This a repository for the ALX team project for the printf.
The printf() function prints output to stdout, according to format and other arguments passed to printf(). The string format consists of two types of items - characters that will be printed to the screen, and format commands that define how the other arguments to printf() are displayed. Basically, you specify a format string that has text in it, as well as "special" characters that map to the other arguments of printf().
The prototype of this function is: int _printf(const char format, ...);
This means that it has one mandatory format argument, and an extra number of arguments that can be none, or many.
Format of the format string
The format string is a character string starting and ending with double quotes. The format string is composed of zero or more directives; ordinary characters (not %), and conversion specifications, each of which results in fetching zero or more subsequent arguments.
Each conversion specification is introduced by the character % and ends with a conversion specifier. In between there may be (in this order):
Zero or more flags
An optional field width
An optional precision modifier
An optional length modifier