Software for the Lyot Filter Demonstration Instrument Tuning Control Board
The Software is organized in an Object oriented Fashion to help coordinate Functionality of the TCB
The The Top level structure representing the Entire TCB with the Top Level Structure called TuningControlBoard This Structure Contains 6 Compensators and 1 Controller which Can be extended in the Future
From TuningControlBoard.h
struct sTuningControlBoard
//Structure For the DAC
struct sDAC DAC8718;
//Structure For the Temperature Sensors
struct sTMP117 Sensor[NUMOFSENSORS];
// Structure For the Temperature Controllers
struct sController Controller[NUMOFCONTROLLERS];//INcrease this as we get more controllers
//Structure For the LCVR Compensators
struct sCompensator Compensator[NUMOFCOMPENSATORS];
//Structure for the GPIO Output Logic Level
//Structure for the Bipolar Output
struct sBipolarOutput BipolarOutput[NUMOFBipolarOutputs];
This top level structure allows for coordination between the Functionalities of the Tuning Control Board The Compensators and the Controllers Later on comera control and FLC control and be Coordinated as well
The Controller Structure helps control the Heaters conntected to the PCB. It's composed of two hardware level and one software level structure The Controler will control the Heat based onthe TMP117 Heater and the PID structure settings
struct sController
uint8_t Heater;
struct sTMP117 Sensor;
struct sPID PID;
The Compensator controls the tuning of the LCVR based on the Temperature The Compensator uses one TMP117 and one DAC Channel it will then Refence the look up table to apply the Correct Voltage to achieve a certain wavelength at a certain temperature
//Structure that Pairs a specific Temperature Sensor with Specific DAC Channel
//And Performs Compensation algorythom to set output voltage
struct sCompensator
struct sTMP117 Sensor;
struct sDAC_Channel Channel;
//is the Channel enabled
bool Enable;
//Should we be tryying to Compensate to a specific Wavelength
bool compensate;
//Use the Average stored in the TMP117 struct or the last temperature
bool useAverage;
//Wavelength to Compensate to
float wavelength;
//if we are not using the auto compensation what should this be outputting
float voltage;
The GPIO Structure is used to Drive logic level GPIO on the STM
struct sGPIO{
uint8_t GPIONum; // The Identifying Number of the GPIO
uint16_t EnablePin; // The Enable Pin of the GPIO
GPIO_TypeDef* EnablePort; // Th Enable Port of the GPIO
bool Input; //Whether the pin is an input (true) or an output (false)
bool Enabled; //if the Pin is currently on
The Bipolar Output is used to drive the remaining 2 DAC channels at different Frequencies, Pulses, and Voltage levels These Will primarily be used to Control the FLC on either end of LFDI
struct sBipolarOutput{
uint8_t BipolarOutputNum; // The Identifying Number of the GPIO
struct sDAC_Channel Channel; // The DAC Channel to Output to
uint16_t Frequency; // The Frequency of the Output
uint16_t Pulses; // The Number of Pulses to Output
bool Enabled;
//A count down timer that will be used to determine when to change the output
uint16_t Timer;
float voltage;
These Structure will mostly be controlling Hardware and peripeherials attached to the TCB
The Structure is To control the DAC8718 this will preform entire device functionality like setting up at start up adjusting registers and actually reading and writting to the device registers
//Struct to hold the DAC Information
struct sDAC{
SPI_HandleTypeDef* spi;
uint16_t config;
uint16_t offset_a;
uint16_t offset_b;
bool Configured;
uint8_t State;
bool Ready;
uint16_t Errors;
float max_peak2peak;
struct sDAC_Channel DAC_Channels[8];
The Dac channel structure is mostlyt for organizational purposes. It stores the upper and lower bound that that Channel should be going between as well as its current state.
//Struct to hold the DAC Channels Information
struct sDAC_Channel{
uint16_t upper_bound;
uint16_t lower_bound;
uint8_t DAC_number;
bool state_high;
bool enabled;
float max_peak2peak;
This helps command control and store data for the TMP117 Temperature sensor
struct sTMP117
uint8_t Address;
I2C_HandleTypeDef* Interface;
double Temperature[64];
double Average;
bool Configured;
uint8_t Index;
uint8_t SamplesInAverage;
uint8_t State;
double LastTemperature;
bool Ready;
uint16_t Errors;
A software level implementation of a pid Controller
struct sPID
float LastP[256];
float DeltaT, Ep, Ei, Ed, Effort;
uint8_t IntegratorCount;
struct sPID_Config Config;