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####Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with tomcat
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


The tomcat module enables you to install, deploy, and configure Tomcat web services.

##Module Description

Tomcat is a Java web service provider. The Puppet Labs module gives you a way to install multiple versions of Tomcat, as well as multiple copies of a version, and deploy web apps to it. The tomcat module also manages the Tomcat configuration file with Puppet.


NOTE: You must have Java installed in order to use this module. The version of Java needed will depend on the version of Tomcat you are installing. Older versions of Tomcat require >=java6, while the latest version of Tomcat needs >=java7.

###Beginning with tomcat

The simplest way to get Tomcat up and running with the tomcat module is to install the Tomcat package from EPEL,

class { 'tomcat': }
class { 'epel': }->
tomcat::instance{ 'default':
  install_from_source => false,
  package_name        => 'tomcat',

and then start the service.

tomcat::service { 'default':
  use_jsvc     => false,
  use_init     => true,
  service_name => 'tomcat',


###I want to install Tomcat from a specific source.

To download Tomcat from a specific source and then start the service,

class { 'tomcat': }
class { 'java': }
tomcat::instance { 'test':
  source_url => ''
tomcat::service { 'default': }

###I want to run multiple copies of Tomcat on a single node.

class { 'tomcat': }
class { 'java': }

tomcat::instance { 'tomcat8':
  catalina_base => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat8',
  source_url    => ''
tomcat::service { 'default':
  catalina_base => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat8',

tomcat::instance { 'tomcat6':
  source_url    => '',
  catalina_base => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat6',
tomcat::config::server { 'tomcat6':
  catalina_base => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat6',
  port          => '8105',
tomcat::config::server::connector { 'tomcat6-http':
  catalina_base         => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat6',
  port                  => '8180',
  protocol              => 'HTTP/1.1',
  additional_attributes => {
    'redirectPort' => '8543'
tomcat::config::server::connector { 'tomcat6-ajp':
  catalina_base         => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat6',
  port                  => '8109',
  protocol              => 'AJP/1.3',
  additional_attributes => {
    'redirectPort' => '8543'
tomcat::service { 'tomcat6':
  catalina_base => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat6'

###I want to deploy WAR files.

tomcat::war { 'sample.war':
        catalina_base => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat8',
        war_source => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat8/webapps/docs/appdev/sample/sample.war',

The war_source can be a local file, puppet:/// file, http, or ftp.



####Public Classes

  • tomcat: Main class, manages the installation and configuration of Tomcat.

####Private Classes

  • tomcat::params: Manages Tomcat parameters.

###Defined Types

####Public Defined Types

  • tomcat::config::server: Configures attributes for the Server element in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml.
  • tomcat::config::server::connector: Configures Connector elements in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml.
  • tomcat::config::server::engine: Configures Engine elements in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml.
  • tomcat::config::server::host: Configures Host elements in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml.
  • tomcat::config::server::service: Configures a Service element nested in the Server element in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml.
  • tomcat::config::server::valve: Configures a Valve element in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml.
  • tomcat::instance: Installs a Tomcat instance.
  • tomcat::service: Provides Tomcat service management.
  • tomcat::setenv::entry: Adds an entry to the script.
  • tomcat::war: Manages the deployment of WAR files.

####Private Defined Types

  • tomcat::instance::package: Installs Tomcat from a package.
  • tomcat::instance::source: Installs Tomcat from source.




Specifies the base directory for the Tomcat installation.


Sets the user to run Tomcat as.


Sets the group to run Tomcat as.


Specifies whether or not to manage the user. Boolean that defaults to 'true'.


Specifies whether or not to manage the group. Boolean that defaults to 'true'.



Specifies the base directory for the Tomcat installation.


Specifies the Java class name of the implementation to use, and maps to the className XML attribute in the Tomcat config file. This parameter is optional.


Specifies whether to set or remove the className XML attribute. Valid values are 'true', 'false', 'present', or 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'.


Sets the TCP/IP address on which the server waits for a shutdown command, and maps to the address XML attribute. This parameter is optional.


Specifies whether to set or remove the address XML attribute. Valid values are 'true', 'false', 'present', or 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'.


Sets the port to wait for shutdown commands on.


Specifies the command that must be sent to $port.



Specifies the base directory for the Tomcat installation.


Specifies whether to add or remove ports that Tomcat will listen to for requests, and maps to the Connector XML element. Valid values are 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'.


Sets the TCP port number on which the Connector will create a server socket and await incoming connections. Maps to the port XML attribute. Required unless $connector_ensure is set to 'false'.


Sets the protocol to handle incoming traffic. Maps to the protocol XML attribute. Defaults to '[name]' passed in the define.


Specifies the Service element this Connector should be nested beneath. Defaults to 'Catalina'.


Specifies any additional attributes to add to the Connector. Should be a hash of the format 'attribute' => 'value'. This parameter is optional.


Specifies any attributes to remove from the Connector. Should be a hash of the format 'attribute' => 'value'. This parameter is optional.



Specifies the default host name for the host that will process requests directed to host names on this server, but which are not configured in this configuration file. Maps to the defaultHost XML attribute for the Engine. This parameter is required.


Specifies the base directory for the Tomcat installation.


Determines the delay (in seconds) between the invocation of the backgroundProcess method on this engine and its child containers. Maps to the backgroundProcessorDelay XML attribute. This parameter is optional.


Specifies whether to add or remove the backgroundProcessorDelay XML attribute. Valid values are 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'.


Specifies the Java class name of the implementation to use, and maps to the className XML attribute in the Tomcat config file. This parameter is optional.


Specifies whether to add or remove the className XML attribute. Valid values are 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'.


