V3 as stable, License/copyright updates, ERP and Wind Outages
What's Changed
- Update REopt License and Copyright per NREL legal by @Bill-Becker in #505
- Update chiller cop call by @zolanaj in #502
- Add Outages results, Make Outages load balance == instead of >= by @Bill-Becker in #506
- Handle Wind in the ERP by @hdunham in #504
- Misc ERP fixes by @hdunham in #508
- Add Wind to outages, ERP fixes, License/Copyright Updates by @Bill-Becker in #510
- Change /stable to /v3, remove /v3 from /dev, update tests /dev -> /v3 by @Bill-Becker in #511
- BREAKING official release of the V3 API as the stable version by @Bill-Becker in #512
Full Changelog: v2.16.0...v3.0.0