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experimental, clang wins
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Mototroller committed Mar 30, 2017
1 parent 9a183f5 commit f267bf6
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Showing 5 changed files with 665 additions and 263 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ project (AX_PREFIX_TEST)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic")

set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE} -O3 -march=native -mtune=native")

set(SRC_LIST tests/tests.cpp)

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322 changes: 233 additions & 89 deletions include/preFIX.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
#pragma once

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
Expand All @@ -13,131 +15,273 @@

namespace preFIX {

using size_t = std::size_t;

enum : char { SOH = 0x1 };

/// Peplaces SOH inside string by given symbol ('|' by default)
std::string replace_SOH(std::string str, char symbol = '|') {
std::replace(str.begin(), str.end(), char(SOH), symbol);
return str;

/// Contains basic types arithmetics and mapping (FIX <=> native)
namespace types {
namespace details {
/// Default serializer: {ostringstream(dst) << value}
template <typename T>
struct sstream_serializer {
template <typename U>
static size_t serialize(char* dst, U&& value, char delimiter = SOH) {
std::ostringstream ss; ss << std::forward<U>(value);
std::string str = ss.str();
std::memcpy(dst,, str.size());
dst[str.size()] = delimiter;
return str.size() + 1;

template <int... Idx>
struct int_seq {
inline constexpr static std::array<int, sizeof...(Idx)> to_array() {
return {{ Idx... }}; }

/// Finds minimal value inside sequence
template <typename>
struct min_idx;

template <int X>
struct min_idx<int_seq<X>> { enum : int { value = X }; };

template <int Head, int... Tail>
struct min_idx<int_seq<Head, Tail...>> {
enum : int {
min_tail = min_idx<int_seq<Tail...>>::value,
value = Head < min_tail ? Head : min_tail

/// Removes first found element from int_seq
template <int, typename, typename = int_seq<>>
struct filter_int_seq;

template <int X, typename Seq2>
struct filter_int_seq<X, int_seq<>, Seq2> {
using type = Seq2; };

template <int X, int... Seq1, int... Seq2>
struct filter_int_seq<X, int_seq<X, Seq1...>, int_seq<Seq2...>> {
using type = int_seq<Seq2..., Seq1...>; };

template <int X, int Y, int... Seq1, int... Seq2>
struct filter_int_seq<X, int_seq<Y, Seq1...>, int_seq<Seq2...>> {
using type = typename filter_int_seq<X,
int_seq<Seq2..., Y>

/// Default deserializer: {istringstream(src) >> value}
template <typename T>
struct sstream_deserializer {
template <typename U>
static size_t deserialize(char const* src, U& value, char delimiter = SOH) {
std::string str(src, static_cast<char const*>(std::strchr(src, delimiter)));
std::istringstream ss(str); ss >> value;
return str.size() + 1;
template <typename, typename = int_seq<>>
struct sort_int_seq;

template <int... Seq2>
struct sort_int_seq<int_seq<>, int_seq<Seq2...>> {
using type = int_seq<Seq2...>; };

template <int... Seq1, int... Seq2>
struct sort_int_seq<int_seq<Seq1...>, int_seq<Seq2...>> {
enum : int { min = min_idx<int_seq<Seq1...>>::value };
using filtered = typename filter_int_seq<min, int_seq<Seq1...>>::type;
using type = typename sort_int_seq<filtered, int_seq<Seq2..., min>>::type;

/// Sorts given integer sequence (by selection sort)
template <typename Seq>
using sort_int_seq_t = typename sort_int_seq<Seq>::type;

/// Allows to find index of given key/value in a sorted array
template <int... Keys>
struct index_map {
enum : int { size = sizeof...(Keys) };
using sorted_seq = sort_int_seq_t<int_seq<Keys...>>;

/// Binary search algorithm
static int idx_of(int key) {
constexpr auto keys = sorted_seq::to_array();

int ab[2] = {0, size};
int idx;

while(ab[0] != ab[1]) {
idx = (ab[0] + ab[1])/2;
int dir = (keys[idx] < key);
ab[1 - dir] = idx + dir;

idx = ab[0];
return keys[idx] == key ? idx : size;

/// Special serializer for fixed-width integer (000123)
template <size_t Width>
struct fixed_width_int_serializer {
template <typename U>
static size_t serialize(char* dst, U&& value, char delimiter = SOH) {
std::ostringstream ss;
bool neg = (value < 0);
ss << (neg ? "-" : "")
<< std::setfill('0')
<< std::setw(Width - neg)
<< std::abs(std::forward<U>(value));
std::string str = ss.str();
std::memcpy(dst,, str.size());
dst[str.size()] = delimiter;
return str.size() + 1;

/// Fixed size map, keys are integer numbers
template <typename T, int... Keys>
class map_array {
std::array<T, sizeof...(Keys)> data_;

using idx_map = index_map<Keys...>;

map_array() = default;
map_array(map_array const&) = default;
map_array& operator=(map_array const&) = default;

explicit map_array(T const& value) : data_{{value}} {}

T const* find(int key) const {
auto idx = idx_map::idx_of(key);
return idx != idx_map::size ? &data_[idx] : nullptr;

T* find(int key) {
using cthis = map_array const*;
return const_cast<T*>(static_cast<cthis>(this)->find(key));

template <typename m1, typename m2>
struct map_array_eq : std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_same<
typename m1::idx_map::sorted_seq,
typename m2::idx_map::sorted_seq
>::value> {};

