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Precompiled contracts
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andreiburdusa committed Oct 17, 2024
1 parent 1f18022 commit bc2f981
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Showing 25 changed files with 1,569 additions and 36 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Conform/TestRunner.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ def executeTransactions (blocks : Blocks) (s₀ : EVM.State) : Except EVM.Except
(.Code beaconRootsAddressCode)
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions EvmYul.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ import EvmYul.Wheels
import EvmYul.EllipticCurves
import EvmYul.PerformIO

import EvmYul.SHA256
import EvmYul.RIP160
import EvmYul.BN_ADD
import EvmYul.BN_MUL
import EvmYul.SNARKV
import EvmYul.BLAKE2_F

import EvmYul.Data.Stack

import EvmYul.EVM.Exception
Expand All @@ -20,6 +27,7 @@ import EvmYul.EVM.PrimOps
import EvmYul.EVM.Semantics
import EvmYul.EVM.State
import EvmYul.EVM.StateOps
import EvmYul.EVM.PrecompiledContracts

import EvmYul.Maps.AccountMap
import EvmYul.Maps.ByteMap
Expand Down
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions EvmYul/BLAKE2_F.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import EvmYul.Wheels
import EvmYul.PerformIO
import Conform.Wheels

def blobBLAKE2_F (data : String) : String :=
totallySafePerformIO ∘ <|
pythonCommandOfInput data
where pythonCommandOfInput (data : String) : IO.Process.SpawnArgs := {
cmd := "python3",
args := #["EvmYul/EllipticCurvesPy/", data]

def BLAKE2_F (data : ByteArray) : Except String ByteArray :=
match blobBLAKE2_F (toHex data) with
| "error" => .error "BLAKE2_F failed"
| s => ByteArray.ofBlob s
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions EvmYul/BN_ADD.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import EvmYul.Wheels
import EvmYul.PerformIO
import Conform.Wheels

def blobBN_ADD (x₀ y₀ x₁ y₁ : String) : String :=
totallySafePerformIO ∘ <|
pythonCommandOfInput x₀ y₀ x₁ y₁
where pythonCommandOfInput (x₀ y₀ x₁ y₁ : String) : IO.Process.SpawnArgs := {
cmd := "python3",
args := #["EvmYul/EllipticCurvesPy/", x₀, y₀, x₁, y₁]

def BN_ADD (x₀ y₀ x₁ y₁ : ByteArray) : Except String ByteArray :=
ByteArray.ofBlob <| blobBN_ADD (toHex x₀) (toHex y₀) (toHex x₁) (toHex y₁)
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions EvmYul/BN_MUL.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import EvmYul.Wheels
import EvmYul.PerformIO
import Conform.Wheels

def blobBN_MUL (x₀ y₀ n : String) : String :=
totallySafePerformIO ∘ <|
pythonCommandOfInput x₀ y₀ n
where pythonCommandOfInput (x₀ y₀ n : String) : IO.Process.SpawnArgs := {
cmd := "python3",
args := #["EvmYul/EllipticCurvesPy/", x₀, y₀, n]

def BN_MUL (x₀ y₀ n : ByteArray) : Except String ByteArray :=
ByteArray.ofBlob <| blobBN_MUL (toHex x₀) (toHex y₀) (toHex n)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions EvmYul/EVM/Exception.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ inductive InvalidTransactionException where
| BaseFeeTooHigh : InvalidTransactionException
| InconsistentFees : InvalidTransactionException
| DataGreaterThan9152 : InvalidTransactionException
| SenderRecoverError : String → InvalidTransactionException

instance : Repr InvalidTransactionException where
reprPrec s _ :=
Expand All @@ -26,7 +25,6 @@ instance : Repr InvalidTransactionException where
| .BaseFeeTooHigh => "BaseFeeTooHigh"
| .InconsistentFees => "InconsistentFees"
| .DataGreaterThan9152 => "DataGreaterThan9152"
| .SenderRecoverError s => "SenderRecoverError: " ++ s

