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add capability to copy_html to handle multiple diag sets for each com…
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…ponent; remove the create_index functionality in favor of simplicity and support of multiple diag sets for a given component
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bertinia committed Sep 10, 2018
1 parent d4a478f commit 20227fc
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Showing 2 changed files with 59 additions and 228 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ The input data sets required by this code are separate from this repository. Ins
for accessing these data sets will be coming soon. For NCAR users, the data sets are already
loaded into a central location on glade and do not need to be downloaded.

The NCAR cheyenne and geyser quick start guide along with other documentation is available at:
The NCAR cheyenne and DAV quick start guide along with other documentation is available at:

Expand Down
285 changes: 58 additions & 227 deletions Tools/copy_html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,15 +17,9 @@ if sys.hexversion < 0x02070000:
# built-in modules
import argparse
import collections
import datetime
import errno
import glob
import os
import platform
import pprint
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import traceback

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,9 +49,6 @@ if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'):
import cesm_utils
# activate the virtual environment that was created by
activate_file = '{0}/cesm-env2/bin/'.format(postprocess_path)
if not os.path.isfile(activate_file):
err_msg = ('copy_html ERROR: the virtual environment in {0} does not exist.'.format(postprocess_path) \
Expand All @@ -69,9 +60,6 @@ if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'):
raise OSError('copy_html ERROR: Unable to activate python virtualenv {0}'.format(activate_file))
# activate the virtual environment that was created by
activate_file = '{0}/cesm-env2/bin/'.format(postprocess_path)
if not os.path.isfile(activate_file):
err_msg = ('copy_html ERROR: the virtual environment in {0} does not exist.'.format(postprocess_path) \
Expand All @@ -88,9 +76,6 @@ if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
from configparser import ConfigParser as config_parser

# import modules installed in the virtual environment
from cesm_utils import cesmEnvLib
import jinja2

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,33 +214,23 @@ def create_top_level(env, comp):

# make sure top level remote directory exists
pipe = subprocess.Popen( ["ssh {0}@{1} 'mkdir -p {2}/{3}'".format(env['GLOBAL_WEBLOGIN'],env['GLOBAL_WEBHOST'],env['GLOBAL_REMOTE_WEBDIR'],comp)], env=env, shell=True)
pipe = subprocess.Popen( ["ssh {0}@{1} 'mkdir -p {2}/{3}'".format(env['GLOBAL_WEBLOGIN'],env['GLOBAL_WEBHOST'],env['GLOBAL_REMOTE_WEBDIR'],comp)], shell=True)
except OSEerror as e:
except Exception as e:
print('ERROR: unable to create remote directory {0}@{1}:{2}/{3}'.format(env['GLOBAL_WEBLOGIN'],env['GLOBAL_WEBHOST'],env['GLOBAL_REMOTE_WEBDIR'],comp))
print(' {0} - {1}'.format(e.errno, e.strerror))

# create the logos subdir
pipe = subprocess.Popen( ["ssh {0}@{1} 'mkdir -p {2}/logos'".format(env['GLOBAL_WEBLOGIN'],env['GLOBAL_WEBHOST'],env['GLOBAL_REMOTE_WEBDIR'])], env=env, shell=True)
except OSEerror as e:
print('ERROR: unable to create remote directory {0}@{1}:{2}/logos'.format(env['GLOBAL_WEBLOGIN'],env['GLOBAL_WEBHOST'],env['GLOBAL_REMOTE_WEBDIR']))
print(' {0} - {1}'.format(e.errno, e.strerror))

# scp_files - scp files to a remote server
def scp_files(env, local, remote):

pipe = subprocess.Popen( ['scp -r {0} {1}'.format(local, remote)], env=env, shell=True)
pipe = subprocess.Popen( ['scp -r {0} {1}'.format(local, remote)], shell=True)
return True
except OSError as e:
except Exception as e:
print('copy_html WARNING: scp command failed with error:')
print(' {0} - {1}'.format(e.errno, e.strerror))
return False
Expand All @@ -280,7 +255,12 @@ def read_paths(env, comp_data):
for line in lines:
values = line.split(':')
if 'copied' not in values[-1].lower():
env[values[-2]] = values[-1]
if values[-2] not in env.keys():
env[values[-2]] = [values[-1]]
env[values[-2]] = []
return env

