Kotlin JVM-target library for shadowing fields and functions. You can shadow field/function with any accessibility type, even private. After shadowing, you can call a function or get/set (even final) a field.
data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)
object SecretStorage {
private val person = Person("Alex", 19)
private val key = 123456
private fun secretFunction(secret: String): Int {
return secret.length
fun shadow() {
var person by SecretStorage.shadowOf<Person>("person")
var key by SecretStorage.shadowOfInt("key")
val secretFunction by SecretStorage.shadowOfFunction("secretFunction", typeOf<String>())
println("Secret person: $person")
println("Secret key: $key")
key = 789
println("New secret key: $key")
val result = secretFunction.call("Super Secret") as Int
println("Result of secret function: $result")
At the moment Shadow is not distributed anywhere, so you need to clone it and add to maven local repository manually.
git clone <link to this repository>
gradlew publishToMavenLocal
And then add maven local repository and library to your build.gradle(.kts)
repositories {
dependencies {