-- TODO - fix / cleanup.
inductive Exception where
Expand All @@ -48,6 +46,7 @@ inductive Exception where
| InvalidWithdrawal (s : String) : Exception
| BogusExceptionToBeReplaced (s : String) : Exception
| ExpectedException (s : String) : Exception
| SenderRecoverError : String → Exception

instance : Repr Exception where
reprPrec s _ := match s with
Expand All @@ -69,6 +68,7 @@ instance : Repr Exception where
| .InvalidWithdrawal s => s!"InvalidWithdrawal: {s}"
| .BogusExceptionToBeReplaced s => s!"BogusExceptionToBeReplaced: {s}"
| .ExpectedException s => s!"Expected exception: {s}"
| .SenderRecoverError s => "SenderRecoverError: " ++ s

end EVM

Expand Down
252 changes: 252 additions & 0 deletions EvmYul/EVM/PrecompiledContracts.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
import EvmYul.Maps.AccountMap
import EvmYul.UInt256
import EvmYul.State.Substate
import EvmYul.State.ExecutionEnv
import EvmYul.EVM.Exception
import EvmYul.Wheels

import EvmYul.EllipticCurves
import EvmYul.SHA256
import EvmYul.RIP160
import EvmYul.BN_ADD
import EvmYul.BN_MUL
import EvmYul.SNARKV
import EvmYul.BLAKE2_F

open EvmYul

(σ : AccountMap)
(g : UInt256)
(A : Substate)
(I : ExecutionEnv)
(AccountMap × UInt256 × Substate × ByteArray)
let gᵣ : UInt256 := 3000

if g < gᵣ then
(∅, 0, A, .empty)
let d := I.inputData
let h := d.readBytes 0 32
let v := d.readBytes 32 32
let r := d.readBytes 64 32
let s := d.readBytes 96 32
let v' : UInt256 := fromBytesBigEndian
let r' : UInt256 := fromBytesBigEndian
let s' : UInt256 := fromBytesBigEndian
let o :=
match ECDSARECOVER h v r s with
| .ok s =>
if v' < 27 || 28 < v' || r' = 0 || r' >= secp256k1n || s' = 0 || s' >= secp256k1n then
ByteArray.zeroes ⟨12⟩ ++ (KEC s).extract 12 32
| .error e =>
dbg_trace s!"Ξ_ECREC failed: {e}"
(σ, g - gᵣ, A, o)

def Ξ_SHA256
(σ : AccountMap)
(g : UInt256)
(A : Substate)
(I : ExecutionEnv)
(AccountMap × UInt256 × Substate × ByteArray)
let gᵣ : UInt256 :=
let l := I.inputData.size
let rem := l % 32
let divided := l / 32
let ceil := if rem == 0 then divided else divided + 1
60 + 12 * ceil

if g < gᵣ then
(∅, 0, A, .empty)
let o :=
match SHA256 I.inputData with
| .ok s => s
| .error e =>
dbg_trace s!"Ξ_SHA56 failed: {e}"
(σ, g - gᵣ, A, o)

def Ξ_RIP160
(σ : AccountMap)
(g : UInt256)
(A : Substate)
(I : ExecutionEnv)
(AccountMap × UInt256 × Substate × ByteArray)
let gᵣ : UInt256 :=
let l := I.inputData.size
let rem := l % 32
let divided := l / 32
let ceil := if rem == 0 then divided else divided + 1
60 + 12 * ceil

if g < gᵣ then
(∅, 0, A, .empty)
let o :=
match RIP160 I.inputData with
| .ok s => s
| .error e =>
dbg_trace s!"Ξ_RIP160 failed: {e}"
(σ, g - gᵣ, A, o)

def Ξ_ID
(σ : AccountMap)
(g : UInt256)
(A : Substate)
(I : ExecutionEnv)
(AccountMap × UInt256 × Substate × ByteArray)
let gᵣ : UInt256 :=
let l := I.inputData.size
let rem := l % 32
let divided := l / 32
let ceil := if rem == 0 then divided else divided + 1
15 + 3 * ceil

if g < gᵣ then
(∅, 0, A, .empty)
let o := I.inputData
(σ, g - gᵣ, A, o)