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -331,9 +311,10 @@ def copy_files(env, comp, comp_data):
if comp != 'ocn':
for diag_type, key in comp_data.iteritems():
# check if the diag_type key string that points to the local webdir is empty or not
if key in env:
if len(env[key]) > 0:
local = env[key]
if key in env.keys():
for diag_dir in env[key]:
if len(diag_dir) > 0:
local = diag_dir
if not os.path.isdir(local):
print('copy_html WARNING: local directory = {0} does not exists.'.format(local))
Expand All @@ -343,202 +324,55 @@ def copy_files(env, comp, comp_data):
print(' You will need to copy the files manually')
# ocean need to create a tar file first
if os.path.isdir(env['OCNDIAG_WEBDIR']):
ok_to_copy = True
rootdir, workdir = os.path.split(env['OCNDIAG_WEBDIR'])

# fix for when there is a / at the end of the path
if len(workdir) == 0:
rootdir, workdir = os.path.split(rootdir)

tarfile = 'ocn{0}-{1}.tar.gz'.format(env['OCNDIAG_YEAR0'], env['OCNDIAG_YEAR1'])
cwd = os.getcwd()
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(rootdir,tarfile)):
print('copy_html WARNING: ocean tar file = {0} already exists - please delete first.'.format(os.path.join(rootdir,tarfile)))
ok_to_copy = False
tar_cmd = "tar cvfz {0} --exclude='*.nc' --exclude='*.nc_tmp' --exclude='*.tmp' --exclude='*.log.*' --exclude='*.asc' --exclude='*.ncl' --exclude='*.dt.*' {1}".format(tarfile, workdir)
for diag_dir in env['OCNDIAG_WEBDIR']:
if os.path.isdir(diag_dir):
ok_to_copy = True
rootdir, workdir = os.path.split(diag_dir)

# fix for when there is a / at the end of the path
if len(workdir) == 0:
rootdir, workdir = os.path.split(rootdir)

# parse the workdir for years
diag_parts = workdir.split('.')[-1].split('-')
year0 = diag_parts[0]
year1 = diag_parts[1]

tarfile = 'ocn{0}-{1}.tar.gz'.format(year0, year1)
cwd = os.getcwd()
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(rootdir,tarfile)):
print('copy_html WARNING: ocean tar file = {0} already exists - please delete first.'.format(os.path.join(rootdir,tarfile)))
ok_to_copy = False
tar_cmd = "tar cvfz {0} --exclude='*.nc' --exclude='*.nc_tmp' --exclude='*.tmp' --exclude='*.log.*' --exclude='*.asc' --exclude='*.ncl' --exclude='*.dt.*' {1}".format(tarfile, workdir)
pipe = subprocess.Popen([tar_cmd], env=env, shell=True)
pipe = subprocess.Popen([tar_cmd], shell=True)
except OSError as e:
except Exception as e:
print('copy_html WARNING: unable to execute tar command {0}'.format(tar_cmd))
print(' You will need to copy the files in {0} manually to a web server.'.format(env['OCNDIAG_WEBDIR']))
print(' You will need to copy the files in {0} manually to a web server.'.format(diag_dir))
print(' {0} - {1}'.format(e.returncode, e.output))
ok_to_copy = False
if ok_to_copy:
if scp_files(env, tarfile, remote):
# untar the file on remote server
ok_to_remove = True
pipe = subprocess.Popen(["ssh {0}@{1} 'cd {2}/{3} ; tar xvfz {4}'".format(env['GLOBAL_WEBLOGIN'],env['GLOBAL_WEBHOST'],env['GLOBAL_REMOTE_WEBDIR'],comp,tarfile)], env=env, shell=True)
except OSError as e:
print('copy_html WARNING: unable to untar file {0} on remote server {1}@{2}:{3}/{4}'.format(tarfile, env['GLOBAL_WEBLOGIN'],env['GLOBAL_WEBHOST'],env['GLOBAL_REMOTE_WEBDIR'],comp))
print(' You will need to untar files manually')
ok_to_remove = False
if ok_to_remove:
# remove the tar file on the remote server
pipe = subprocess.Popen(["ssh {0}@{1} 'cd {2}/{3} ; rm {4}'".format(env['GLOBAL_WEBLOGIN'],env['GLOBAL_WEBHOST'],env['GLOBAL_REMOTE_WEBDIR'],comp,tarfile)], env=env, shell=True)
except OSError as e:
print('copy_html WARNING: unable to remove tar file {0} on remote server {1}@{2}:{3}/{4}'.format(tarfile, env['GLOBAL_WEBLOGIN'],env['GLOBAL_WEBHOST'],env['GLOBAL_REMOTE_WEBDIR'],comp))