} // details

using size_t = std::size_t;
enum : char { SOH = 0x1 };

/// Peplaces SOH inside string by given symbol ('|' by default)
std::string replace_SOH(std::string str, char symbol = '|') {
std::replace(str.begin(), str.end(), char(SOH), symbol);
return str;

using Int_underlying = long;
using Float_underlying = double;
using Char_underlying = char;
using String_underlying = std::string;

/// Contains static value() function returning null-value of given type
template <typename T>
struct null;
struct null_value;

template <typename Underlying>
struct null_value {
static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<Underlying>::value, LOG_HEAD "null isn't defined");
constexpr static Underlying value() { return std::numeric_limits<Underlying>::max(); }

template <>
struct null_value<String_underlying> { static String_underlying value() { return {}; } };

/// ------------------------! Read/write cursors !------------------------ ///

/// Iterator-like class
template <typename Ptr>
class data_cursor_base {
Ptr ptr_;
int processed_;
int left_;
constexpr data_cursor_base(Ptr ptr, int size) :
ptr_(ptr), processed_(0), left_(size) {}

/// Moves cursor forward or backward
data_cursor_base& step(int amount) {
ptr_ += amount;
processed_ += amount;
left_ -= amount;
return *this;

/// Same as step(amount)
data_cursor_base& operator+=(int amount) {
return step(amount); }

/// Resets pointer to begining and assumes new data size
data_cursor_base& reset(int new_left) {
left_ = new_left;
return *this;

/// Resets cursor to the initial state
data_cursor_base& reset() {
return step(-processed_); }

inline Ptr pointer() const { return ptr_; }
inline int processed() const { return processed_; }
inline int left() const { return left_; }

using write_cursor = data_cursor_base<char*>;
using read_cursor = data_cursor_base<char const*>;

#include <preFIX_config.hpp>

namespace preFIX {

/// Contains basic types arithmetics and mapping (FIX <=> native)
namespace types {

struct fix_value_base {
virtual bool serialize(write_cursor& dst) const = 0;
virtual bool deserialize(read_cursor& src) = 0;
virtual ~fix_value_base() {}

/// Base class for all FIX data types
template <
typename T,
class serializer = details::sstream_serializer<T>,
class deserializer = details::sstream_deserializer<T>
> struct base_t;

template <typename T, class serializer, class deserializer>
struct base_t : serializer, deserializer {
using underlying_type = T;
typename Underlying,
class serializer = details::serializer <Underlying>,
class deserializer = details::deserializer<Underlying>
> struct fix_value_type : fix_value_base {
using underlying_type = Underlying;
using serializer_type = serializer;
using deserializer_type = deserializer;

underlying_type value;

/// By default == null (data is not presented)
base_t() : value(null<base_t>::value()) {}
base_t(underlying_type const& v) : value(v) {}
/// By default == null ("data is not presented")
fix_value_type() : value(null_value<underlying_type>::value()) {}

/// Implicit conversion
fix_value_type(underlying_type const& v) : value(v) {}

virtual ~fix_value_type() {}

/// Sets value to null
void clear() {
value = null<base_t>::value(); }
value = null_value<underlying_type>::value(); }

/// @returns if value != null
bool present() const {
return value != null<base_t>::value(); }
return value != null_value<underlying_type>::value(); }

using serializer::serialize;
using deserializer::deserialize;

size_t serialize(char* dst) const {
return serialize(dst, value); }
virtual bool serialize(write_cursor& dst) const override {
return serializer::serialize(dst, value); }

size_t deserialize(char const* src) {
return deserialize(src, value); }
virtual bool deserialize(read_cursor& src) override {
//std::printf("-- deser of %s\n", typeid(*this).name());
return deserializer::deserialize(src, value);

/// ------------------------! Main FIX types !------------------------ ///

using Int = base_t<long>; // FIX int
using Float = base_t<double>; // FIX float
using Char = base_t<char>; // FIX char
using String = base_t<std::string>; // FIX String
using Int = fix_value_type< Int_underlying>; // FIX int
using Float = fix_value_type< Float_underlying>; // FIX float
using Char = fix_value_type< Char_underlying>; // FIX char
using String = fix_value_type<String_underlying>; // FIX String

template <size_t Width>
using Fixed = base_t<int, details::fixed_width_int_serializer<Width>>;

/// ------------------------! Their NULL values !------------------------ ///

template <typename Base, typename U, typename V>
struct null<base_t<Base,U,V>> {
static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<Base>::value, LOG_HEAD "null isn't defined");
constexpr static Base value() { return std::numeric_limits<Base>::max(); }

template <>
struct null<String> { static typename String::underlying_type value() { return {}; } };

using Fixed = fix_value_type<Int_underlying, details::fixed_width_int_serializer<Width>>;

/// Writes preamble: "TAG=", @returns populated size
size_t serialize_tag(char* dst, int tag) {
return types::Int::serialize(dst, tag, '='); }
bool serialize_tag(Int const& tag, write_cursor& dst) {
return Int::serializer_type::serialize(dst, tag.value, '='); }

/// Parses preamble: "TAG=" => tag, @returns read size
size_t deserialize_tag(char const* src, int& tag) {
return types::Int::deserialize(src, tag, '='); }
bool deserialize_tag(Int& tag, read_cursor& src) {
return Int::deserializer_type::deserialize(src, tag.value, '='); }

/// TODO?
bool skip_value(read_cursor& src) { return true; }

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