AdaptorPhysX project try to use CPU mutil threading(Unity Burst & Jobs system) implement PBD (Position Based Dynamics) algorithm to simulate a deformable object(rope, cloth, softbody, fluid) with volume or surface, and implement a calculation framework according to PBD calculation rules. You can complete your own algorithm expansion based on this project.
What is PBD:
Require unity ECS architecture. (Entities is not necessary), plz
Windows – Package Manager – Add package from git URL - input:
- com.unity.burst - 1.8.9
- - 0.70.0-preview.7
- com.unity.mathematics - 1.2.6
In version 2022.3.13, there is a Bug in the display of schemas in Unity, which causes the Constraint to not operate properly in Inspector, so you can only wait for the official Unity update.
reference: #1
This project architecture:
1 rope, with 1024 interactive particles, iterator 1, constraint have, distance, pin, DOTS optimize
[not finish]
[not finish]
(waiting for project finished)
My blog about PBD,URL:
AdaptorPhysX full name is: Adaptive Physics Extension, namespace abbreviation: APEX.