# create a main index page and copy it over to the remote server top level
def create_index(env, compList, activeList, comp_lookup):
""" create a main index.html page """

comp_casenames = {'atm' : {'model':'ATMDIAG_test_casename', 'control':'ATMDIAG_cntl_casename'},
'ice' : {'model':'ICEDIAG_CASE_TO_CONT', 'control':'ICEDIAG_CASE_TO_DIFF'},
'lnd' : {'model':'LNDDIAG_caseid_1', 'control':'LNDDIAG_caseid_2'},
'ocn' : {'model':'CASE', 'control':'OCNDIAG_CNTRLCASE'}}

diag_dict = dict()
comp_data = dict()
link_dict = dict()
ocn_link_dict = dict()

for comp in compList:
if comp in activeList:
# create a section for links to the active component
(model_start_year, model_stop_year, control_start_year, control_stop_year, \
trends_start_year1, trends_stop_year1, trends_start_year2, trends_stop_year2) = get_years(env, comp)
# load up the diag_dict to be passed to the template with the case names and years
comp_data = comp_casenames[comp]
model = env[comp_data['model']]
control = env[comp_data['control']]

# load the diag dict with template variables
diag_dict[comp] = {'model':model, 'model_start_year':model_start_year, 'model_stop_year':model_stop_year, \
'trends_start_year1':trends_start_year1, 'trends_stop_year1':trends_stop_year1, \
'control':control, 'control_start_year':control_start_year, 'control_stop_year':control_stop_year, \
'trends_start_year2':trends_start_year2, 'trends_stop_year2':trends_stop_year2}

# get the remote relative links
comp_data = comp_lookup[comp]
if comp in ['atm', 'lnd']:
for diag_type, key in comp_data.iteritems():
if key in env:
if len(env[key]) > 0:
root, diag_path = os.path.split(env[key])
# fix for when there is a / at the end of the path
if len(diag_path) == 0:
root, diag_path = os.path.split(root)
local_diag_path = diag_path
if comp == 'lnd':
local_diag_path = '{0}/setsIndex.html'.format(diag_path)
link_dict[diag_type] = local_diag_path
link_dict[diag_type] = None

elif comp == 'ice':
for diag_type, key in comp_data.iteritems():
if key in env:
if len(env[key]) > 0:
root, diag_path = os.path.split(env[key])
# fix for when there is a / at the end of the path
if len(diag_path) == 0:
root, diag_path = os.path.split(root)
local_diag_path = '{0}/yrs{1}-{2}/'.format(diag_path, env['ICEDIAG_BEGYR_CONT'], env['ICEDIAG_ENDYR_CONT'])
link_dict[diag_type] = local_diag_path
link_dict[diag_type] = None

elif comp == 'ocn':
ocn_diag_types = {'OCNDIAG_MODEL_VS_OBS':('MODEL_VS_OBS','{0} (years {1}-{2}) - Observations'.format(model, model_start_year, model_stop_year)), \
'OCNDIAG_MODEL_VS_OBS_ECOSYS':('MODEL_VS_OBS_ECOSYS','{0} (years {1}-{2}) - Observations w/ ecosystem'.format(model, model_start_year, model_stop_year)), \
'OCNDIAG_MODEL_VS_CONTROL':('MODEL_VS_CONTROL_{0}'.format(control),'{0} (years {1}-{2}) - {3} (years {4}-{5})'.format(model, model_start_year, model_stop_year, control, control_start_year, control_stop_year)), \
'OCNDIAG_MODEL_VS_CONTROL_ECOSYS':('MODEL_VS_CONTROL_ECOSYS_{0}'.format(control),'{0} (years {1}-{2}) - {3} (years {4}-{5}) w/ ecosystem'.format(model, model_start_year, model_stop_year, control, control_start_year, control_stop_year)), \
'OCNDIAG_MODEL_TIMESERIES':('MODEL_TIMESERIES','{0} Timeseries (years {1}-{2})'.format(model, trends_start_year1, trends_stop_year1)), \
'OCNDIAG_MODEL_TIMESERIES_ECOSYS':('MODEL_TIMESERIES_ECOSYS','{0} Timeseries w/ ecosystem (years {1}-{2})'.format(model, trends_start_year1, trends_stop_year1))}

for diag_type, key in comp_data.iteritems():
if key in env:
if len(env[key]) > 0:
root, diag_path = os.path.split(env[key])
# fix for when there is a / at the end of the path
if len(diag_path) == 0:
root, diag_path = os.path.split(root)
for ocn_diag_type, link_list in ocn_diag_types.iteritems():
if env[ocn_diag_type].upper() in ['T','TRUE']:
local_diag_path = '{0}/{1}'.format(diag_path, link_list[0])
ocn_link_dict[ocn_diag_type] = (local_diag_path, link_list[1])
ocn_link_dict[ocn_diag_type] = None
ocn_link_dict[ocn_diag_type] = None

