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How to Update GHCR

Updating the GHCR will allow the nlp-suite-runner to pull the latest version of the repository you're currently working on, allowing testing and execution of frontend and backend together.

1. Save Local Changes

Make sure you are navigated to the correct directory with the Dockerfile (in this case you must be in the nlp-suite-ui). The image will be created based on the current local version, so there is no need to push to GitHub during testing phases.

2. Create Local Docker Image

Create an image

docker build -t .

This command uses the Dockefile instructions to create an image of your local repository. This image will be tagged as It will be stored in the local Docker registry on your machine.

3. Login to your account on the GHCR with Docker

A) Create a personal access token for your GitHub account. You can do this on GitHub by navigating to Settings>Developer Settings>Tokens(Classic) Make sure your token has full control of private repos, full control of projects, write:packages, and delete:packages

B) Export this person access token to your system's environment variables. You can this by this command:

export GHCR_TOKEN={insert your token here}

C) Login to the GHCR

echo $GHCR_TOKEN | docker login -u USERNAME --password-stdin

Replacing USERNAME with your GitHub username. It should return the statement "Login Succeeded"

4. Push the image to GHCR

docker push

5. Check if update is successful

Run the executable file from the nlp-suite-runner. If your container is cached and not pulling the latest image, run the command

docker pull