Official Website of NSP
- Clone the repository. Command : git clone
- Please create your own branch first. By this command : git checkout -b <branch_name> branch name should be like firstName_lastName
- Then take the pull from "dev_staging" branch. command : git pull origin dev_staging
- Go to the project directory in your teminal, run npm install
- Run npm run dev and navigate to local port 5173 or http://localhost:5173/nsp-web-page/
- Then make your change from your own branch and then push the code into your branch.
- git add <file_1> <file_2> <file_3> //based on your changes
- git commit -m "commit message"
- git push origin <your_branch_name>
- Then create a pull request to merge into "dev_staging" branch.
- Pritam Paul
- Rana Sarkar
- Sudip karmakar
2. Kritidipta Datta
3. Sreya Nath
4. subhrajit saha
5. Ishita karmakar
6. Parship Chowdhury
7. Rahul Banik.