# create the jinja template
templatePath = '{0}/Templates'.format(env['POSTPROCESS_PATH'])

templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader( searchpath=templatePath )
templateEnv = jinja2.Environment( loader=templateLoader )

template_file = 'diagnostics.tmpl'
template = templateEnv.get_template( template_file )

# get the current datatime string for the template and filename
now ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
index_now ='%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')

# set the template variables
templateVars = { 'casename' : env['CASE'],
'tagname' : env['CESM_TAG'],
'username' : env['USER_NAME'],
'diag_dict' : collections.OrderedDict(sorted(diag_dict.items())),
'ocn_link_dict': ocn_link_dict,
'today': now,

# write the main index.html page to the top working directory
main_html = template.render( templateVars )
workdir = '{0}/{1}'.format(env['PP_CASE_PATH'],'html_files')
if not os.path.exists(workdir):

with open( '{0}/index.{1}.html'.format(workdir, index_now), 'w') as index:

# copy the and style sheet to the top level
remote = '{0}@{1}:{2}'.format(env['GLOBAL_WEBLOGIN'], env['GLOBAL_WEBHOST'], env['GLOBAL_REMOTE_WEBDIR'])
localdir = '{0}/Templates/'.format(env['POSTPROCESS_PATH'])

local = '{0}/*.css'.format(localdir)
pipe = subprocess.Popen( ['scp {0} {1}'.format(local, remote)], env=env, shell=True)
except OSError as e:
print('copy_html WARNING: scp command failed with error::')
print(' {0} - {1}'.format(e.errno, e.strerror))

# copy the top-level index.html
local = '{0}/index.{1}.html'.format(workdir, index_now)
pipe = subprocess.Popen( ['scp {0} {1}'.format(local, remote)], env=env, shell=True)
except OSError as e:
print('copy_html WARNING: scp command failed with error:')
print(' {0} - {1}'.format(e.errno, e.strerror))

# copy the logos to the sub-dir
remote_logos = '{0}@{1}:{2}/logos'.format(env['GLOBAL_WEBLOGIN'], env['GLOBAL_WEBHOST'], env['GLOBAL_REMOTE_WEBDIR'])
local = '{0}/logos/*.*'.format(localdir)
pipe = subprocess.Popen( ['scp {0} {1}'.format(local, remote_logos)], env=env, shell=True)
except OSError as e:
print('copy_html WARNING: scp command failed with error::')
print(' {0} - {1}'.format(e.errno, e.strerror))

if ok_to_copy:
if scp_files(env, tarfile, remote):
# untar the file on remote server
ok_to_remove = True
pipe = subprocess.Popen(["ssh {0}@{1} 'cd {2}/{3} ; tar xvfz {4}'".format(env['GLOBAL_WEBLOGIN'],env['GLOBAL_WEBHOST'],env['GLOBAL_REMOTE_WEBDIR'],comp,tarfile)], shell=True)
except Exception as e:
print('copy_html WARNING: unable to untar file {0} on remote server {1}@{2}:{3}/{4}'.format(tarfile, env['GLOBAL_WEBLOGIN'],env['GLOBAL_WEBHOST'],env['GLOBAL_REMOTE_WEBDIR'],comp))
print(' You will need to untar files manually')
ok_to_remove = False
if ok_to_remove:
# remove the tar file on the remote server
pipe = subprocess.Popen(["ssh {0}@{1} 'cd {2}/{3} ; rm {4}'".format(env['GLOBAL_WEBLOGIN'],env['GLOBAL_WEBHOST'],env['GLOBAL_REMOTE_WEBDIR'],comp,tarfile)], shell=True)
except Exception as e:
print('copy_html WARNING: unable to remove tar file {0} on remote server {1}@{2}:{3}/{4}'.format(tarfile, env['GLOBAL_WEBLOGIN'],env['GLOBAL_WEBHOST'],env['GLOBAL_REMOTE_WEBDIR'],comp))

# main
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -589,9 +423,6 @@ def main(options):
update_web_dirs(env, comp_data)

# build a single web page to link to all the different components
create_index(env, compList, activeList, comp_lookup)


if __name__ == "__main__":
Expand Down

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