Specifies the logical name of the Engine, used in log and error messages. Maps to the name XML attribute. Defaults to '[name]' passed in the define.


Specifies the identifier which must be used in load balancing scenarios to enable session affinity. Maps to the jvmRoute XML attribute. This parameter is optional.


Specifies whether to add or remove the jvmRoute XML attribute. Valid values are 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'.


Specifies the Service element the Engine should be nested beneath. Defaults to 'Catalina'.


Sets the number of threads the Engine will use to start child Host elements in parallel. Maps to the startStopThreads XML attribute. This parameter is optional.


Specifies whether to add or remove the startStopThreads XML attribute. Valid values are 'true', 'false', 'present' and 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'.



Specifies the Application Base directory for the virtual host, and maps to the appBase XML attribute for the Host. This parameter is required unless $host_ensure is set to 'false' or 'absent'.


Specifies the base directory for the Tomcat installation.


Specifies whether to add or remove the virtual host, or Host element. Valid values are 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'.


Specifies the the network name of the virtual host, as registered in your DNS server. Maps to the name XML attribute for the Host. Defaults to '[name]' passed in the define.


Specifies the Service element the Host should be nested beneath. Defaults to 'Catalina'.


Specifies any additional attributes to add to the Host. Should be a hash of the format 'attribute' => 'value'. This parameter is optional


Specifies any attributes to remove from the Host. Should be an array of the format 'attribute' => 'value'. This parameter is optional.



Specifies the base directory for the Tomcat installation.


Specifies the Java class name of the implementation to use, and maps to the className XML attribute. This parameter is optional.


Specifies whether to set or remove the className XML attribute. Valid values are 'true', 'false', 'present', or 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'.


Specifies whether to add or remove the Service element. Valid values are 'true', 'false', 'present', or 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'.



Specifies the root of the Tomcat installation.


Specifies the Java class name of the implementation to use. Maps to the className XML attribute. Defaults to '[name]' passed in the define.


Specifies the virtual host (Host XML element) the Valve should be nested beneath. If not specified, the Valve will be nested beneath the Engine under $parent_service.


Specifies is the Service element this Valve should be nested beneath. Defaults to 'Catalina'.


Specifies whether to add or remove the component that will be inserted into the request processing pipeline for the associated Catalina container. Maps to the Valve XML element. Valid values are 'true', 'false', 'present', or 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'.


Specifies any additional attributes to add to the Valve. Should be a hash of the format 'attribute' => 'value'. This parameter is optional.


Specifies any attributes to remove from the Valve. Should be a hash of the format 'attribute' => 'value'. This parameter is optional.



Specifies the root of the Tomcat installation.


Specifies the base directory for the Tomcat installation.


Specifies whether or not to install from source. A Boolean that defaults to 'true'.


Specifies the source URL to install from. Required if $install_from_source is true.


Specifies whether or not to strip the first directory when unpacking the source tarball. A Boolean that defaults to 'true' when installing from source. Requires nanliu/staging > 0.4.0


Specifies what the ensure should be set to in the package resource when installing from a package.


Specifies the the name of the package you want to install. Required if $install_from_source is false.



Specifies the root of the Tomcat installation.


Specifies the base directory for the Tomcat installation.


Specifies whether or not to use Jsvc for service management. A Boolean that defaults to 'false'. If both $use_jsvc and $use_init are false, $CATALINA_BASE/bin/ start and $CATALINA_BASE/bin/ stop are used for service management.


Specifies the path Java is installed under. Only applies if $use_jsvc = 'true'


Determines whether the Tomcat service is on or off. (To determine whether the service is present/absent, see tomcat::config::server::service.)


Specifies whether or not to use the package-provided init script for service management. A Boolean that defaults to 'false'. If both $use_jsvc and $use_init are false, $CATALINA_BASE/bin/ start and $CATALINA_BASE/bin/ stop are used for service management.


Specifies the name to use for the service when $use_init is 'true'.


Sets the start command to use for the service.


Sets the stop command to use for the service.



Specifies the value of the parameter you're setting.


Determines whether the fragment should be present or absent.


Sets the path to create the script under. Should be either '$catalina_base/bin' or '$catalina_home/bin'.


Specifies the parameter you're setting. Defaults to '[name]' passed in the define.


Specifies the character with which to quote the value. This parameter is optional.



Specifies the base directory for the Tomcat installation.


Specifies the path relative to $catalina_base to deploy the WAR to. Defaults to 'webapps'.


Specifies the path to deploy the WAR to. This parameter is optional. You may only specify either $app_base or $deployment_path, but not both..


Specifies whether to add or remove the WAR. Valid values are 'present', 'absent', 'true', and 'false'. Defaults to 'present'.


Specifies the name of the WAR. Defaults to '[name]' passed in the define. This parameter is optional.


Specifies the source to deploy the WAR from. Currently supports http(s)://, puppet://, and ftp:// paths. $war_source must be specified unless $war_ensure is set to 'false' or 'absent'.


This module only supports Tomcat installations on *nix systems. The tomcat::config::server* defines require augeas >= 1.0.0.



Puppet Labs modules on the Puppet Forge are open projects, and community contributions are essential for keeping them great. We can’t access the huge number of platforms and myriad of hardware, software, and deployment configurations that Puppet is intended to serve.

We want to keep it as easy as possible to contribute changes so that our modules work in your environment. There are a few guidelines that we need contributors to follow so that we can have a chance of keeping on top of things.

You can read the complete module contribution guide on the Puppet Labs wiki.

###Running tests

This project contains tests for both rspec-puppet and beaker-rspec to verify functionality. For in-depth information please see their respective documentation.


gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec rake spec
bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance
RS_DEBUG=yes bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance