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Fixed ellipse algorithm to be geodesic
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hamiltoncj committed Nov 7, 2018
1 parent 0ca65f1 commit 7176723
Showing 2 changed files with 41 additions and 23 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion metadata.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
name=Shape Tools
description=Shape Tools features geodesic shapes and tools. Create ellipse, line of bearing, pie wedge, polygon, star, ellipse rose, hypocyloid, polyfoil, epicycloid, and heart shapes. "XY to Line" tool, densify lines and polygons along geodesic paths, geodesic measure tool, and digitize points at an azimuth & distance.
author=C Hamilton
about=Shape Tools features geodesic shapes and tools. "Create Shapes" processes a point vector layer to create ellipses, pie wedges, lines of bearing, polygons, stars, ellipse roses, hypocyloids, polyfoils, epicycloids, and hearts based on the table's fields and other parameters. "XY to Line" uses pairs of coordinates from each record to create geodesic lines. "Geodesic Densifier" creates geodesic lines and polygons by adding additional vertices along geodesic paths within the shape. "Geodesic Measure Tool" measures distances using the WGS 84 ellipsoid and includes the bearing or heading between points. It will even saves the measurements as a layer. "Azimuth, Distance Digitizer" digitizes points based on a clicked point, an azimuth and distance or creates a geodesic line from a clicked point to an azimuth and distance. Shape Tools is installed in the Vector menu.
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ icon=images/shapes.png
0.7.12 Fixed ellipse algorithm to be geodesic
0.7.11 Fix in polygon densifier
0.7.10 Bug fix in xy to line
0.7.9 Added break lines at date line for XY to Line.
61 changes: 39 additions & 22 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -11,12 +11,47 @@
from PyQt4.QtGui import QIcon, QDialog, QDialogButtonBox
from PyQt4 import uic

from .LatLon import LatLon
from .settings import settings, epsg4326

FORM_CLASS, _ = uic.loadUiType(os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), 'ui/vector2Shape.ui'))

def geodesicEllipse(geod, lat, lon, sma, smi, orient, segments):
segments = int(math.ceil(segments / 2))
two_pi = 2 * math.pi
if smi < 0.0001: smi = 0.0001
if sma < 0.0001: sma = 0.0001
if sma < smi:
temp = sma
sma = smi
smi = temp
orient += 90
ab = sma * smi
step = 18.0 * smi / sma
if step < 1.0:
minimum = step
minimum = 1.0

maxang = math.pi / 6 * minimum
delta = ab * math.pi / segments
pts = []
azi = 0
while azi < two_pi:
cos_azi = math.cos(azi)
sin_azi = math.sin(azi)
rad = ab / math.sqrt(sma * sma * sin_azi * sin_azi + smi * smi * cos_azi * cos_azi)
g = geod.Direct(lat, lon, math.degrees(azi) + orient, rad, Geodesic.LATITUDE | Geodesic.LONGITUDE)
pts.append(QgsPoint(g['lon2'], g['lat2']))
delo = delta / (rad * rad)
if maxang < delo:
delo = maxang
azi += delo

# Append the starting point to close the shape
return( pts )

DISTANCE_MEASURE=["Kilometers","Meters","Nautical Miles","Miles","Feet"]
class Vector2ShapeWidget(QDialog, FORM_CLASS):
def __init__(self, iface, parent):
@@ -246,19 +281,7 @@ def showErrorMessage(self, message):
self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("", message, level=QgsMessageBar.WARNING, duration=3)

def processEllipse(self, layer, outname, semimajorcol, semiminorcol, orientcol, unitOfMeasure, defSemiMajor, defSemiMinor, defOrientation):
measureFactor = 1.0
# The ellipse calculation is done in Nautical Miles. This converts
# the semi-major and minor axis to nautical miles
if unitOfMeasure == 2: # Nautical Miles
measureFactor = 1.0
elif unitOfMeasure == 0: # Kilometers
measureFactor = QGis.fromUnitToUnitFactor(QGis.Meters, QGis.NauticalMiles)*1000.0
elif unitOfMeasure == 1: # Meters
measureFactor = QGis.fromUnitToUnitFactor(QGis.Meters, QGis.NauticalMiles)
elif unitOfMeasure == 3: # Miles
measureFactor = QGis.fromUnitToUnitFactor(QGis.Feet, QGis.NauticalMiles)*5280.0
elif unitOfMeasure == 4: # Feet
measureFactor = QGis.fromUnitToUnitFactor(QGis.Feet, QGis.NauticalMiles)
measureFactor = self.conversionToMeters(unitOfMeasure)

fields = layer.pendingFields()

@@ -288,8 +311,8 @@ def processEllipse(self, layer, outname, semimajorcol, semiminorcol, orientcol,
pt = feature.geometry().asPoint()
# make sure the coordinates are in EPSG:4326
pt = self.transform.transform(pt.x(), pt.y())
pts = LatLon.getEllipseCoords(pt.y(), pt.x(), semi_major*measureFactor,
semi_minor*measureFactor, orient)
pts = geodesicEllipse(self.geod, pt.y(), pt.x(), semi_major*measureFactor,
semi_minor*measureFactor, orient, 64)

# If the Output crs is not 4326 transform the points to the proper crs
if self.outputCRS != epsg4326:
@@ -471,8 +494,6 @@ def processPoly(self, layer, outname, sidescol, anglecol, distcol, sides, angle,
i -= 1
g = self.geod.Direct(pt.y(), pt.x(), a, d, Geodesic.LATITUDE | Geodesic.LONGITUDE)
pts.append(QgsPoint(g['lon2'], g['lat2']))
#lat2, lon2 = LatLon.destinationPointVincenty(pt.y(), pt.x(), a, d)
#pts.append(QgsPoint(lon2, lat2))

# If the Output crs is not 4326 transform the points to the proper crs
if self.outputCRS != epsg4326:
@@ -517,12 +538,8 @@ def processStar(self, layer, outname, numPoints, startAngle, innerRadius, outerR
angle = (i * 360.0 / numPoints) + startAngle
g = self.geod.Direct(pt.y(), pt.x(), angle, outerRadius, Geodesic.LATITUDE | Geodesic.LONGITUDE)
pts.append(QgsPoint(g['lon2'], g['lat2']))
#lat2, lon2 = LatLon.destinationPointVincenty(pt.y(), pt.x(), angle, outerRadius)
#pts.append(QgsPoint(lon2, lat2))
g = self.geod.Direct(pt.y(), pt.x(), angle-half, innerRadius, Geodesic.LATITUDE | Geodesic.LONGITUDE)
pts.append(QgsPoint(g['lon2'], g['lat2']))
#lat2, lon2 = LatLon.destinationPointVincenty(pt.y(), pt.x(), angle-half, innerRadius)
#pts.append(QgsPoint(lon2, lat2))

# If the Output crs is not 4326 transform the points to the proper crs
if self.outputCRS != epsg4326:

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