBFile.
* \note
* The defines a simplified expansion of this function
* for generating the documentation for the autogenerated function.
* This means: 1) When updating the macro here, we also need to ensure
* that the expansion in the is still accurate and 2) the
* docstring that is defined by the macro here is not being used by
* Doxygen but the version generated by its on PREDEFINED expansion.
* @param name The name of the function to generate.
* @param registeredType The specific subclass of registered type to use
* @param fieldPath The path to the attribute that stores reference to the field
* @param description A detailed description of the field.
name, registeredType, fieldPath, description) \
/** \
* @brief Returns the instance of the class representing the ##name field. \
* \
* @tparam RTYPE The RegisteredType of the field (default: ##registeredType) \
* In most cases this should not be changed. But in the case of templated \
* types, e.g,. VectorData<std::any> a user may want to change this to a \
* more specific subtype to use, e.g., VectorData<int> \
* @return A shared pointer to an instance of ##registeredType representing \
* the object. May return nullptr if the path does not exist \
* \
* description \
*/ \
template<typename RTYPE = registeredType> \
inline std::shared_ptr<RTYPE> name() const \
{ \
try { \
std::string attrPath = AQNWB::mergePaths(m_path, fieldPath); \
std::string objectPath = m_io->readReferenceAttribute(attrPath); \
if (m_io->objectExists(objectPath)) { \
return RegisteredType::create<RTYPE>(objectPath, m_io); \
} \
} catch (const std::exception& e) { \
return nullptr; \
} \
return nullptr; \

} // namespace NWB
} // namespace AQNWB
20 changes: 15 additions & 5 deletions src/nwb/ecephys/ElectricalSeries.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include "io/BaseIO.hpp"
#include "io/ReadIO.hpp"
#include "nwb/base/TimeSeries.hpp"
#include "nwb/file/ElectrodeTable.hpp"

namespace AQNWB::NWB
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,17 +110,26 @@ class ElectricalSeries : public TimeSeries
Base unit of measurement for working with the data.
This value is fixed to volts)

The electrodes that generated this electrical series.)
The indices of the electrodes that generated this electrical series.)

The electrodes that generated this electrical series.)

The electrodes table retrieved from the object referenced in the
`electrodes / table` attribute.)

* @brief The number of samples already written per channel.
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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions tests/testEcephys.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -244,10 +244,11 @@ TEST_CASE("ElectricalSeries", "[ecephys]")
== "the electrodes that generated this electrical series");

// TODO - add test for reading when references are supported in read
// auto readElectrodesTableWrapper =
// readElectricalSeries->readElectrodesTable(); auto
// readElectrodesTableValues = readElectrodesTableWrapper->values().data[0];
// Read the references to the ElectrodeTable
auto readElectrodesTable = readElectricalSeries->readElectrodesTable();
REQUIRE(readElectrodesTable != nullptr);
== AQNWB::NWB::ElectrodeTable::electrodeTablePath);

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50 changes: 48 additions & 2 deletions tests/testHDF5IO.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -636,10 +636,56 @@ TEST_CASE("HDF5IO; create attributes", "[hdf5io]")

// reference
// reference attribute tests
// Create target objects that we'll reference
SizeArray {3},
SizeArray {3},

// Test reference to a group
SECTION("reference to group")
"/referenceTargetGroup", "/data", "groupRefAttr");

std::string resolvedPath =
REQUIRE(resolvedPath == "/referenceTargetGroup");

// Test reference to a dataset
SECTION("reference to dataset")
"/referenceTargetDataset", "/data", "datasetRefAttr");

std::string resolvedPath =
REQUIRE(resolvedPath == "/referenceTargetDataset");

// Test reading non-existent reference attribute
SECTION("non-existent reference attribute")

// Test reading an attribute that is not a reference attribute
SECTION("non-reference attribute")
const int data = 1;
hdf5io.createAttribute(BaseDataType::I32, &data, "/data", "intAttr");

// close file
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