The purpose of this puppet-git module is to manage git installation on a server.
This module allows one to setup git over two different protocols :
- HTTP (Hopefully coming soon)
One can install git either from the package repository one have set up on his server or from source for a specific version
include git
This example will install the latest version of git from the repositories
class {'git':
provider => 'source',
version => '1.8.0',
This example will download / compile and install the version 1.8.0 from the source code
The module creates the git user/group and manages the content of the authorized_keys file of the git $ssh_user
There is two line commented on the ssh.pp file, configure correctly a hiera.yml to use anything but hiera_puppet as a backend (known issue with definition) and uncomment those two lines to manager your SSH authorized keys dynamically
git::ssh {'git' :
user => 'git',
base_path => '/opt/git',
The module create a public_git user/group, create a folder that will be the base repo and sets the git daemon as a xinetd service.
git daemon
arguments can be found in /etc/xinetd.d/git
Note : Even though it is a definition - it can have multiple instances - this would require knowledge on how inetd works and /etc/services works. It is recommended to use it as a class - singleton.
git::git {'public_git' :
user => 'public_git',
base_path => '/opt/public_git',
Hopefully coming soon