PowerShell/other scripts for use in and around VMware hosts and a lot of different VMware Services. This is mostly by using VMware PowerCLI :)
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Nikolaj Petersen / NPetersenDK
A list and a little description of the scripts in this repository. Directory:
- ESX: Changing of stuff on ESX, mainly through vCSA.
- Joy of life improvements: Stuff that makes life as a VMware sysadmin easier.
- VM: Your usual VM stuff.
- NSX-T: Connect function, Grafana/InfluxDB your NSX-T installation, fx IDS. Over time i will make more and more of my scripts for NSX-T Available.
The scripts and programs are released without any support and if stuff breaks I'm not responsible. Although you're more than happy to contact me, and I might help.
As per usual test the scripts before executing them, normally i comment out things where I change stuff, so you have a chance to actually test it before running. Please double check though :)
Released under the MIT LICENSE - check the LICENSE file