A Discord bot for mathematics calculations.
An overview of this project:
- discord/
- Discord.java
- Logs into Discord
- Commands.java
- Parses user input, applies functions to input, and returns responses to user
- Discord.java
- algorithms/
- Algorithms.java
- General mathematics algorithms
- Conversion.java
- Converts numbers and equations to other forms
- Algorithms.java
Μαθηματική Αριθμομηχανή (Mathēmatikí Arithmomēchaní) is a Discord bot application developed by Nes370. She is written in Java and runs on Java 8. Her dependencies include:
- BtoBastian's Javacord library v3.0.4
- Eobermuhlner's Big Math library v2.3.0.
If you'd like to support the developer, consider making a one-time donation via PayPal or become a patron at Patreon.
If you wish to add this bot to your server, please use the following link: https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=482545118172282880&permissions=0&scope=bot
If you have any further queries, please contact Nes#9856 on Discord.