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04 Create a tides only experiment

anwiseNOCL edited this page Aug 21, 2024 · 1 revision

Generate the tide harmonics for NEMO

  1. Install pyBDY. First go to and follow the instructions to install pyBDY (see: for alternative detailed instructions). Note, as of writing, the latest Master branch should work fine using vertical interpolation because it has been merged with the [127_interpolation_error_in_TandS] branch fix.

  2. Get the files from the REPO

  1. The notebook gen_bdy_mask.ipynb details how the boundary masks were created. The actual boundary mask files for the baltic and open ocean are also included.

  2. See the two namelist files (namelist_AMM75_baltic_tide.bdy, namelist_AMM75_open_tide.bdy) and update the directory paths as required. All the input files are provided in the repo (other than the harmonics) but remember to link to the and files. FES2014 harmonics have been used and they are available on Jasmin. Possibly they are available on Archer2 as well.

  3. pyBDY can be run using the two .slurm files as required

  4. Might need to rename the forcing files that pyBDY created, so the notebook $REPO/PYBDY/rename_bdy_files.ipynb might be useful to quickly rename them

Run the experiment

  1. Create a new experiment directory and copy over the namelist_cfg
cp -r $CDIR/EXP_unforced $CDIR/EXP_tides
cp $REPO/NAMELISTS/TIDE_ONLY/namelist_cfg $CDIR/EXP_tides/.
  1. Move the boundary forcing into the correct directory
mv <forcing_files> $CDIR/INPUTS/TIDES/.
  1. run it