A gulp task for compiling a package which has local dependencies installed via jspm-local.
Together with gulp-jspm-local this can be used to compile the current package and all dependencies.
It runs 'npm install' and, when needed 'jspm install' and 'gulp build' on each dependency.
Install gulp-compile-dependencies
using npm into your local repository.
npm install gulp-compile-dependencies --save-dev
Setup a gulp task compile-dependencies
using this code:
'use strict'
let gulp = require('gulp');
let dependencies = require('gulp-compile-dependencies')
let tools = require('gulp-jspm-local');
let runSequence = require('run-sequence');
var options = {
npmInstall: true,
jspmInstall: true,
gulpBuild: true
gulp.task('compile-solution', () =>
.then(() => tools.updateLocalDependencies())
.then(() => dependencies.executeJspm())
.then(() => runSequence("export")));
: boolean =true
Executes npm install on all dependencies.
: boolean =true
Executes jspm install on all dependencies.
: boolean =true
Executes gulp build on all dependencies.