def expModAux (m : ℕ) (a : ℕ) (c : ℕ) : ℕ → ℕ
| 0 => a % m
| n@(k + 1) =>
if n % 2 == 1 then
expModAux m (a * c % m) (c * c % m) (n / 2)
expModAux m (a % m) (c * c % m) (n / 2)

def expMod (m : ℕ) (b : UInt256) (n : ℕ) : ℕ := expModAux m 1 b n

(σ : AccountMap)
(g : UInt256)
(A : Substate)
(I : ExecutionEnv)
(AccountMap × UInt256 × Substate × ByteArray)
let d := I.inputData
let l_B := d.readBytes 0 32 |> |> fromBytesBigEndian
let l_E := d.readBytes 32 32 |> |> fromBytesBigEndian
let l_M := d.readBytes 64 32 |> |> fromBytesBigEndian
let B := d.readBytes 96 l_B |> |> fromBytesBigEndian
let E := d.readBytes (96 + l_B) l_E |> |> fromBytesBigEndian
let M := d.readBytes (96 + l_B + l_E) l_M |> |> fromBytesBigEndian

let l_E' :=
let E_firstWord := d.readBytes (96 + l_B) 32 |> |> fromBytesBigEndian
if l_E ≤ 32 && E == 0 then
if l_E ≤ 32 && E != 0 then
Nat.log 2 E
if 32 < l_E && E_firstWord != 0 then
8 * (l_E - 32) + (Nat.log 2 E_firstWord)
8 * (l_E - 32)

let gᵣ :=
let G_quaddivisor := 3
let f x :=
let rem := x % 8
let divided := x / 8
let ceil := if rem == 0 then divided else divided + 1
ceil ^ 2

max 200 (f (max l_M l_B) * max l_E' 1 / G_quaddivisor)

let o : ByteArray := BE (expMod M B E)
let o : ByteArray := ByteArray.zeroes ⟨l_M - o.size⟩ ++ o

(σ, g - gᵣ, A, o)

def Ξ_BN_ADD
(σ : AccountMap)
(g : UInt256)
(A : Substate)
(I : ExecutionEnv)
(AccountMap × UInt256 × Substate × ByteArray)
let gᵣ : UInt256 := 150
let d := I.inputData
let x := (d.readBytes 0 32, d.readBytes 32 32)
let y := (d.readBytes 64 32, d.readBytes 96 32)
let o := BN_ADD x.1 x.2 y.1 y.2
match o with
| .ok o => (σ, g - gᵣ, A, o)
| .error e =>
dbg_trace s!"Ξ_BN_ADD failed: {e}"
(σ, g - gᵣ, A, .empty)

def Ξ_BN_MUL
(σ : AccountMap)
(g : UInt256)
(A : Substate)
(I : ExecutionEnv)
(AccountMap × UInt256 × Substate × ByteArray)
let gᵣ : UInt256 := 6000
let d := I.inputData
let x := (d.readBytes 0 32, d.readBytes 32 32)
let n := d.readBytes 64 32
let o := BN_MUL x.1 x.2 n
match o with
| .ok o => (σ, g - gᵣ, A, o)
| .error e =>
dbg_trace s!"Ξ_BN_MUL failed: {e}"
(σ, g - gᵣ, A, .empty)

(σ : AccountMap)
(g : UInt256)
(A : Substate)
(I : ExecutionEnv)
(AccountMap × UInt256 × Substate × ByteArray)
let d := I.inputData
let k := d.size / 192
let gᵣ : UInt256 := 34000 * k + 45000

let o := SNARKV d
match o with
| .ok o => (σ, g - gᵣ, A, o)
| .error e =>
dbg_trace s!"Ξ_SNARKV failed: {e}"
(∅, 0, A, .empty)

def Ξ_BLAKE2_F
(σ : AccountMap)
(g : UInt256)
(A : Substate)
(I : ExecutionEnv)
(AccountMap × UInt256 × Substate × ByteArray)
let d := I.inputData
let k := d.size / 192
let gᵣ : UInt256 := 34000 * k + 45000

let o := BLAKE2_F d
match o with
| .ok o => (σ, g - gᵣ, A, o)
| .error e =>
dbg_trace s!"Ξ_BLAKE2_F failed: {e}"
(∅, 0, A, .empty)

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