Releases: NHERI-SimCenter/quoFEM
Version 4.1.0
Version 4.0.0
Major Changes Required for interfacing with DesignSafe the newly released Version 3 of Tapis. Updated major version to reflect Preferences need updating, and that for users submitting jobs to TACC HPC resources additional set-up steps and user input is required.
This work is based on material supported by the National Science Foundation under grants CMMI 1612843 and 2131111
Version 3.5.0
New features:
- Bayesian calibration of hierarchical models using an adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampling algorithm
- Updated interfaces
- Updates to qfem-0016 example
Version 3.4.0
New for Version 3.4.0:
Option for multi-fidelity Monte Carlo.
Version 3.3.0
Major Changes to quoFEM for Version 3.3.0:
- Multimodel uncertainty propagation
- Stochastic kriging without replications
- Display of correlation coefficients within the input/output dataset
- Switching the display order of the UQ method and UQ engine
Works with SimCenterCommon: 8ecc736e8c68afc522a846dcb7699076ccc9538e
and SimCenterBackendApplications: a4d0c1f3413eb6a0e105519abb4b78fc9159cab8
Version 3.2.0
Major Changes:
- UQ Options:
- Support for a gradient-free optimization method
- Support for stochastic Kriging
- Fast global sensitivity analysis for very high dimensional output (tested on 2 million QoIs)
- "None" option for FEM that can be used when creating surrogates if user has data for which surrogate is required.
- Misc
- New option to discard working directories after each model simulation
- Significantly enhanced speed of surrogate validation and prediction
- Improved user interface including error bounds of the surrogate prediction
- Renaming of options:
(1) OpenseesPy->python (FEM), (2) Parameters estimation -> deterministic calibration (UQ/Dakota), (3) Inverse problem -> Bayesian calibration (UQ/Dakota)
Version 3.1.0
- New efficient global sensitivity analysis method for high-dimensional output (GSA-PCA)
Minor Changes:
"Save RVs" and "Save QoIs" buttons added to the results tab spreadsheet
“NaN” handling option added to SimCenterUQ engine
Improvements to reliability analysis and global sensitivity analysis user interface
Minor bug fixes in the user interface, surrogate modeling, and sensitivity analysis scripts
Version 3.0.0
- New option for surrogate modeling using Probabilistic Learning on Manifolds (PLoM)
- Restructured surrogate model scripts
- Improvements to the user interface for RV, QoI and RES tabs
- Improvements to the message are
- Major restructuring of the backend
- Minor bug fixes in the user interface, surrogate modeling and sensitivity analysis scripts
- Updated example files
NOTE: Input files for version 2.x and 1.x are not compatible with this version.
v2.4.1 fmk - updating version ta to 2.4.1
Version 2.4.0
A new version of quoFEM which provides the following updates to the previous version:
- new forward propagation method in SimCenterUQ to import existing sample sets (eg. samples obtained by MCMC)
- new multi-fidelity surrogate modeling option in SimCenterUQ
- local/remote parallel computing support for SimCenterUQ methods
- visualization improved for surrogate results
- more adaptive design of experiments options added for surrogate modeling
- nugget optimization options added for surrogate modeling
- minor improvements and bug fixes